The Infinite Passion of Life

Written by James Clayton Napier

The Infinite Passion of Life by James Clayton Napier

A single improvement is often enough to produce far-reaching consequences in one’s fortune. – Max Gunther, The Luck Factor

For most of usrepparttar prospect of a invigorating beginning in a new Location, a fresh start in life — re-energizes us. It brings about a feeling of what I call that let-out-of-school feeling.

“Why is this let-out-of-school feeling so important to our emotional health and well-being?” you may be wondering (I hope you are!).

Becauserepparttar 123063 ability to notice and appreciaterepparttar 123064 beauty that surrounds us--no matter our location or vocation in life--is vital. A change of scenery or pleasant, much-anticipated diversion from our usual pace is often justrepparttar 123065 ticket to make that occur. Appreciation allows life to pour more of itself [life energy] into us. “The moment we fully appreciate beauty we become more than what we were (it lightens our greed),” Roberto Assagioli wrote in his book Psychosynthesis. “We live a moment of pure psychological health."

“Full consciousness brings joy,” author Wayne Amos wrote many years ago. “One ofrepparttar 123066 mysteries is thatrepparttar 123067 universe contains innate joy. Once you open your senses to anything--a sunset, a waterfall, a stone, a blade of grass--the joy comes.”

Ready For Sightseeing?

“We are departing forrepparttar 123068 skies. Who has a mind for sightseeing?”repparttar 123069 poet Rumi asked.

The skies here are notrepparttar 123070 “friendly skies” a certain airline has encouraged us to fly, butrepparttar 123071 skies of imagination.

A bit of wispy daydreaming wedded to commitment on our part and, before you know it, you’re on your way--to your new home; a new location, new city, new job, new friends, perhaps even to your Paradise vacation spot or favorite retirement destination.

Before chucking it all, selling everything you own or packing it into storage and heading out torepparttar 123072 open roadrepparttar 123073 poet Walt Whitman referred to, ask yourself (as I have), “What do I want for myself in this new moment?” (Janet Rainwater).

Life, I’ve found, does have a pesky way of asking you WHAT YOU TRULY WANT AND DESIRE and it wants YOUR reply. My own experiences have shown me that life wants: a crystal-clear answer from you--”Yes, this is it! This is what I want to be, do, and how I desire to enjoy my remaining time here.”

If your answer is, “I’m not sure,” then I suggest you close your eyes and daydream. First, try envisioning what an ideal day would be like for you. Write down, and be very specific, about what you envision.

When you do this, you are departing forrepparttar 123074 skies within.

Faith and Confidence in Your Future

All of us care about financial security. Money allows us to say “Yes” to ourselves and to new experiences in life. It is a bit costly to sample many of life’s delights (here and abroad), isn’t it?

Money, however, has no idea what we think OF or ABOUT it. Money is neutral in that sense. So, wherever you move--or even if you stay in your present location--your feelings about money (your scarcity and abundance consciousness quotient) will determine, even in Paradise, whether or not you feel you are financially secure.

Dr. John Diamond’s (Your Body Doesn’t Lie) wonderful affirmation, “I have faith and confidence in my future. I am secure,” is worth taking along with you wherever you go.

Security: A Place Within

I’d like to share with you my personal favorite definition of security:

“Security is not a place of ideological stability but a direction inspired by curiosity.”

Adversity, What Is It Good For

Written by Kim Bloomer

As I sat down to write this article, I was reflecting back overrepparttar last week – a week filled with adversity. We all go through it and it is during those times that we may often wonder what is it all for anyway? What isrepparttar 123062 point? What is it good for?

I decided to look uprepparttar 123063 word, adversity, from my old American Heritage Dictionary. The word is defined as “1. A state of hardship or affliction; misfortune. 2. A calamitous event.” It was all ofrepparttar 123064 above for my husband and me. We had what most home owners hope to avoid – a major plumbing problem. Ohrepparttar 123065 thought sends shivers up my spine! Nothing like this ever happens when it’s convenient or when you have stockpiled loads of money – as if! While you’re going through it all, you wonder “Why me? Why now? Why EVER???” Then you getrepparttar 123066 problem fixed, breathe a sigh of relief, and wait forrepparttar 123067 next calamitous event to hit! Sounds rather pessimistic doesn’t it?

No, not really, because that is life. Overrepparttar 123068 last year we’ve survived two computer crashes, resulting inrepparttar 123069 purchase of a new computer system (afterrepparttar 123070 first crash and beforerepparttar 123071 second), our dog having an allergic reaction torepparttar 123072 medicine he was put on to get well (which is why I went completely to all natural care), both cars needing major repairs, and our A/C needing to be replaced. Then last week this plumbing problem happened – not to mention our vacuum cleaner broke and my husband got in a fender bender all inrepparttar 123073 same week! That does not includerepparttar 123074 myriad of other “little” things that happen duringrepparttar 123075 normal course of life. I could’ve sat down and had a great big pity party OR better I could discover what I’ve learned from all this and put it to use. You knowrepparttar 123076 old saying when you get handed lemons you can squish up your face in bitterness or you can get better and make lemonade? Well, I decided to learn what God’s plan was for me in all this and takerepparttar 123077 high road to lemonade. Now I know you’ll be thinking that I’m going to hand you this wonderful explanation and revelation so we can all go merrily downrepparttar 123078 road of life happily ever after. Not so - but it is inspirational I hope!

My husband and I did lots of knee bends last week - you knowrepparttar 123079 ones where you bend them torepparttar 123080 floor and look up fervently in expectation hoping that God will just takerepparttar 123081 situation miraculously away and you’ll go on your merry way? Don’t laugh; you know you’ve done it too! Well, that didn’t happen but what we did discover is that God is always in control. He allows adversity in our lives to grow our faith or to get your attention on Him. If we never go through any valleys how will we know when we’ve reached a mountain top? How will we know ifrepparttar 123082 mountain is even any good if all our lives we stay up onrepparttar 123083 mountain and never experience any valleys? I know we’d all like to avoid those “valleys” at all costs, butrepparttar 123084 most growth for anything happens during adversity. You can take a look at nature to see that is true. A butterfly doesn’t just change into a butterfly fromrepparttar 123085 larvae (caterpillar state) until it has traversedrepparttar 123086 difficulty of climbingrepparttar 123087 tree, building a cocoon, staying there for a while, and then, with difficulty, breaking out of that cocoon to emerge a beautiful butterfly. It might sound like no big deal to us, but look at it fromrepparttar 123088 standpoint of a caterpillar and you’ll change your tune.

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