The Gibson Company Finds New Building for ResMAE

Written by Bill Ralston

Newport Beach, CA - November 23, 2004 –The Gibson Company today announced that ResMAE Mortgage Corporation has signed a 79,897 square foot, 10-year lease at Six Pointe Drive in Brea, California. ResMAE Mortgage Corporation will occupy three floors at this 131,687 square foot, 5-story, Class A office building currently under construction and set to deliver inrepparttar fourth quarter of 2005. ResMAE was represented by Tom Gibson, of The Gibson Company, and Olen was represented by Greg Brown, of Cushman & Wakefield’s Irvine office, along with Todd Frye, of Olen Commercial Realty Corporation.

About ResMAE ResMAE Mortgage Corporation is a Brea-based wholesale specialty residential mortgage lender and servicer that incorporates next-generation technology and streamlined electronic workflows to originate mortgages at lower costs. Founded by M. Jack Mayesh, Edward Resendez and William Komperda,repparttar 103649 former executive management team which established Long Beach Financial Corporation, ResMAE is a national lender and is HUD-approved, licensed and qualified to conduct business in 36 states. ResMAE serves both brokers and borrowers onrepparttar 103650 front-end and investors, bond insurers and rating agencies onrepparttar 103651 back end. For more information on ResMAE Mortgage Corporation, visitrepparttar 103652 company’s website at

Distribute The Wealth With Business Cards

Written by Lisa Maliga

Distributerepparttar Wealth with Business Cards By Lisa Maliga © 2004

For only pennies per card, you have in your hands one ofrepparttar 103648 most powerful and versatile tools to promote your business.

Color Your Business Card The first thing most people notice about your business card will berepparttar 103649 color – or lack of it. Is it a ho-hum, unexciting card that looks like thousands of others? Regardless of whether you have your card professionally designed, or you create it on your home or business computer and printer, color makes your card stand out. You can purchase prescored or perforated sheets of heavy paper or cardstock in a variety of colors and/or designs and patterns. Many word processing programs have a business card template, as will graphic design programs, and you can customize your business card in a matter of minutes. However, some occupations aren’t known for garish color schemes, such as a funeral director who would probably go for a somber color. Conversely, those involved inrepparttar 103650 field of childcare might opt for neons and vivid hues. Go with what works for your company’s image.

Homemade or Professional If cost is an issue, then you need to consider your designing skills. Sometimes a plain white or beige card with a simple font will be all you need. Other times, you might want a heavy matte cardstock with a four-color photo on your cards. When inquiring about prices from your local printer, make several calls. Also, if you’re concerned aboutrepparttar 103651 quality of your business cards, it would be to your advantage to visitrepparttar 103652 printer and ask to see samples of their work.

While there are many online-based companies who do excellent jobs, you are again advised to contact them and discuss your needs aboutrepparttar 103653 size ofrepparttar 103654 font, color, type of cardstock, cost of finished product, money back guarantees, and if they will snail mail sample[s] to you. Ask for their opinion, as they arerepparttar 103655 experts. They should be happy to consult with you. A reliable printer is just that – someone who is proud ofrepparttar 103656 quality of his or her work and will be able to prove it to you be it on or off-line.

Magnetized Business Cards Make your card a part of any metal surface with a magnetic business card. Magnets aren’t just for refrigerators, as many offices have cabinets, credenzas and filing cabinets with surfaces just asking for magnets!

Your Winning Business Card This method will expose your business and you might also win a prize! Many restaurants and retail establishments have free drawings if you include your business card in their ballot boxes. Your card might translate into sales if you have products they want.

Creative Business Card Distribution This is a cost-effective way to drive sales to your door or traffic to your web site. In your local bookstore you will find dozens of appropriate categories pertaining to your market. For example, if your business involves lawn and garden care, insert your business cards into books pertaining to gardening, plants, flowers, botany, home repair, and other categories loosely or closely related to your business. That person who finds your card and is thinking of doing a project him or herself might decide to let you haverepparttar 103657 business! Or they may know of someone who would be interested in utilizing your company’s services. Not every business card you distribute will have results, maybe you only provide a free bookmark, but it’s a free promotion method.

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