The Health and Fitness Tip: Don't Be Afraid of Your Fridge

Written by Ismael D. Tabije

Being fit and healthy does not necessarily mean keeping your distance away from your fridge. In fact, it would be more effective to befriend your fridge and all its contents instead of seeing it asrepparttar villain in your quest for a healthier, sexier and fitter body.

Take a look at what's inside your fridge. Do not cringe if you see "fattening" food inside. Are you really sure they are "fattening"? What defines a fattening food anyway? Most diet programs always check onrepparttar 112953 calorie count, andrepparttar 112954 carbohydrate count, fat count and other food elements and their measurements. Then there are fitness experts who will tell you to stay away from high-calorie food, much carbohydrates, fats and even sugar as they can add up torepparttar 112955 fat and weight.

There are studies that show low-carb diets, low-cal diets and low-fat diets arerepparttar 112956 most effective and sweat-less weight-loss techniques. It may work for others but not for everybody. Again, it still depends on how your body reacts to different weight-loss programs.

Calories and carbohydrates are just some ofrepparttar 112957 things believed to make a person gain weight. So, in most diet programs, people are advised to cut down on their intake of these two. However, some experts say that it's not necessary to cut down calorie and carbohydrate intake as they can be very useful in a person's daily activities. This is because calories and carbohydrates arerepparttar 112958 source of energy people use in their daily activities. Without these two, there'll be not enough energy forrepparttar 112959 body to use in accomplishing tasks. And besides, losing weight does not necessarily happen with dieting alone. Most ofrepparttar 112960 time, there isrepparttar 112961 great need to exercise, sweat and stretch.

So, let's check again what's inside of your fridge. In Jesse Canone's article about 5 fitness myths that are responsible for thousand of fitness failures,repparttar 112962 number four myth states. "Pasta and bread are fattening!" to which Jesse replies "anything is fattening". It is true, because every food you take which has calories in it could be stored as fat. And that's when you gain it. But, if you use it up in all your activities, you need not to worry about it being stored. It is then converted into energy you can use at work, school, exercise, having fun and many other activities that you don't see as weight-loss activities.

Exercise Your Way to Health with Ayurveda

Written by Shreelata Suresh

Ayurvedic healers recommend exercise on a daily basis for good health and longevity. The ayurvedic approach to exercise focuses not only onrepparttar physical benefits exercise imparts, but also on its positive influence on mind, heart, senses and spirit when customized to suit individual needs for balance. The ayurvedic approach to exercise aims atrepparttar 112952 following physical benefits:

· Enhanced circulation · Enhanced energy, strength and vitality · Enhanced flexibility and coordination · Good posture · Increased ability to breathe deeper, infusing more prana intorepparttar 112953 system · A feeling of lightness inrepparttar 112954 body · Toned muscles and body · Increased efficiency ofrepparttar 112955 digestive system and a balanced appetite and metabolism · Increased efficiency in eliminating toxins fromrepparttar 112956 body

The ayurvedic approach to exercise also aims atrepparttar 112957 following benefits for mind, heart and spirit:

· Enhanced mental alertness and agility · Enhanced mental strength · Enhanced focus and ability to concentrate · Sense of emotional equilibrium · Enhanced self-esteem and respect for one's body · Self-awareness · Enhanced ability to manage stress · Freedom of spirit

General Ayurvedic Exercise Guidelines

Exercise done torepparttar 112958 point of discomfort tends to be counterproductive. When you work out torepparttar 112959 point where you are sore, exhausted and straining to breathe normally, your body is generating free radicals, which have been implicated in disease and premature aging. Excessive free radical build-up inrepparttar 112960 body tends to lower natural immunity. Also, when you work your body so hard that you have to take a day off to rest it after every three days of exercise, you are increasing wear and tear. Over-exercising can interfere with your metabolism as well, slowing it down.

To getrepparttar 112961 benefits from exercise withoutrepparttar 112962 side effects, exercise only as long as you can breathe normally throughrepparttar 112963 nose. When you begin to feel yourself pushing beyond your zone of comfort, slow down and walk until you can resume again without straining. Over time, as your body acclimatizes itself to your new way of working out, you will be able to exercise longer in comfort. Pay heed to your body and it will guide you towards your optimum exercise type and level.

The ayurvedic texts describerepparttar 112964 concept of balaardh-using half your strength or capacity-when you exercise. For example, if you can run a 4-minute mile, you would do it in 8 minutes usingrepparttar 112965 concept of balaardh. As you maintainrepparttar 112966 exercise program, your capacity will increase, so thatrepparttar 112967 50% 3 months downrepparttar 112968 line will be greater thanrepparttar 112969 50% you do today.

When done this way, you will be able to enjoy exercise and you will stay with it longer, and you won't haverepparttar 112970 burnout or injuries that often come with working out till you drop. When exercise is done within your comfort zone, it is also nourishing to your heart and emotions and enhances your sense of overall well-being.

Exercise early inrepparttar 112971 morning. When you work out inrepparttar 112972 morning, exercise helps elevate energy levels forrepparttar 112973 day and promotes more restful sleep at night. If you exercise inrepparttar 112974 evening, you may have trouble settling down to sleep.

Do not exercise on a completely empty stomach or just after a full meal. Eat something light, such as a small portion of stewed fruit, about 15 minutes before you exercise. If you've eaten a full meal, wait at least three hours before you work out, to avoid divertingrepparttar 112975 body's focus from digestingrepparttar 112976 meal and assimilatingrepparttar 112977 nutrients.

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