The Great White Yacht

Written by Rick Beneteau

My intention was to write this article with a fairly clear idea of what I wanted to express. But you know what they say about intentions – at least good ones?:-)

I came out to my balcony with laptop in tow and I started typing. However,repparttar impressive powerboats and mammoth lake and ocean freighters passing by againstrepparttar 122881 magnificent backdrop ofrepparttar 122882 downtown Detroit skyline soon had my full attention.

I chose to live here just because of this million dollar view, and I work out here in my ‘second office’ almost every day, so why would I be so distracted this particular time?

The answer didn’t take long to appear. Coming into view a foot at a time was this sleek, bright white yacht with blacked-out windows. It slowly cruised by, as if to say “watch me!” She was indeed a thing of beauty, all 120 or so feet of her. The ultimate physical statement of success and achievement!

Suddenly, my pre-conceived notion of how this article was going to unfold simply flew away, just likerepparttar 122883 flocks of roosting seagulls do as I approach them on my morning walk alongrepparttar 122884 river’s edge.

I began to wonder exactly who owned this stunning ship and how he or she ‘attracted’ it into their life. No doubtrepparttar 122885 owner was taking several weeks off, or perhaps evenrepparttar 122886 entire summer, to cruiserepparttar 122887 Great Lakes. Or even better, this yacht set to sea inrepparttar 122888 Caribbean, headed uprepparttar 122889 Atlantic seaboard enteredrepparttar 122890 St. Lawrence Seaway and sailed down through Lake Ontario and Lake Erie to pass by my balcony - to inspire me!

A lingering look through powerful binoculars made this ultimate status symbol allrepparttar 122891 more beautiful!

I returned to reality, wondering whorepparttar 122892 owner could be.

One thing I can assure you is that someone created a lot of wealth in order to be able to navigate this vessel past my building at this most appropriate time!

You might be thinking that this came from inherited money and you could be right. The point remains, however, that one person, at one time, with a single idea, put into motion “the seed” that attracted allrepparttar 122893 money required to float this multi-million dollar ship downrepparttar 122894 Detroit River. Let’s examine this.

Forrepparttar 122895 sake of argument, let’s assume that our “captain” here is also a captain inrepparttar 122896 entrepreneurial world. He or she owns or is an integral part of a successful company or corporation.

As isrepparttar 122897 case with most real success stories, this entrepreneur probably started with only “the seed” and a shoestring budget. And so,repparttar 122898 important question becomes: how did this seed grow intorepparttar 122899 success it is today?

Ninety-nine-point-nine percent ofrepparttar 122900 answer most likely lies withinrepparttar 122901 title of this article. They “thought” their way torepparttar 122902 top! I can guarantee you that this entrepreneur “thinks” likerepparttar 122903 world’s most successful entrepreneurs. He or she thinks “success thoughts”.

Are you wondering what success thoughts are?

Success thoughts are simply those powerful and empowering thoughts you think, minute-to-minute, hour-by hour, day-to-day, every day, that set into motionrepparttar 122904 Universal Law of Attraction – what you think is what you get! Think success – achieve success.

In My Life

Written by Rick Beneteau

In My Life I have savoredrepparttar sweetness of Victory.

In My Life I have been Vanquished and know too wellrepparttar 122880 bitter taste of Defeat.


In My Life I have been so overwhelmed with Joy that I thought I could not contain it.

In My Life I have been so overwrought with Sorrow that I believed I could not bear another moment of it.


In My Life I have Believed so strongly that no person or circumstance could impair my conviction.

In My Life I have Doubted so deeply that a single criticism could sway my belief.


In My Life I have been so Optimistic there wasn't a single dream of mine that I was not convinced I could make a reality.

In My Life I have been so Discouraged that I dare not dream.


In My Life I have lived with Hope and been magnificently empowered.

In My Life I have been Hopeless and rendered powerless.


In My Life I have enjoyed Abundance where I felt no person or circumstance could ever take away my worldly possessions.

In My Life I have lost all my worldly possessions and been humbled by destitution.


In My Life I have recklessly Judged and caused great pain for others.

In My Life I have feltrepparttar 122881 brutal sting of being Judged.


In My Life I have been Admired so ardently that it was almost embarrassing.

In My Life I have been Despised so deeply that I felt like crawling away and hiding.


In My Life I have Apologized and feltrepparttar 122882 amazing healing.

In My Life I have Forgiven and feltrepparttar 122883 amazing freedom.


In My Life I have flown with Angels and feltrepparttar 122884 true comfort they brought.

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