The Magic of Change

Written by Claudette Rowley

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Word Count: 579 words

Thanks, Claudette Rowley ==============

The Magic of Change By Claudette Rowley Copyright 2004

"It takes a lot of courage to releaserepparttar 104446 familiar and seemingly secure, to embracerepparttar 104447 new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security inrepparttar 104448 adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power." - Alan Cohen

Often when I ask new clients how they handle change, I hear responses such as "I hate change!" or "I'm terrible at change." It's very rare that someone says to me "I love change. When change appears in my life, I just go withrepparttar 104449 flow."

Change is a part of life. In fact, some would say that maintaining balance inrepparttar 104450 midst of change IS life. Change is always happening. We only need to look atrepparttar 104451 natural world to know this. Human life, like nature, ebbs and flows, lives and dies, can erupt like a volcano and be as peaceful asrepparttar 104452 stream burbling through your backyard. Yet so often we resist that which is natural.

The "magic" in change is being present with it. Being present with it means allowing it to be what it is. It's so easy to resist change because it stimulates fear, it's unknown and we feel out of control. However, you haverepparttar 104453 choice to allow change rather than resisting it. Here's a sentence that often helps me: "It is what it is, so it couldn't be different."

Keys to allowing:

* Keep in mind that you don't have to like it; you just have to allow it. Caveat: Often when we're told to ACCEPT a situation, we think that means we have to like it. You don't have to like it, you simply need to allow without judgment - your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

MRI Brainwashing

Written by Stephen Bucaro

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MRI Brainwashing

By Stephen Bucaro

A good advertising copywriter can conjure up justrepparttar 104447 right words and phrases to convince you to part with your hard earned money. They makerepparttar 104448 product or service sound much better than it really is. This is referred to as "puffing". Unfortunately, sometimes puffing degrades into "lying".

Most people don't pay close attention to radio and TV commercials anymore. This doesn't botherrepparttar 104449 advertisers as much as you might think because if you're not paying close attention you're not performing critical thinking. The advertiser's message can slip through your "BS" filter into your subconscious mind.

Back in 1957, a test was run at a theater in Fort Lee, New Jersey, to see if subliminal messages worked. The idea was to flash messages onrepparttar 104450 screen so briefly that they are not consciously perceived byrepparttar 104451 viewers. The messages "Eat Popcorn" and "Drink Coke" where flashed onrepparttar 104452 screen. The sales of cola increased by 18% andrepparttar 104453 sales of popcorn increased by 58% whenrepparttar 104454 subliminal messages where used.

It is very common for advertisements to contain subliminal messages. Look closely atrepparttar 104455 ice cubes inrepparttar 104456 glass in any liquor advertisement. No - you don't have a perverted mind. The shapes inrepparttar 104457 ice couldn't be created by random melting.

The advertising industry has studiedrepparttar 104458 psychology of colors for many years. For example, studies have shown thatrepparttar 104459 colors yellow and orange tend to pique your appetite. Notice how many fast food companies userepparttar 104460 colors yellow and orange for their stores and their packaging.

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