The Integrity Diet—how To Lose The Dead Weight In Your LifeWritten by Jim Jenkins
Everywhere I turn, people are on some kind of a diet. Whether it’s Atkins or South Beach, people are obsessed with right mix in their food choices to reach their ultimate weight. Of course, most popular diets involve carbohydrates and proteins. The idea behind these diets is that foods are divided more or less into three categories:Proteins—Chicken breasts and salmon (all good) Good Carbs—Whole grains and leafy vegetables (necessary, but in moderation) Bad Carbs—Breads, pizza crusts, and pastas (avoid these unless you want to stay overweight). It’s a structure that also applies pretty well to people that surround us. People Proteins We all know our proteins. These are people who bring out best in us and give us energy and support, reinforce our drive to achieve, and help us grow personally and professionally. These can include our mentors, our most unconditionally supportive or inspirational friends, our spouses and partners, and our children. Good Carb People The good carbs may be trickiest to identify. These can be friends and associates who are generally good influences, and provide useful help, but may be best experienced in small doses. Maybe these are loyal colleagues who provide useful support at work but maybe they lack same drive we do. Or they can be good friends who care about us and are always there to lend an ear or can always be counted on make us laugh, but may have a few bad habits we don’t want to rub off on us. You can’t and shouldn’t get rid of good carbs, since they do provide some value in your life, but you have to be careful not to spend too much time with them or rely on them too heavily. Bad Carb People Of course, you can easily recognize bad carbs in your life. These are toxic people who waste our time, drain our energy, dampen our self-esteem or try to influence us in wrong direction. These are “friends” who envy everything we achieve and posses, and try to undermine us, usually just at moments when we are feeling good about what is going on in our lives. Have you ever heard a “friend” downplay a promotion (“Well, you must not have had much competition”) or try to make us insecure about our appearance (“So, you wore that to interview and they still gave you job?”) Too often, underminers in our lives are old friends who we have tolerated out of a misplaced—and unreciprocated—sense of loyalty. And sadly, sometimes they are family members. If you want to investigate this further, check out new book The The Underminer: The Best Friend Who Casually Destroys Your Life by Mike Albo and Virginia Heffernan.
| | Help! Which Diet to follow, High Protein or Low Carb?Written by (c) Anna “Overweight? NO MORE!”
Stop this diet insanity! We are bombarded by all type of diet propaganda trying to convince us that they are solution to solve our overweight problems, from Atkins, to South Beach Diet, to Zone Diet, and all way to extreme low carb diets. Certainly, these diets have worked for some, while failed for others. Hence, challenging question: Are they having long-term results, which means keeping weight off, or were just temporary weight loss, which means eventually gaining more weight? I am purposely not explaining these popular diets, as I want you to do a research on your own and choose which one will work better for you according to your readings and not just mine. In my case, combination of high protein, medium carbs, and low fat (mostly monounsaturated fat) worked better for me. Previously, I tried a high protein and low carb menu before, but felt weak, as I exercise daily and my body needed carbs. Besides, I have to say that carbs are not our enemies. Consuming extra carbs is danger-- because if not used -- they become stored fat. Reportedly, body uses carbohydrates as fuel while saves fats for emergencies. The more we exercise; more fat we burn. Therefore, it is a matter of keeping a balance and not to follow extreme diets, which will cause you to give up after few weeks for their strict menus. Self-discipline, motivation, and personal commitment to lose weight will be your main tools to fight obesity as well as diet propaganda insanity. True, people following a low-carb diet lose weight quickly. Arguably, they are losing more water as they are also depleting carbohydrate stores from muscle tissue and liver. The point is that no matter how promising diets present themselves, as long as one does not take personal decision to change wrong eating habits and exercise more, diets will continue to come and go. This is plain truth and you know it. Right? Losing weight starts within our minds, not our belly. The point of trying to follow a strict diet, makes it hard from beginning; diet should be a joyful experience; not a burden. Getting rid of obesity is a need to improve our productivity and health in general. As mentioned in article, “Obesity Costly for California” published by L.A. Daily News on April 6, just in California “the rate of overweight and obesity is more than 60 percent among Latinos, African-Americans and men past age 25.” However, let us understand that this is not only a California health crisis, but growingly is becoming a global crisis. We need to stop this obesity and diet propaganda insanity by looking for help and doing personal readings too about nutrition. The fact is that our bodies respond different to different diets, because we all have different metabolisms. Some people will prefer high protein over low carb diets, or vice versa. Whatever works for you in long-term and not short-term is good.