The Home Based Business For You

Written by Stuart Simonton

3/6/2005 Although I am new torepparttar internet marketing world ,I would just like to comment onrepparttar 100241 world of oppurtunites that are out there! There are so many businesses out there that will set you up for free. It's unbelievable! I am currently involved in an Affiliate Membership Program that is great! They will set you up for free and even design you your own webpage. They will usually have you up and running in less than

What is affiliate marketing and how do I get started?

Written by Monica Faircloth

What is affiliate marketing and how do I get started?

Definition of affiliate marketing:

Affiliate marketing is taking someone else's product or service and advertising it using your own affiliate website or link in order to make money. The owner ofrepparttar website/product/service will pay you a percentage of each sale generated through your unique affiliate link or website. Sounds a bit confusing, but in reality is a very simple process with a win/win situation for all parties involved and a fun way to make money online.

How to get started:

You have two options to consider when doing affiliate marketing, whether to have a website or to simply advertise using your unique affiliate link. Many affiliates will create an informational website to be used as a basis for related affiliate links. This can be a great option, due torepparttar 100240 fact that you would only need to advertise one website in order to make money.

To go this route, think of something that you are passionate about or something that is a hot topic right now. Once you have determined your theme you need to decide on a website name. To find ideas and keywords to be used as a URL, or domain name, I would recommend using to find appropriate popular keywords related to your theme. It is good to use a popular keyword as your website and domain name so that you will rank higher in search engines.

Once you have your theme and have chosen a name, you need to register your domain name and obtain website hosting. I recommend using Yahoo for your website hosting needs. They offer a free domain name and website builder that does not require knowledge of html when you purchase website hosting. They also allow you to pay monthly rather than having to pay a year in advance which helps you save with upfront costs.

Your next step would be to build your website and fill it torepparttar 100241 brim with great information related to your theme. A great and easy way to do this is to get articles from free article websites likerepparttar 100242 ones listed below:

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