The Law of Abundance

Written by Judi Singleton

The Law of Abundance This universe that we live in is a place of abundance. Look around you and you will see abundance everywhere. I planted a couple little cherry trees last year, this year they are bent over with cherries. The Grass in my yard grows faster than I can keep up with it. It grows thick in places I don't want it and little fruit trees are coming up all overrepparttar lawn. We too are abundant creatures we have been created with a multitude of ideas and talents to carry them out. There is a spiritual law that we must give to receive. It is in giving that things come back to us. So whatever you would increase in your life first give away. Yet when many people try to manifest prosperity, they don't achieve their goals. What happens? Now we can't give away what we do not have. So say you want to give love you must first love yourself. This sounds like a paradox it is not. We must berepparttar 123147 very thing we would give so to give love we must be loved and loving. This law works in reverse for us too. Say you are fearful that is just what you will give away and what you will receive back fromrepparttar 123148 universe. So we want to monitor our thoughts and see what we are sending out.

If we are going to manifest true prosperity, we must first bring our consciousness into attunement withrepparttar 123149 Higher Power. When we are aligned with our Higher Power we are at peace knowing that all our needs will be taken care of in Divine Order. When we reach this point we then are at a place to ask for guidance inrepparttar 123150 silence. It then becomes easier to brings specific goals into manifestation. It is not uncommon for us to change our minds several times as we learn to listen to our Higher Power and begin to ask for our highest good and find it is not what we started out desiring. We create our own reality. We attract those things in our life (money, relationships, employment) that we focus on. I wish I could tell you that it is as simple as stating an affirmation, but no affirmation is going to work if your mind hought is negatingrepparttar 123151 positive.

Thinking Positive for Success

Written by Pam Murphy, B.S., RRT

Most people are not achievingrepparttar business success and livingrepparttar 123146 lives they truly want because they are not thinking positively or confident enough. They haven't got a true life vision. Nor formulated a plan to achieve their life vision. By their lack of "positive-ness" they sabotage their success. One decision. One small action. One step outside of their comfort zone. (Mine was getting over a speaking onrepparttar 123147 phone phobia). This action can berepparttar 123148 beginning of a series of decisions and actions that leads to a FEELING and KNOWING of "I can do this" and their ultimate success. Most sadly of all they don't realize they were meant to live a life of abundance!

Forrepparttar 123149 next few moments imagine there are no limits to what you can have or achieve. What do you want in life? Let yourself imagine freely like you did when you were a little child! Nothing is to excessive or pre- posterous!!! Take out a pencil and paper. Draw a circle. Put in that circlerepparttar 123150 most important benefit you expect to gain from being successful in your business. Draw eight circles around this circle. Place in each of them other benefits your percieve and expect to gain from being successful in business. Now close your eyes and put yourself inrepparttar 123151 middle circle.

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