The Ladder Of Life Part Two

Written by Dr. Wm. G. Seavey

The Mustard Seed - Lesson For living No. 20 THE LADDER OF LIFE PART TWO

As you climb your ladder you will meet others on their way up or their way down. Those onrepparttar way down find life to hard to handle and have gone to joinrepparttar 123644 easy crowd atrepparttar 123645 bottom ofrepparttar 123646 ladder just milling around waiting for something for nothing to show up so they can grab it with minimum effort. But not you. You continue your upward climb taking those with you headed inrepparttar 123647 same direction and with purpose in mind.

When is a good time to check your progress? Right now would be a good time and everyday thereafter if you are interested in maximum performance. If not, you can just lie around and letrepparttar 123648 years creep up on you, and believe me, they will before you know it. But suppose that has happened. Suppose you are older now and have come torepparttar 123649 realization that you've missedrepparttar 123650 boat and let life rock away and you are still onrepparttar 123651 bottom rungs ofrepparttar 123652 ladder having made no significant progress. Is it too late? Absolutely not. You can start where you are and with what you've got even if it is nothing. You may be onrepparttar 123653 bottom ofrepparttar 123654 heap, but you can startrepparttar 123655 forward motion. All it takes is a little push. Hopefully I can provide that push for you as your personal coach and mentor. All you have to do is email me at and we can getrepparttar 123656 ball rolling. Sure life is a tough, long haul. When I climbedrepparttar 123657 Enchanted Rock in Fredericksburg, Texas while in my mid and late 60's I didn't make it allrepparttar 123658 way in one fell swoop. I had to stop every once in a while to catch up. Life is like that but you can make it torepparttar 123659 top just as I did. Now I teach people how to get torepparttar 123660 top. You've got to experiencerepparttar 123661 top before you can bring others with you.

On a scale of 1-10 where are you relative to where you should be? Where should you be at age 25, 35, 50 and older? How far should you go on this success journey? Here is a great question for you. How tall should a tree grow? Andrepparttar 123662 answer is, as tall as it wants to. Have you ever heard of a tree growing just half way and stopping? I haven't. Supposerepparttar 123663 tree says I don't like it where I'm at. I think I'll stop growing. I don't likerepparttar 123664 climate here so I'll move to another state. But what ifrepparttar 123665 climate isrepparttar 123666 same there? What then? What ifrepparttar 123667 tree says I don't likerepparttar 123668 weather here? It is to hot, to cold, to wet and to dry. I'm quitting this game called life. Do you know that is exactly what people do? They complain aboutrepparttar 123669 seasons of life when that is all they have. Sometimes you just gotta put up with where you are at in life and get on with it. Stop complaining. It doesn't help if nothing changes because of your complaints.

Now letrepparttar 123670 bottom rung ofrepparttar 123671 ladder berepparttar 123672 minimum andrepparttar 123673 toprepparttar 123674 maximum. Use that for your standard of measure. You say, "I've not gone very far." "How hard have you tried?" I would ask. And you would say, "Not very hard." Then I would say, "You aren't where you should be onrepparttar 123675 ladder of life because you haven't given it your all." Life demands and expects your all. You cannot take from life allrepparttar 123676 time and keep expecting her to hand you everything. Pretty soonrepparttar 123677 well is going to go dry and you're going to be left holding an empty bucket waiting forrepparttar 123678 well to fill back up. It is time to start giving life everything you have. You're probably wondering where IT is. Well IT is onrepparttar 123679 inside of you. All you have need of is onrepparttar 123680 inside of you. Now you have to persuade it to come torepparttar 123681 surface and you do that by attendingrepparttar 123682 lectures, readingrepparttar 123683 books, takingrepparttar 123684 extra classes, listening torepparttar 123685 audio tapes and watchingrepparttar 123686 videos, all of which, should pertain to personal growth; your personal growth. And it wouldn't hurt to sit in on a few good bible lessons and sermons. Who knows what that might bring out of you? You'll never know until you try. Takerepparttar 123687 initiative. Don't settle for someone else's plan for your life. YOU be a product of your own conclusion. STOP letting people sell you on plans that will not produce anything for you. Byrepparttar 123688 way, you would be surprised at how much you already know and it's already onrepparttar 123689 inside of you. The extra time you spend on you will draw it out. You can work hard onrepparttar 123690 job and make a living. You can work hard on you and make a fortune.

Let's examine your standard of measure that I mentioned earlier. It is very important to your growth. If you have no standards by which to measure progress, how will you know if you are ascending or descending? Or, how will you know if you have arrived if you don't know where you are going? The Bible says, "By your standard of measure it shall be measured to you." The word shall is a mandatory clause. It means it is going to happen justrepparttar 123691 way it is spelled out. What is a standard? Here are a few definitions.

1.It is a basis forrepparttar 123692 measure of value given. 2.A standard is something established for use as a rule or basis of comparison in measuring quality. 3.A standard is certain criterion set for usages or practices (moral standards) 4.It is a level of excellence, attainment etc. regarded as a measure of adequacy.

So, what you set as a standard for your life determinesrepparttar 123693 income from your outflow. If you have poor standards, you will receive in like kind. Set poor standards and receive poor measurements. It will not be a full measurement. It will not be running over. The Bible again says that if you give, your return will be overflowing. It will be a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over. I would call that a good measure. If you will establish early on in life good standards, that is, those that will produce good results, then your end result will be a running over of good, and more than you can handle. Jim Rohn says if you want to balance your checkbook, give a chunk of it away at various times. That is a good standard to live by. It brings balance torepparttar 123694 whole of things. No one then has too much of anything. That isrepparttar 123695 way it was intended according to Old Testament teachings. But we've gotten greedy. Now some have too much and some have to little.


Written by Charlie Badenhop

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PERFECTION by Charlie Badenhop ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Om. This is perfect. That is perfect. Fromrepparttar perfect, comesrepparttar 123643 perfect. If fromrepparttar 123644 perfectrepparttar 123645 perfect is taken away, Onlyrepparttar 123646 perfect remains. Om, peace, peace, peace."

This sense of perfection, isrepparttar 123647 inherent blessing that exists asrepparttar 123648 essence of everything. This sense of perfection is present at all times and doesn't require any healing or learning or change to take place. This sense of perfection is dynamic rather than static, and welcomesrepparttar 123649 necessary ongoing changes of life. This isrepparttar 123650 kind of perfection that we will be working with and hoping to experience in our time together.

In every day life "perfection" is often thought of as an unachievable "external" ideal, and pursuing this kind of perfection usually leads to ongoing dissatisfaction, as we constantly find something that is not quite "right" that needs to be fixed before everything will be OK. External perfection is static and it can actually be damaging to a supportive concept of self.

Being a perfectionist can be a generative action IF in a healthy Michael Jordan kind of manner we challenge ourselves to achieve ever greater results by having high ideals that are never quite attained, even as we respect and appreciate all that we have already accomplished through our hard work, dedication, and connection to, our unchanging perfection.

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