The Importance of Friendship

Written by Jeffrey M. Miller

My students and clients have constantly heard me stress that our Martial Art is more than just a physical discipline; that it is a discipline that develops bothrepparttar mind and body. This is so important that Soke Masaaki Hatsumi,repparttar 122709 grand master of our lineages, has made itrepparttar 122710 primary thrust of just about every one of his books about Ninpo and Martial Arts in general.

The presence of mind that your training demands helps you make wise and thoughtful decisions. Often, these decisions involve choosing others as friends - and all of us would like to choose good friends - people we can consider real "team players."

It's sometimes very mysterious why we choose who we do as team players. Often we like a person right away based on some intuitive thought or feeling. When asked, we say that it just "felt" right. Other times we may observe someone for a while with admiration, and build up to a formal introduction.

Friendship is a wonderful thing and is vitally important for personal growth and success. It can be found onrepparttar 122711 Ninja's Kongokai mandala used in Japanese Mikkyo esoteric mind-science training. Found inrepparttar 122712 'wind' realm which represents surrendering oneself to a greater good whererepparttar 122713 total result produced is equal to much more than justrepparttar 122714 sum ofrepparttar 122715 parts added together.

Friendship itself is sometimes sparked by what we call "vibes," or a strange and electric power of attraction. This is what gives it such a terrific and seemingly magical power to tie people together so closely. Allrepparttar 122716 same, our first impressions can often be mistaken. We've all made mistakes before inrepparttar 122717 friends we've chosen. Often, we'd like to ignore, forget, or believe that we had anything to do withrepparttar 122718 selection, but we shouldn't. It's these lessons that remind us that we are human and make mistakes, as-well-asrepparttar 122719 fact that not everyone we meet will enter into a relationship (whether business, personal, etc.), forrepparttar 122720 same reasons that we do. It's not right or wrong - good or bad. It's just life. There's really no way to be 100% certain that everyone, or anyone, you choose as a friend will turn out to be a good team player. But,repparttar 122721 Martial Arts Academy 'is' a terrific place to meet new people, especially those with many ofrepparttar 122722 same interests, and often withrepparttar 122723 same focus and desire for purpose, power, and interdependence (as opposed to dependence or co-dependence) in their affiliations. Many lifelong friendships have begun inrepparttar 122724 dojo ("martial arts training hall"). Here are some tips on how to choose friends that might be right for you.

You Can Get There From Here...

Written by Clyde Dennis

But first you've got to raise your standards.

I know at some point you had big dreams. You felt and believed that you were going to changerepparttar world in some significant way. Make things better, safer for our kids. Something.

You knew deep down that you had a special gift that no one else has.

You know what, come a little closer I want to make sure you hear this-

-You did have a special gift. And... you still do! The gift that you were so sure you had didn’t leave you, you left it.

Oh, I knowrepparttar 122708 drill. Your goals and dreams have taken a back seat to trying to scratch out a living. They’ve become buried inrepparttar 122709 daily struggles and frustrations of life. So much so that now you don’t even think much about achieving your goals and living your dreams. It’s all you can do to get torepparttar 122710 end ofrepparttar 122711 week. Life has become nothing more than a struggle for survival torepparttar 122712 next crisis.

Well kids I’m here to tell you, there’s more to Life than just surviving it.

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