The Latest, Not-so-Greatest dotCon Game

Written by Rick Beneteau

Affiliate Program Managers Beware!!

Last week I becamerepparttar unwitting victim ofrepparttar 121627 latest Internet scam.

I own and operate 3 affiliate programs and as such am used to receiving and filing order confirmation emails all day long. I was noticing a recently registered affiliate (overseas) for was really racking uprepparttar 121628 sales.

Much to my delight, I emailed to congratulate him on his success. Next day, four chargebacks inrepparttar 121629 mail, all attributable to his sales/reseller site. Two cards, both charged twice with different Order Names. Then,repparttar 121630 phone started ringing with other people who did NOT order my ebook that had charges on their credit card statements.

Now, what I *should* have noticed with each/most of these orders wasrepparttar 121631 following:

1. Order Name and Name on Card were different.

2. Email addresses of customers were *strange* and often similar in nature ie:,,, or, this: Of course, these don't exist.

3. None of these *customers* bothered to register forrepparttar 121632 reseller program after ordering. About 75% of real customers do.

Whenrepparttar 121633 fraud hitrepparttar 121634 fan, I called a well-known competitor for his advice, and I wasn't two sentences into my explanation when he stated in no uncertain terms - fraud! He then told me to watch out for an email from this guy "almost begging" for his commissions check. No more than half an hour later, that *desperate* email graced my inbox! See, this astute marketer had been hit with this scheme recently.

Now, what makes this allrepparttar 121635 more ludicrous, is this thieving reseller was using stolen credit card information JUST to receive his commissions a month or more later! I mean, how low-percentage can you get?

Oh silly me, here I was congratulating an active reseller and he must have been laughing his lyin' derriere off at my naivety! However, last laugh was on him, as his site was deleted, and, his HUGE commission check NOT written! Not surprisingly, when I informed him ofrepparttar 121636 deletion of his site andrepparttar 121637 withholding of his commissions, he hadrepparttar 121638 parts to reply withrepparttar 121639 following:

"all i can say that is not unfair and i will see a way to get my rights and my money. Best regards".

Double negative aside,"Best regards" my butt!

The story gets worse though. Shortly after undertaking a lengthy audit of orders, I came across my good friends friend, who registered under him of course, and voila!, a ton of fraudulent orders there. Migraine-bound at this point, I discover a third and fourth participant!

When all is screamed and done, a LOT of innocent people had their credit cards charged in my name (they will all be refunded of course) and my bank account is going to be reduced by an amount that would make most people's teeth rattle! There will be endless hours of refunding these innocent cardholders and adjusting applicable commissions (a notable affiliate program directory isrepparttar 121640 innocent sponsor ofrepparttar 121641 first culprit). Plus, of course, my merchant account is in jeopardy due torepparttar 121642 sheer volume of fraudulent orders and chargebacks.

How to know your Customers ‘Inside-Out’?

Written by Marie-Claire Ross

It is common knowledge that customers arerepparttar lifeblood of businesses. Let’s face it, if you don’t have customers, you don’t have a business.

Yet, while most businesses say thatrepparttar 121626 customer is an important part of their business, their actions do not support their words.

Many companies spend most of their marketing dollars trying to attract new customers, leaving their existing, loyal customers fending for themselves. Did you know it is five times more expensive to obtain a new customer than it is to satisfy your existing customer?

Worse still, some do not treat their customer complaints seriously enough.

To run a successful business, you must have in-depth knowledge of who your core customers are and their evolving wants and needs.

There are several key areas that need to be evaluated, in order to understand your customers.

What Benefits are your Customers Buying?

Customers do not purchase features or products, they purchase benefits. Consumers don’t buy laundry powder, they purchase goods that make their whites brighter, save them time inrepparttar 121627 laundry and remove stains. Likewise, they don’t purchase televisions, but home entertainment boxes for family unity.

Similarly, people rarely make purchases based on rational, logical thought. Instead, they purchase products and services based on emotional reasons. Then, they rationalise their emotional desires with logic.

Interpreting buying behaviour can be complex due torepparttar 121628 myriad of emotional and rational factors that are used inrepparttar 121629 purchase decision process. It is important to unravel this complexity in order to profit from it. You need to find out, fromrepparttar 121630 customer’s point of view, what exactly it is they are buying. This will enable you to sellrepparttar 121631 emotional benefits to your current and potential customers and produce innovative products desired by your customers.

What Types of People are Buying your Products/Service?

Some crucial factors that affect purchasing behaviour arerepparttar 121632 personal characteristics ofrepparttar 121633 consumer. These are demographics (eg: age, gender, occupational status) and psychographics (eg: preferred recreational activities, level of spending on clothes).

By combining both your demographics and psychographics, you will be able to accurately define your target market. This can save you money on advertising inrepparttar 121634 long run, as you will be able to precisely matchrepparttar 121635 media audience characteristics with your core customers

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