The Key To Self Liberation

Written by Christiane Beerlandt

HEALTH Good in Your Skin Invited byrepparttar Albertville Health Group, Christiane Beerlandt came from Ostend to explain at lengthrepparttar 137443 psychological and emotional origins ofrepparttar 137444 most important diseases and symptoms that can strike us. She underlinedrepparttar 137445 deeper meaning of earthly life and, especially, our self-healing powers. One has never seen an elephant swinging by a frail liana, no more than a monkey dragging a heavy load! This image could summarize — a little irreverently, however —repparttar 137446 words of Christiane Beerlandt. She wrote several books inrepparttar 137447 field of psychology, health, nutrition, philosophy, and wellness. “Not going against nature, being and staying yourself, stout or thin, always good in your skin.” Last Tuesday evening, atrepparttar 137448 “Val des Roses” Theater, Christiane Beerlandt spoke in her mother tongue, Dutch. Her words were faithfully translated by her husband, Dr. Dirk Lippens. Christiane Beerlandt is endowed with an extraordinary talent enabling her to consciously draw information from her deep source of wisdom. This isrepparttar 137449 case, among others, in one of her books, entitled “The Key to Self-Liberation — 1000 Diseases and their Psychological Origins,” which has become a standard reference work for laymen as well as for doctors. She does not base herself on any existing work or on external observation of diseases or sick persons. “Happenings, phenomena, or diseases that occur in our lives don’t come up abruptly. They don’t happen by coincidence, they are not sent to us by some power or some god.” We have to look forrepparttar 137450 causes in ourselves. We attract everything ourselves, energetically. Every happening or phenomenon in our lives isrepparttar 137451 expression of something taking place on an underlying level: in our psyches, in our emotional lives, inrepparttar 137452 realm of our convictions and expectations. In this way,repparttar 137453 human being creates his own life andrepparttar 137454 happenings in his life, good or bad. All this mostly takes place on an unconscious level; this explainsrepparttar 137455 fact that most people say it “just” happens to them time and again. “In fact, we are not aware that everything is linked energetically, thatrepparttar 137456 human being constantly creates his own reality in accordance with his expectations and psychological state. Therefore, we can look in ourselves to findrepparttar 137457 deeper causes of certain unpleasant things that happen to us, and undertake to solve them.” The Cult of Slenderness: Utterly Absurd! Fatalism will only play a role in our lives as long as we believe in it. According torepparttar 137458 speaker, illnesses are like signals: “Always ask yourself ‘why,’ and then makerepparttar 137459 necessary adjustments on your path.” However, it’srepparttar 137460 author’s opinion that there aren’t any specific techniques required to do this.

Dump Those Negative Tapes

Written by Virginia Bola, PsyD

Every time something doesn't go quite right (rather frequently for some of us), we start berating ourselves. We can berepparttar soul of courtesy and forgiveness to those we care about and then turn and savage ourselves inrepparttar 137403 most brutal fashion. How many times have you told yourself: "I'm an absolute idiot!" What was I thinking?" And that is justrepparttar 137404 start.

From those immediate negative self-assessments, we dive deeper, reinforced by old admonitions playing in our brain. We may be adults, our parents and teachers perhaps long deceased, but their deprecating, wounding, critical, even, at times, cruel or abusive, remarks play over and over as if we were still children, being scolded for "our own good."

Withrepparttar 137405 help of those judgmental tapes playing repetitively inrepparttar 137406 back of our minds, we easily move from annoyance at a simple mistake anyone could have made to a global view of our own ineptitude: "I always blow it . . . I can't do anything right . . . Why am I such a failure?"

Why is it so much harder to forgive ourselves than to forgive those we love? Is it because we don't love ourselves as much? Is it because we expect more of ourselves? Or is it that we know ourselves too well, painfully aware of our dark secret places and our internal shortcomings? We are hard on ourselves because we have a deep, subconscious, lifelong belief that we don't quite measure up.

The maggot gnawing away at our core is made up of a long string of events starting when we first became aware ofrepparttar 137407 world and began to hearrepparttar 137408 word "No!" It continued through a childhood of making mistake after mistake, as we all do when learning new skills, and through adulthood as we are judged by our bosses, our spouses, our customers, withrepparttar 137409 heaviest emotional jolt of being laid off,repparttar 137410 ultimate rejection of our self-worth.

Psychologists have studied authority-child interactions in bothrepparttar 137411 home and in school. Remarkably, feedback torepparttar 137412 child, in both environments, is more than 70% negative withrepparttar 137413 remainder either neutral or positive. Is it any wonder that we grow up to view ourselves as not quite good enough, mess-ups, or even total failures?

We have internalized all of that destructive feedback and facerepparttar 137414 world with pride and self-composure that we know is only a defensive façade, constantly in peril of crumbling away.

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