The Joy of Challenge

Written by Rich Fettke

Think ofrepparttar last time you took on a good, healthy challenge in your life. Maybe it was a physical challenge - like a long hike or run - where you really had to dig deep in order to stick with it. Maybe it was an emotional challenge - like asking someone out for a date or asking a business prospect forrepparttar 136997 big sale. Maybe it was a challenge where you left a job, moved acrossrepparttar 136998 country, or enrolled in school.

How did you feel when you were going for it? How do you feel now when you think back on that challenge?

My clients have shown me, time and time again, that when we have a compelling goal that challenges us to give our best it brings an incredible feeling of exhilaration and passion to our lives.

Life's greatest rewards are often found when we reach just a little higher. When we are growing, that's when we are really living. As I write this I am looking at where my life has become habitual rather than experiential. I am asking myselfrepparttar 136999 question "Where have I slipped into a comfort zone and what is my next exciting challenge?"

Do More! Learn More! Create More! Live More!

Written by Mark Cole

Copyright 2005 Mark Cole

Overrepparttar years in America andrepparttar 136838 west generally,repparttar 136839 nature and means of education have dramatically changed. But it is an error to think that beforerepparttar 136840 contemporary era of schooling on a mass scale that no one was deeply or broadly educated. Many in colonial America were exceptionally well-educated, yet largely self-taught or taught by a tutor or mentor. Such wasrepparttar 136841 case with scientist, lawyer, theologian, statesman, patriot and father of seven, Roger Sherman.

In his astonishingly productive life as one ofrepparttar 136842 leading citizens of colonial America, Sherman studied privately with Rev. Samuel Danbar, worked as a shoemaker and then as a land surveyor and an author of an almanac filled with astronomical calculations. He read forrepparttar 136843 bar (as wasrepparttar 136844 custom of his day) and became a lawyer, though he did not earn a college degree. He also read deeply in theology and received an honorary degree from Yale, where he became treasurer. He was even a professor of religion for many years.

Sherman was widely respected and known in Connecticut, as a list ofrepparttar 136845 legislative, judicial and executive positions to which he was elected demonstrates: both houses ofrepparttar 136846 Connecticut legislature, justice ofrepparttar 136847 peace, judge ofrepparttar 136848 Superior Court of Connecticut, member ofrepparttar 136849 Continental Congress, delegate torepparttar 136850 Constitutional Convention, Mayor of New Haven, member ofrepparttar 136851 United States House of Representatives andrepparttar 136852 United States Senate.

Sherman isrepparttar 136853 only member ofrepparttar 136854 Continental Congress who signedrepparttar 136855 Articles of Association of 1774,repparttar 136856 Declaration of Independence,repparttar 136857 Articles of Confederation, andrepparttar 136858 United States Constitution. He died atrepparttar 136859 age of 71 and was buried near his beloved Yale. Not bad for a man who was not a college graduate.

That is all well and good; but, you are likely asking, what doesrepparttar 136860 life of Sherman mean for us today? I think a few things:

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