The Golden "Week" of Selling

Written by Kim Duke

Have you ever heard ofrepparttar Golden Hour? I live with a paramedic – so I am always learning about medical terminology (whether I like it or not!) The one that caught my attention was Rob’s reference to “The Golden Hour.”

The first 60 minutes after someone has been injured are critical in EMS. This is when they can offerrepparttar 142898 most support in saving someone’s life. Paramedics, doctors and nurses call itrepparttar 142899 Golden Hour.

In selling there is also a Golden period. 7 days! One ofrepparttar 142900 biggest factors in why someone doesn’t CHOOSE your product or service is they didn’t get what they needed FAST ENOUGH. Hey – we have all been there – flat tires (I have had 2 in one week!), orders to fill, e-mails to respond to. We get busy and sometimes a customer or potential customer can slip throughrepparttar 142901 cracks. A good friend of mine, Wayne Cotton, is an international speaker. I love his quote “If you have a problem then create a process. Good-bye problem!”

7 Point Diva Checklist:

Once you have had any interaction with a potential or existing customer go throughrepparttar 142902 following 7 point checklist:

1)(Insertrepparttar 142903 date) info is required to be in front of client. 2)Thank you card sent within 7 days of meeting. The earlierrepparttar 142904 better! 3)E-mail follow-up within 24 hours advising themrepparttar 142905 info will be delivered byrepparttar 142906 date they need. 4)Delivery ofrepparttar 142907 info BEFORErepparttar 142908 deadline if at all possible. 5)Follow-up phone call to ensure they have receivedrepparttar 142909 material – as well as to set up a date to discussrepparttar 142910 proposal. 6)Another thank you card once they have purchased your service/product. 7)Insert them into your e-zine/database for additional follow-up forrepparttar 142911 next 12 months.

How To Write Effective Safelists Headlines

Written by Denis Whittaker

Your headline isrepparttar gateway to your advertisement. it will either entice your reader to continue reading, or turn them of before they've read a single word about your product. A good headline translates into leads.

Headlines arerepparttar 142808 first thingrepparttar 142809 eye falls on. If it loses your reader's attention, you automatically lose a potential lead. This translates into a single fact: your headline is what sells your product. An effective headline will be impossible to resist, and it will forcerepparttar 142810 reader to learn more about your product or service.

You only have a few seconds to seize your reader's attention. That being said, it is imperative that you earn how to write good, if not brilliant headlines. Let's start by examining whatrepparttar 142811 function of a headline is.

A headline should grabrepparttar 142812 reader's attention, communicate potential benefits to that reader, and set-up an expectation of what will follow inrepparttar 142813 body ofrepparttar 142814 ad-andrepparttar 142815 headline must do this all at once, instantaneously! Additionally, an effective headline is a filter that attracts your target audience.

Your headline should be educational rather than overly commercial. The best headlines declare an issue or a problem faced by marketing professionals, and they containrepparttar 142816 subtle promise of your product or service being able to solve that problem.

For example,"How to…" headlines work well because they appeal torepparttar 142817 need for information. Headlines written as a question appeal torepparttar 142818 reader's emotions because they will automatically want that question answered and be moved to read on. Headlines written as commands, such as "Double your traffic…" focusing onrepparttar 142819 most vital benefit of your product or service literally demands your reader's attention.

Another strategy is using a news item as headline copy, such as announcing your new breakthrough service. Finally, consider usingrepparttar 142820 best sentence, subtly rewritten, from a testimonial: My traffic has increased by 50% and sales are at an all time high! Testimonials, which must always be reliable and true to their source, inspire your potential customer's trust and peak their interest.

Obviously, learning how to write elective headlines is essential. But to do that, you must first understand whatrepparttar 142821 qualities of effective headlines are.

An effective headline must be immediately credible. You have to make a claim, but it must not sound impossible or miraculous. If it sounds too amazing,repparttar 142822 reader will not believe you, and you will lose them before you getrepparttar 142823 chance to explain your product or service.

Following this line of reasoning, effective headlines must also be short becauserepparttar 142824 average reader's attention span is short. Forrepparttar 142825 same reason that sound bites work, headlines must be brief and notable. They must be easy to remember, and even better, impossible to forget. Quotation marks work well in headlines, for example, because they both grabrepparttar 142826 eye andrepparttar 142827 reader's attention. This is most likely due torepparttar 142828 conditioning people receive from reading books. A reader tend to focus more on whats being said withinrepparttar 142829 quotation marks.

Use no more than fifteen words atrepparttar 142830 most. The shorterrepparttar 142831 better, so eliminate all extraneous words, such as adjectives and adverbs. These words can make a headline sound unbelievable or like hype, so only use these modifiers in your ad copy.

Headlines should appeal torepparttar 142832 reader's emotions rather than their intellect. Generally, strong emotions motivate people to take action, andrepparttar 142833 more powerfulrepparttar 142834 emotion,repparttar 142835 fasterrepparttar 142836 action. So aim to write headlines that inspire awe, excitement, curiosity, even fear, and you will have solidly caught your reader's attention.

Write inrepparttar 142837 active voice, usingrepparttar 142838 first or second person. Keep all your verbs inrepparttar 142839 present tense, as it makesrepparttar 142840 headline more immediate. Aim to write a headline that is inrepparttar 142841 imperative tense in order to motivate your reader to take some kind of action. In this case, reading on torepparttar 142842 rest ofrepparttar 142843 ad.

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