The Free Lunch (And Other Myths)

Written by Elena Fawkner

I have a page at my website that contains a list of home business ideas (and links to detailed articles about some of them). On that page, I invite visitors who have an idea that isn't listed on that page to submit it to me for inclusion. Nine times out of ten,repparttar "ideas" that are submitted are nothing more than ads for various online business opportunities and not true business "ideas" at all.

This evening I received one such email. No greeting, no thank you, just a terse one liner "to be added to your ideas page" and an URL. I responded that this was not an "idea" (which, hadrepparttar 117788 person bothered to spend any time at all atrepparttar 117789 page in question, she would have realized) but an ad for her business opportunity, and that if she wanted her ad on my site, she could damn well pay for it like anyone else (I was a little more diplomatic than that but you getrepparttar 117790 gist).

Hot onrepparttar 117791 heels of this type of approach isrepparttar 117792 owner of an affiliate program for a product which would be of marginal interest (if that) to a tiny number of my ezine subscribers, offering me a fabulous "joint venture" opportunity whereby all I have to do is send a solo mailing to my list (worth $260) in exchange for making maybe $12 on each of three sales. Whoopee. Invariably, these people knowrepparttar 117793 demographic of my database intimately since, according to them, all my readers have been searching high and low for just such a solution to all their problems and *I* can berepparttar 117794 one to give it to them!

Please. Contrary to what these people obviously think, I did NOT just fall offrepparttar 117795 back of a turnip truck so, to whom it may concern, go grow your own list or pay to advertise to mine. Those are your choices. This is a business, not a charity forrepparttar 117796 bone idle.

These are by no means isolated examples.

Those of you running an online business probably have a list of examples like these as long as your arm. Why do people not understand that you get what you pay for in this world? I'll tell you why. The proliferation of "secret" sites that promise to reveal to you, for only a "$60 lifetime membership!" all repparttar 117797 "tips and tricks" you need to know to market your online business onrepparttar 117798 'net "without spending a dime!" and allrepparttar 117799 "insider secrets" marketing courses promisingrepparttar 117800 same thing.

If you're laboring underrepparttar 117801 impression that it's possible to market your business without spending money, here's some not-so-secret tips:

1. There ARE places to advertise your business for free, sort of. They don't come with no strings attached though. For example, although you can submit your site for free to repparttar 117802 classifieds sites and FFA pages that are absolutely everywhere, be prepared for a deluge of email in response. And I'm not talking about requests for more information! Typically, people visit these sites to get your email address so they can send THEIR business opportunity to YOU.

2. Some ofrepparttar 117803 search engines are still free. Many have moved to a paid submission model though and, even if they do still offer a free submission service, those listings are not a priority and tend to be added torepparttar 117804 index whenrepparttar 117805 engines get around to it. Better to spend a few bucks for a submission and get listed beforerepparttar 117806 next summer Olympics.

3. You can write articles and submit them to newsletter publishers and relevant websites. That's actually a good way to get your message across so long asrepparttar 117807 article has real meat to it and doesn't mention your opportunity or product (leave that forrepparttar 117808 resource box). Although it needn't cost you money, it does cost you time and effort and you may well get a better return by simply paying $65 for an ezine ad.

4. You can start your own newsletter and develop your own opt-in subscriber list. Unless you're prepared to pay for subscribers (around 15 cents per subscriber is about repparttar 117809 average) it's going to take a LONG time to grow your list to a decent size. Contrary to what some people will tell you, you will not grow a 'sticky' subscriber base of 5,000 within a month. Oh, you can grow a list of that size alright using some ofrepparttar 117810 various approaches being offered but it won't be a targeted list and it won't be a sticky list (i.e., subscribers won't stick around). With these programs you'll also find that a lot of subscribers are in it to generate their own subscribers and really aren't interested in subscribing to your newsletter. They do so only because it's a condition of being inrepparttar 117811 program. Often these people will use free email addresses that they never check, let alone actually readrepparttar 117812 contents of.


Written by Sharon Dalton Williams

When I went grocery shopping last week, I picked up a package of Grillers, a soy protein product, made by Morning Star Farm, which I haven't done for a while.

I had eaten Grillers for years and had really enjoyedrepparttar taste. Then one day, as I pulledrepparttar 117787 package out ofrepparttar 117788 freezer, I saw that Morning Star Farm had "improved"repparttar 117789 taste of Grillers. Let me tell you. They did NOT improverepparttar 117790 taste, at least not according to my taste buds. So I stopped buyingrepparttar 117791 product.

What made me buyrepparttar 117792 product again? Morning Star Farm had printed in big bold letters onrepparttar 117793 packaging, "Original Grillers." So I tried it. And, yes, it was back torepparttar 117794 product I had loved for so long.

As I sat there thoroughly enjoying my meal, I thought how silly of Morning Star Farm to mess withrepparttar 117795 recipe of Grillers to "improve" it when they had such a winning product to begin with.

This line of thinking reminded me of Coca-Cola who hadrepparttar 117796 "brilliant" idea several years ago to changerepparttar 117797 recipe of Coke and call it New Coke. That change cost them a lot of customers, so they quickly regrouped and brought back Classic Coke.

Both Morning Star Farm and Coca-Cola had abandonedrepparttar 117798 products that had worked so well for them and made their companies prosperous. Someone somewhere had come up withrepparttar 117799 idea thatrepparttar 117800 classic products needed to be changed. They totally took offrepparttar 117801 market that which customers had been purchasing, and brought outrepparttar 117802 new and improved versions. They didn't giverepparttar 117803 customers a choice.

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