The Magic & The Mystery of Success

Written by Ransy Reynis

The Magic & The Mystery of Success in Network Marketing The Magic of our business is that anyone can make it in Network Marketing. The Mystery is then why doesn't everyone make it? What don’t we like to do who are in this business and why do so many quit?repparttar basic dislike or what we have in common in network marking is that we don’t wont to talk or call people onrepparttar 122526 phone that don’t see us and we don’t wont to talk about something that they don’t wont to talk about. But that is all and I can tell you this many of those top leaders don’t like it either, but they do it. That is why they are successful.

Entrepreneur This is a perfect business to consider as a second income and maybe replace it later on when you have grown good solid organization. All it takes to billed good solid organization is a one hour a day fromrepparttar 122527 comfort of your home. When you go in to Network Marketing you become an entrepreneur, someone who takes onrepparttar 122528 risk of a new business venture in pursuit of profit. Who ever sponsor you (if he or she is a good leader) will help reduce your risk and get torepparttar 122529 profit by giving you business knowledge and guidance. Your success team also includes your sponsor and your upline, they are committed to help you succeed and you should feel free to call or email them anytime. Expect to hear from them as well. You have a resource in your sponsor, upline that can help you learn to succeed in this business if you are wise. It has been saidrepparttar 122530 true wisdom comes from learning formrepparttar 122531 experience of others. We are here to share our experience.

Some Simple Business Concepts When we talk of entrepreneurial risk we are not necessarily talking about risking money, we are talking about risking something far more valuable, your time. You sponsor or upline can help you become more efficient and effective with your time by training you onrepparttar 122532 basics and beyond. First, let’s understand some simple business concepts.

For you to be truly successful you need to duplicate yourself. Your income comes from you ANDrepparttar 122533 team you build. You become productive by moving products intorepparttar 122534 marketplace and personally enrolling others, then teaching them to duplicate your successful actions. It’s calledrepparttar 122535 Cycle of Duplication.

Is Duplication a Myth?

Written by Priya Shah

Copyright © 2003 Priya Shah

Duplication is one ofrepparttar most important concepts in Network Marketing.

It isrepparttar 122525 network marketer's ultimate dream to develop a system that can be replicated by anyone with average intelligence, just by followingrepparttar 122526 exact methods passed on from one generation to another.

Butrepparttar 122527 fact is that we're all very unique individuals with very different qualities and talents.

So should we really force ourselves and our downline to become clones, all mouthingrepparttar 122528 same scripts, whether we mean it or not? I don't think so.

In fact I believe its one ofrepparttar 122529 main reasons that so many people drop out of this business - becauserepparttar 122530 methods used by their upline do not complement their unique personality and character traits.

I truly believe that everyone can be a winner - but not by blindly following inrepparttar 122531 footsteps of our "mentors." You will never be successful if you are not comfortable with doing what it takes.

Here are a few tips that might help to overcome this problem.

1. Learnrepparttar 122532 Basic Skills

We all need to go to school to learnrepparttar 122533 basic skills necessary to find our rightful place in society.

So if you intend to do business online, you WILL need to acquire a few basic skills in internet marketing - usingrepparttar 122534 software you need, writing ads, designing a simple website, writing articles, publishing a newsletter.

These arerepparttar 122535 A-B-Cs of marketing that you MUST learn if you want to survive online.

As a network marketer, you will also need to develop a winning attitude and to believe in your own ability to succeed.

But HOW you apply these new-found skills or attitudes may be completely different fromrepparttar 122536 way your mentor or upline applies them. And that'srepparttar 122537 way it should be.

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