The Geriatric (Older) Dog

Written by Moses Chia

Dogs mature and age at much different rates, usually according to size and breed. It is commonly held that dogs live 7 years for every year that we man does. However, this serve as only a rough guide when converting and calculating your dog’s age as dogs grow up very rapidly in their early years and then slow down. For example, a 1 year old dog is comparable to a 15 year old kid, at age 6, he is comparable to 40 years old in human terms. By 12, it is consider a geriatric dog and is equivalent to an 80 year old man. It is generally believed thatrepparttar smallerrepparttar 144068 dog breeds,repparttar 144069 longer they live. Small breeds such as Terrier and Poodle may not slow down until 13 or 14 and could live to 17. Onrepparttar 144070 other hand, larger breeds such as Great Dane and Wolfhounds rarely live pass 9 years. Diet A healthy diet forrepparttar 144071 older dog should be senior food that are formulated with low in fat and salt for a healthy heart, lower calories to help combat obesity since they are less active, lower protein to helprepparttar 144072 kidneys and liver, and higher fiber forrepparttar 144073 bowels to prevent constipation. A switch to a specially formulated commercial diet forrepparttar 144074 older dog will usually perk him up. If you have no clues about your older dog’s diet, you should consult your vet for advice.

History of Dogs?? or maybe Wolves???

Written by Moses Chia

ORIGIN Do you know thatrepparttar adorable little puppy you bought home last week could possibly be a descendent of a wolf? It may well be true! In fact, many theorists believe that wolf isrepparttar 144067 direct ancestors of domestic dog. Nevertheless, there are just as many who argue that it seems impossible to have over 400 varieties of dogs descended from just one species. -Anatomically,repparttar 144068 make-up molecules ofrepparttar 144069 wolf overrepparttar 144070 centuries have remained unchanged, and research revealed thatrepparttar 144071 DNA of wolf and dog are almost identical! The general pattern of dogs’ skeleton is still very similar to those of wolves in terms of their components, but significant changes can be detected, most obviously inrepparttar 144072 shape ofrepparttar 144073 skull andrepparttar 144074 length of some ofrepparttar 144075 limb bones. The divergence in physical appearance could possibly berepparttar 144076 result of mutation or even during cross breeding. Today, breeds such asrepparttar 144077 Alaskan malamute still retain a strong affinity withrepparttar 144078 wolf, in terms of their facial appearance and underlying skull structure. -Behaviorally, both dogs and wolves bury bones; turn in circles before settling down for sleep; howl atrepparttar 144079 moon and frequently leg lift to mark territory. Both gestation periods is 63 days each, andrepparttar 144080 birth and development of their young is also almost identical -Structurally, dogs and wolves are also extremely similar. Both also live in a pack-like hierarchal system where they are comfortable with a top dog, or Alpha role model. With regards to domestic dogs, Alpha (leader) role should belong torepparttar 144081 owner they live with. Whateverrepparttar 144082 theory, it isn’t difficult to spotrepparttar 144083 similarities between dog and wolf. Although, in some cases,repparttar 144084 appearance ofrepparttar 144085 domestic dog has diverged significantly from that of its “suspected” ancestor, most dogs still retain many ofrepparttar 144086 traits of their ancestor. Man’s Best Friend Early cave drawings show us that wild dogs and wolfs were with humans even in prehistoric time. One ofrepparttar 144087 earliest documentations of man and canine was noted more than 12 000 years ago on an ancient site in Egypt whenrepparttar 144088 fossilized remains of a man and a small puppy were found in a grave in hugging position. Although, it is doubtful whetherrepparttar 144089 puppy was that of dog or wolf, this is not an important issue. Today, Scientists recognize and agree thatrepparttar 144090 process of domestication ofrepparttar 144091 dog has existed for 14 000 years, however they are not in agreement as to how domestication occurred: -Some believe that man adopted offspring ofrepparttar 144092 wolf and through natural selection chose to keep those that were less aggressive and that craftily begged for food.

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