The "How To" Guide for Six Pack Abs

Written by Ryan Cote

First off I want to mention that, for most people, getting six pack abs is not an easy task. It requires serious dedication, but it is possible! If you're one ofrepparttar few lucky people that was blessed with low body fat and good muscle definition, than enjoy it! Otherwise, below is a general 2-step guide that, if followed religiously for 3 months, should produce results.

Step 1: Nutrition

This isrepparttar 137626 single most important part ofrepparttar 137627 puzzle, hands down. You can haverepparttar 137628 most impressive set of abs, but if they're covered with a layer of fat, you won't see them! Break up your day with 5 or 6 mini-meals because this jump starts your metabolism. And stop eatingrepparttar 137629 food that is preventing results: white bread, loads of pasta, soda, candy, fast food, hydronated oils, sugars and fructose corn syrup. Instead, replace them with foods that will help you reach your goal: olive oil, whole grain breads, fruits, vegetables, nuts, peanut butter, chicken, fish, protein and water. Be realistic- you'll slip here and there, but make a conscious effort to radically improve your eating habits because getting a six pack will be impossible if you don't.

Step 2: Exercise

You need to concern yourself with 3 different exercises: cardio, weightlifting and ab exercises. And aim to workout no less than 4 times a week.

“Bodybuilding Sins” That Cause Back Pain and Missed Workouts: Part 3

Written by Jesse Cannone CFT, CPRS, CSPN and Steve Hefferon, CMT, CPRS

“Bodybuilding Sins” That Cause Back Pain and Missed Workouts: Part 3 by Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS and Steve Hefferon, CMT Welcome to article number 2 in our series “Bodybuilding Sins That Cause Back Pain and Missed Workouts”. In this article we are going to talk about how bodybuilders tend to create massive muscle imbalances and what you can do to not be one of them. If you missedrepparttar first article, you can read it by clicking onrepparttar 137625 link below. Here’s a breakdown ofrepparttar 137626 articles to look for: 1. Article #1 - Choosing The WRONG Exercises 2. Article #2 - Training Variations for Pain Relief and Maximum Results 3. Article #3 - Targeted Stretching 4. Article #4 - Targeted Exercises 5. Article #5 - Rest, Recovery, and Injury Prevention Article #3 - Targeted Stretching Stretching can be great, but it can also make existing injuries worse or even bring about new ones! The key to making stretching work for you is knowing which stretches you need to be working on… and just because a muscle feels tight, that doesn’t necessarily mean it needs to be stretched. For example, many people stretchrepparttar 137627 hamstrings because they feel tight and they thinkrepparttar 137628 hamstrings are limiting their flexibility… repparttar 137629 fact is, most ofrepparttar 137630 timerepparttar 137631 hamstrings are “tight” because they are constantly being pulled / lengthened due to muscle imbalances that tiprepparttar 137632 pelvis forward. As you can, whenrepparttar 137633 pelvis tips forwardrepparttar 137634 hamstrings get pulled upward and are constantly held in a stretched position… And this is why millions of people can stretch their hamstrings every freakin day and never make any improvement in their flexibility…. Are you one of those people? If you are, you need to stop stretching your hamstrings and find out exactly which muscles you need to be targeting by readingrepparttar 137635 rest of this article… Not only does this forward tipping ofrepparttar 137636 pelvis (which is caused by muscle imbalances) keeprepparttar 137637 hamstrings tight and make it very difficult to make improvements inrepparttar 137638 muscles flexibility, but it also leads torepparttar 137639 following: • increased stress / wear and tear fromrepparttar 137640 ankles allrepparttar 137641 way uprepparttar 137642 spine For example,repparttar 137643 forward tipping ofrepparttar 137644 pelvis places uneven pressure onrepparttar 137645 ankle, knee and hip joints and also many ofrepparttar 137646 vertebrae inrepparttar 137647 spine. • weakensrepparttar 137648 hamstrings, inhibits normal functioning and increasesrepparttar 137649 likelihood of hamstring pulls Whenrepparttar 137650 hamstrings are constantly being strained because ofrepparttar 137651 muscle imbalances,repparttar 137652 muscle is weak, not able to function as it normally would, prone to injury and without correctingrepparttar 137653 muscle imbalance recover can take up to 9 months to a year, or longer! • creates excess curvature inrepparttar 137654 lower and middle spine This tipping ofrepparttar 137655 pelvis places excessive amounts of abnormal stress onrepparttar 137656 muscles, vertebrae and discs inrepparttar 137657 lower and mid spine and this sets you up for potential injuries torepparttar 137658 muscles ofrepparttar 137659 lower and middle back… Plus, it also causesrepparttar 137660 discs between your vertebrae to wear down and deteriorate much faster than they normally would and this sets you up for degenerative, bulging, protruding and herniated discs along with numerous other spinal conditions like arthritis, spinal stenosis, andrepparttar 137661 oh so popular sciatica!

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