The Magic of Thinking Small

Written by Mike Litman


Here is an article from #1 best selling author Mike Litman about Success.

Feel free to use it on your website or send it out to your list to help people on their way to accomplishing their dreams!!!

Also, we help many ezine publishers create a great new stream of income selling Mike’s popular personal development products.

If you’d like more information, let me know.

Have a GREAT day!

Brian Litman Director of Marketing 212-684-5233

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'THE MAGIC OF THINKING small' by Mike Litman copyright 2004


Many of you might disagree and I'm prepared for that.

Many 'guru's' might say "Mike, you're wrong." and I'm prepared for that.

But what I'm about to share with you has been one of my biggest secrets to my success.

This secret has been so powerful to me that before I captured it, I was a 'success casualty'. A big one.

Some of you know my story and some of you don't, but ever since I was 19 years old I dreamed of doing what I'm doing right now.

But for my first 7 years, I was TOTALLY lost.

Maybe 'lost' is even an understatement.

I had 6 jobs my first 6 years after I left college (University of Rhode Island)

About 4 years ago I was making $10 an hour at a job I hated and even my own parents weren't sure I'd ever make something of myself.

Heck, I'm not sure I was convinced if I'd ever 'get there'.

But I never gave up on my dream. Never.

What I'm about to share with you is very important.

This one thing I'm going to share with you has made me more money than I'd ever imagine at 30 years old and has helped me live my dreams.

You see, I used to think big.

Let me say that again, "I used to think big."

I used to try to create million dollar, even billion dollars ideas.

And what were my results of this 'thinking big'?

I was broke.

How broke?

A paycheck or two away from not being able to pay my rent. (that feeling is horrible)

Guru's say 'think big'. Here's what I say.

I say that doesn't work for most people.

I know it didn't work for me.

Yes, I had a dream, butrepparttar ideas I used to come up with to get that dream were HUGE. Enormous. So big I didn't even know where to start.


"What did Mike say?:


Yes, I'm saying to THINK SMALLER.

If you're making $2,000 a month, make $3,000-$4,000 your goal, not $20,000.

Some tips people need to know about internet business

Written by heshuo

Internet business hasrepparttar same philosophy like those businesses inrepparttar 100255 real world. Networking and relationships arerepparttar 100256 crucial factor for success. For example, being as a direct sales person, you need to knock door by door to gain customer, talk with strangers. Don’t overlook these practices. Not everybody can do this job well because you need to face different people who like you, or who don’t respect you.

Internet hasrepparttar 100257 same situation. There are full of real online businesses and also never lack of spammers. Especially for new marketer,

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