The Great Real Estate Bubble Quiz

Written by Mark Walters

You hear it asked onrepparttar radio, inrepparttar 148616 newspapers and on TV.

"Are we experiencing a value bubble in real estate and is it ready to burst?"

Do you have an answer for that question? Do you have a guess?

Yes, I knowrepparttar 148617 so called experts are lining up on both sides ofrepparttar 148618 question. But what about you? You're living right inrepparttar 148619 middle ofrepparttar 148620 action. You can judge what's happening in your city - your neighborhood.

Are property owners going to be safe or sorry?

To help you form an opinion ofrepparttar 148621 current state ofrepparttar 148622 real estate market we have created the...


Everyone gets a passing grade and no homework is required, so put your thinking cap on and jump in...

True False Question

___ ___ Boston Real Estate values are up 90% inrepparttar 148623 last six years? ___ ___ San Francisco real estate values are up 90% inrepparttar 148624 last six years? ___ ___ Denver real estate values are up 90% inrepparttar 148625 last six years? ___ ___ The price ofrepparttar 148626 average home in New York was $50,000 in 1975 and is $325,000 today.. a gain of 550%? ___ ___ The average home price in Los Angeles was $50,000 in 1975. After a gain of 500% it sells today for $300,000? ___ ___ A 6,000 sq ft home in Greenwich, CT. worth $500,000 in 1987 sells today for $4-million? ___ ___ Fannie Mae,repparttar 148627 largest buyer of mortgages inrepparttar 148628 US, issued a report warning thatrepparttar 148629 probability of a housing bust has risen sharply in certain parts ofrepparttar 148630 country.

The Myth of the Management Team

Written by Graeme Nichol

Every business has problems. That is whyrepparttar average life span of a large industrial company is 40 years. Some are learning disabilities where companies are not prepared to learn from their mistakes. They insist on doingrepparttar 148590 same thing every time. Even when problems occur no one examinesrepparttar 148591 cause ofrepparttar 148592 problem. The problem is an embarrassment that should be swept underrepparttar 148593 rug and forgotten rather than be used as an opportunity to learn. Handling these dilemmas and disabilities isrepparttar 148594 Management Team. Below is a quote from Peter Senge’s book “The Fifth Discipline –repparttar 148595 Art & Practice ofrepparttar 148596 Learning Organization.” Does this sound like your company? If it does start worrying!

The Myth ofrepparttar 148597 Management Team Standing forward to do battle with these dilemmas and disabilities is “the management team,”repparttar 148598 collection of savvy, experienced managers who representrepparttar 148599 organization’s different functions and areas of expertise. Together, they are supposed to sort outrepparttar 148600 complex cross-functional issues that are critical torepparttar 148601 organization. What confidence do we have, really, that typical management teams can surmount these learning disabilities? All too often, teams in business tend to spend their time fighting for turf, avoiding anything that will make them look bad personally, and pretending that everyone is behindrepparttar 148602 team’s collective strategy – maintainingrepparttar 148603 appearance of a cohesive team. To keep uprepparttar 148604 image, they seek to squelch disagreement; people with serious reservations avoid stating them publicly, and joint decisions are watered-down compromises reflecting what everyone can live with, or else reflecting one person’s view foisted onrepparttar 148605 group. If there is disagreement, it’s usually expressed in a manner that lays blame, polarizes opinion, and fails to revealrepparttar 148606 underlying differences in assumptions and experience in a way thatrepparttar 148607 team as a whole could learn. “Most management teams break down under pressure,” writes Harvard’s Chris Argyris – a long time student of learning in management teams. “The team may function quite well with routine issues. But when they confront complex issues that may be embarrassing or threatening,repparttar 148608 ‘teamness’ seems to go to pot.” Argyris argues that most managers find collective inquiry inherently threatening. School trains us never to admit that we do not knowrepparttar 148609 answer, and most corporations reinforce that lesson by rewardingrepparttar 148610 people who excel in advocating their views, not inquiring into complex issues. (When wasrepparttar 148611 last time someone was rewarded in your organization for raising difficult questions aboutrepparttar 148612 company’s current policies rather than solving urgent problems?) Even if we feel uncertain or ignorant, we learn to protect ourselves fromrepparttar 148613 pain of appearing uncertain or ignorant. That very process blocks out any new understandings which might threaten us. The consequence is what Argyris calls “skilled incompetence” – teams full of people who are incredibly proficient at keeping themselves from learning.

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