The MYTH of Gaining Muscle Without Fat!

Written by Anthony Ellis

Many of you have expressed concerns about gaining too much body fat while on such a high calorie diet, and wonder if you should do some aerobic exercise to offsetrepparttar weight gain.

Absolutely not.

That will be detrimental to gaining muscle. For best results, you either have to train and diet to gain muscle or lose fat. One orrepparttar 112853 other. If you are a true hardgainer, you cannot do both. If you try, you will not make any substantial progress either way. So, now isrepparttar 112854 time to gain weight. You will worry about losing fat later.

The fact is that there are no magic pills, powders, foods or exercises that will allow you to gain muscle and lose fat atrepparttar 112855 same time.

It all is determined by your genetics and metabolism. Some people can do it, some can't. If you are naturally thin and have a difficult time gaining weight of any kind, it would be silly of you to think that you will be able to gain muscle while trying to keep your body fat low.

Most skinny guys want to gain more muscle, but are afraid of gaining body fat. They see allrepparttar 112856 bodybuilder photos and readrepparttar 112857 stories about people gaining pounds of muscle while losing pounds of fat -- They want to dorepparttar 112858 same. When looking at these photos, you have to remember that most of these people do not have your body type. The majority of them are overweight and want to lose fat, not gain muscle.

'Well', you say, 'What about those people who transformed their bodies? They lost fat and gained muscle'. Yes, but almost all of these people were overweight, or had high levels of body fat. In other words, their metabolisms were, forrepparttar 112859 most part, slow. They simply dieted and trained for fat loss.

Weight training helped them to tone up and slightly increase their muscle mass by replacing some ofrepparttar 112860 fat with muscle. However, you will never increase your body mass far above your original starting weight on that type of diet.

In other words, even though you gain some muscle, you will actually weight less!

For example, Big Joe weighs 189lbs with 18% body fat. This works out to be 34lbs of fat and 155lbs of muscle. He then goes on a fat loss diet and slowly diets down to a ripped 5% body fat at 168lbs, which is 8.4lbs of fat and 160lbs of muscle. He lost 26lbs of fat, and his weight only went down by 21lbs. So, looking that this we realize that he managed to also gain 5lbs of muscle. You can see that he has more muscle mass than when he started, and he looks totally ripped, but his weight decreased because his main goal was fat loss. He looks much better, and his measurements changed, but he only increased his total weight by five pounds.

The Cabbage Soup Diet Explained

Written by Gloria Edmonds

This one is almost certainly inrepparttar 'Fad' camp. And you REALLY have to like cabbages in order to try this diet! You probably won't be surprised to find that this 7 day diet plan requires you to eat cabbage soup, constantly. The rationale behindrepparttar 112852 Cabbage Soup Diet is that cabbage can somehow 'flush' fat from your body. Of course, this claim is unsubstantiated, and has no medical research to back it up.

While you have to basically eat a lot of cabbage soup, you can eat a few other things too. According to research done by staff at, a typical Cabbage Soup day might include allrepparttar 112853 cabbage soup you can eat, a couple of glasses of skinned milk, and an entire bunch of bananas. This, of course is a recipe for wind, and that side effect is somethingrepparttar 112854 proponents ofrepparttar 112855 Cabbage Diet don't dwell on (much like Atkins Diet fans don't mentionrepparttar 112856 bad 'Lion' breath it tends to give you!).

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