The Isometric Diet and Balanced Health

Written by Protica Research

The concept isometric has been a part ofrepparttar health care vocabulary for decades. The most common application ofrepparttar 114374 term, until now, has been with respect to physical exercise. Taken fromrepparttar 114375 Greek root word Iso, meaning equal,repparttar 114376 familiar term Isometric exercises involves applying equal weight to achieve strength goals.

Fairly recently, health researchers have discovered another innovative application ofrepparttar 114377 isometric concept inrepparttar 114378 health care field: nutrition. These researchers have identified that an isometric approach to diet – a.k.a.repparttar 114379 “Isometric Diet” -- can lead to health improvement.

The Isometric Diet®, which providesrepparttar 114380 philosophical basis forrepparttar 114381 Zone Diet, has swiftly gained respect fromrepparttar 114382 health and nutrition community because it applies this clear “balance” lens torepparttar 114383 rather confused, often misinformed world of dieting. Created by Dan Duchaine inrepparttar 114384 mid 90s, and evolved by researchers such as Dr. Barry Sears (founder ofrepparttar 114385 Zone Diet™),repparttar 114386 Isometric Diet is an eating regimen that calls for a balanced ratio of protein, low-glycemic carbohydrates, and essential fatty acids.

The balanced ratio isrepparttar 114387 result of an overall awareness thatrepparttar 114388 human body does not necessarily desire, or require, all kinds of micronutrients in all situations. While carbohydrates, proteins, and fats do providerepparttar 114389 essential building blocks of human life, not all sources of each are optimal in all situations.

The Isometric Diet therefore takes a holistic approach to eating, and incorporates both macronutrient and micronutrient sources of energy. This goes beyond simply balancing proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Instead, an optimal balance is achieved on a deeper level one that leads to optimal body functioning, normalized blood-glucose levels, a controlled metabolism, and a healthy satiating of hunger.

This optimal balance, and particularlyrepparttar 114390 point about healthily satiating hunger, is in stark contrast to some “fad diets”, which seek to artificially suppress hunger. This potentially dangerous suppression often forces eaters to experience a weakened immune system, bone density loss, and other adverse consequences of malnutrition.

The Isometric Diet is founded upon five integrated principles: balance protein diversity unsaturated fats low glycemic carbohydrates and awareness of food priority.

Principle One: Balance. The Isometric Diet recognizesrepparttar 114391 fact thatrepparttar 114392 human body functions optimally when it is fueled by a balanced micronutrient ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.[i] The optimal ratio for these three is 1:1:1, orrepparttar 114393 same number of calories from proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Principle Two: Protein Diversity. The human body responds differently to different sources of protein.[ii] For example, a post-exercise meal that consists of quick-assimilating whey protein will have a more beneficial health impact than an intake of caseinate or soy protein. The Isometric Diet therefore promotes a blend of protein intake to seek an amino acid balance, and to selectrepparttar 114394 most appropriate assimilation rate for optimal health.

Principle Three: Unsaturated Fats and MCT’s. The Isometric Diet recognizes thatrepparttar 114395 human body processes saturated fats differently from mono- and polyunsaturated fats.[iii] Furthermore,repparttar 114396 diet exploitsrepparttar 114397 fact that there are some fats, called Medium Chain Triglycerides or “MCTs”, which are shorter chains of 8-10 fatty acids. These MCT chains are shorter, absorb quickly, and digest very easily. The end result is a more efficient digestive system and better results through less effort.[iv]

Principle Four: Low Glycemic Carbohydrates. Healthy eaters are swiftly adoptingrepparttar 114398 Isometric Diet’s promotion of carbohydrates that do not causerepparttar 114399 blood-sugar to rise. Dieters can therefore userepparttar 114400 “glycemic index” (GI) as an intelligent way to measurerepparttar 114401 body’s insulin response to a given food and to monitorrepparttar 114402 intake of “good” carbohydrates.[v]

Rediscovering Protein - Corrective Action in the American Diet

Written by Protica Research

Protein must be a part of a healthy diet for a simple reason: it is essential for life. Every single cell inrepparttar human body -- including bones, blood, skin, chemicals, and enzymes -- depend on protein for effective operation.[i]

Yet while Americans are more health-conscious than ever before,repparttar 114373 national health dialogue continues to be dominated by a cynical theme: malnutrition. Many Americans are sufferingrepparttar 114374 ill-health effects of a diet that is too high in saturated fat[ii], carbohydrates[iii], and calories[iv], while severely lacking in protein.

This wave of malnutrition is not merely disconcerting to medical professionals. It is alarming. The situation has become so desperate that obesity will soon becomerepparttar 114375 nation’s leading cause of preventable death.[v]

America’s nutritional dilemma is not, however, limited to obesity concerns. Malnutrition in non-overweight individuals is nearing epidemic levels. Millions of “fit looking” individuals subsist on a diet that is far too rich in carbohydrates a problem that has been enhanced for generations byrepparttar 114376 US FDA’s encouragement of refined carbohydrates as part of a balanced diet. We now know, however, that many of these refined carbohydrates are metabolically similar to candies and sweets. Added to this problem is that saturated fats continue to dominate many meals, particular those served in fast food restaurants.

Essentially then,repparttar 114377 problem in America can be summed up as this: eat right or prepare to suffer shape up, or die a preventable death.

The first step in balancing America’s eating practices is to reintroducerepparttar 114378 importance of protein. This neglect is allrepparttar 114379 more stunning given that, ofrepparttar 114380 three major macronutrients – carbohydrates, fats, and proteins – proteins arerepparttar 114381 only essential component that human beings cannot live without.

Reintroducing protein as part of a healthy diet is made more difficult because many consumers do not know where to find a healthy source of protein. Unfortunately, most nutritional supplement sources bring with them a range unwanted carbohydrates, facts, and calories. Powerbar™,repparttar 114382 “granddaddy” of nutritional supplements launched in 1987, has been rejected as an option by some consumers and health professionals because of high carbohydrate levels (45 grams), and low protein levels (10 grams) in each serving. Furthermore, dieters in particular have criticized Powerbar’s™ high 230 calories per bar –-more than 1/10th ofrepparttar 114383 recommended caloric intake.

Other attempts to meet consumer demand for a high protein, low carbohydrate, low fat, and low calorie nutritional supplement have been supplied by products such asrepparttar 114384 York Bar™,repparttar 114385 Blast Bar™, andrepparttar 114386 Ironman Bar™, respectively. However, each product has been judged by some consumers and medical professionals as having have similar Powerbar™-like drawbacks: high calorie levels (210, 180, 230 grams respectively), high carbohydrate levels (30, 36, and 51 grams, respectively), and most notably of all, low protein content (7, 10, and 4 grams, respectively).

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