Stay with me on this, ‘penny may drop’ about half-way into article!Target - in very general terms, this article is targeted at anyone involved in business, whether it be offline ‘real-world’ business, or online ‘cyber’ e-business.
Let’s define title.
“jigsaw” - a puzzle with multiple parts which requires some element of skill to correctly piece them all together in right way, making one complete ‘picture’.
“virus” - an infection which grows, replicates and spreads.
Make sense yet? No!
One of key fundamental basics in business starts with this. Business is based on law of ’Supply and Demand’.
In simple terms, this means that if people have a demand (need or want) for something, then someone (perhaps you, or other businesses) supply them.
In simpler terms…. Have a product or service that customers want, then provide them with it.
JIGSAW…. Now has 2 parts / pieces…. Product (or service) and customers (people who want / need it).
If YOU are business supplying customers with what they want, you may look at other products which complement or contrast. You may also look at adding new ways to deliver your product or service, perhaps new markets / countries / demographics…..
You may also want to have different versions / types of your product…. Plus you may want to promote / market your company in new / additional ways.
Also, you may want to have added computer systems, take payments in different forms, different currencies….. translation (remember - stay with me on this!)
You have seen competitors using ‘800’ Freephone numbers….. You’ve read about fax-back services, call-centers, fulfillment services….. You want to get involved in these.
JIGSAW….. From original (and simple) 2 parts / pieces….. Your jigsaw now has many more, even dozens (or more) of pieces. The simple puzzle is infected. It’s spreading and growing. .. It’s out of control.
The original focus you had, is now a distant blur. Even if you had as many arms as an octopus, you still wouldn’t piece together THIS puzzle.
Let’s take just one piece of a small, simple jigsaw puzzle, and call it “Advertising, Marketing, Promotion”. They all mean same…. ‘spreading word’.
This single piece can start like this. Put a simply poster in back of your car, on a notice board, in a shop window.
Then, get business cards, then marketing ‘postcards’…….then leaflets, a brochure, a full-color glossy brochure….a catalogue…..CD Rom business cards, interactive multi-media…
Advertise in local ‘free papers’, then a small ad in town newspaper, then a half-page….full-page ad…. Full color……. Then a 10 second ad on radio….. Then 30 seconds…..