The Gift Is the Path Itself

Written by Helaine Iris

The Gift Is The Path Itself Helaine Iris © 2002

“The miracle of love comes to you inrepparttar presence ofrepparttar 123704 uninterpreted moment. If you are mentally somewhere else, you miss real life.” —Byron Katie “You have one year to live”.

For a good part of my life I have wondered, with a fair degree of anxiety, if someone, someday would utter these terrifying words to me. In my gloomy nightmare it’s been discovered that I have an incurable disease, and my life will soon be over.

Instant grief, fear of pain and suffering, incredible sadness all come rushing into my imagination as I create a scenario in my heart about my own death. Who will love my childrenrepparttar 123705 way I do? Will my husband find love again? How many dreams will I never see come true? What happens to me when I die?

When I blend these painful thoughts with our societal values to accomplish and succeed at life at any cost, it’s no wonder I experience stress and fear. I feelrepparttar 123706 cultural treadmill constantly pushing me forward toward something. How can I die without achievingrepparttar 123707 right career,repparttar 123708 perfect relationship, money, and a mission in life that will define my purpose for being alive?

I’m not suggesting that we shouldn’t “do” things, have goals and live our dreams torepparttar 123709 fullest. What I am wondering about isrepparttar 123710 other half ofrepparttar 123711 formula; what we inrepparttar 123712 western world collectively condemn as frivolous and not productive. Being.

To me being-ness is about embracingrepparttar 123713 present, seeing others and myself inrepparttar 123714 context of who I am, not what I do. Holdingrepparttar 123715 values of compassion and inclusion. Seeing as much value in dancing, painting or dangling my bare feet in a stream as I do in building a successful coaching practice. In essence, becoming attentive torepparttar 123716 vibrancy and texture of every experience in which I find myself.

To Be or To Do -- That Is The Question

Written by Miami Phillips

A reader wrote me this week saying she was lost, confused and was having difficulty finding out what she wanted to do with her life. Another similar email camerepparttar very next day. There seems to be a huge groundswell of people askingrepparttar 123703 same question… “What do I do with my life?”

I would ask you this question…What would you BE in your life?

Somehow, someway, you have to BE you first, then you DO what you love.

To BE who you are sounds very simple, but it is not. All of us are programmed from a very early age to DO something so we can BE somebody. We learned that certain professions mean success, and others are not. Go to school! BE a lawyer, a doctor, or whatever it was in your town. We learned that money meant you could BE someone. After all, how could you BE someone unless you had a nice house, a nice car and belonged torepparttar 123704 right crowds?

To BE your Self requires action on our parts to ensurerepparttar 123705 outside influences stay onrepparttar 123706 outside. Being your Self means searching deep within to define what is most important to you (your values), and then consciously making every choice available based on those values. With time, we cannot help but BE who we are! Being who you are brings a confidence and helps to understand that where you are now is good. You realize a comfort in knowing there is no struggle to DO something so you can BE somebody.

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