The Fountain of Youth - Right in Front of Us All This Time!

Written by Danna Schneider

Can we really stoprepparttar aging process, slow it down, or even reverserepparttar 114649 effects of aging on our skin and body? It is an enigma for which so many have searchedrepparttar 114650 answers to for years. Now, with advanced modern science making breakthroughs and discoveries every day,repparttar 114651 answers have become apparent torepparttar 114652 age-old quest forrepparttar 114653 proverbial fountain of youth.

In large part, your everyday lifestyle choices contribute torepparttar 114654 way you age, andrepparttar 114655 rate at which your body ages. Diet, environmental factors, exercise andrepparttar 114656 topical skincare products and skin care regimen you choose, all affectrepparttar 114657 way you are going to appear now and ten, twenty, and thirty years downrepparttar 114658 road. It's no surprise your lifestyle plays a pivotal role in how your body and skin age overrepparttar 114659 years, since we've always known diet and exercise affect our energy levels, appearance, moods, and fitness level.

However, several key foods have been found to be very effective weapons not only against aging in general, but also against skin disorders ranging from acne, rosacea, thin skin, and photo aging (sun damage). These foods can even help reverse and repair sun and other environmental damage done torepparttar 114660 skin. This powerful weapon is a group of chemical compounds called antioxidants, and what they accomplish in high doses, along with adequate exercise, can mimic a surgical facelift over a relatively short period of time! Think about all ofrepparttar 114661 damage your skin is exposed to on a daily basis. It is your largest and most vulnerable organ, exposed to toxins and other damaging elements, likerepparttar 114662 sun, every day. These elements will actually acceleraterepparttar 114663 aging process by producing harmful compounds called free radicals, which can damage cells and in turn damagerepparttar 114664 skin. Antioxidants actually fight free radicals, and reverse some ofrepparttar 114665 damage already done by them inrepparttar 114666 body.

Precautions to be taken to prevent these nasty little free radicals From wreaking havoc on your skin include wearing sunscreen every day, Getting regular moderate exercise, using preventive skin care(cleansers, lotions, gels, creams, etc ) formulated with powerful antioxidants like Vitamin C and Alpha Lipoic Acid, and making sure your get an abundance of antioxidants in your every day diet. Some examples of foods high in antioxidants include berries (strawberries, bluberries, raspberries, etc.), citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits, etc.), and vegetables rich in color, such as broccoli, zuccini, spinach, and summer squash. Seerepparttar 114667 following links for more information on where to find these anti-aging priciples:

How To Indulge and Win The Battle of The Bulge During The Holidays:

Written by Joey Dweck

If you are trying to lose weight,repparttar holidays literally arerepparttar 114648 heaviest time ofrepparttar 114649 year. So how do you eat, drink and be merry while you’re counting every single calorie? By getting a buddy who will help you makerepparttar 114650 right choices bite by bite. Scientific studies have shown that people who diet with partners are much more likely to lose weight and to keep it off. And there’s no more crucial time to have a buddy on your side than from Thanksgiving to New Year’s. “Duringrepparttar 114651 holidays, you can use allrepparttar 114652 help you can get,” says Alan Gettis, a nutritionist and clinical psychologist in River Edge, N.J. “I urge my clients to get a full-time year-round a buddy, it could be a husband or a wife, a neighbor or a friend. I’ve also been telling my clients about, where they can sign up for a buddy for free.” But don’t wait forrepparttar 114653 first feast to find a buddy, says Susan Holmberg, a nutritionist and behavioral therapist in Oradell, N.J. “Once you start overeating, you don’t want a buddy,” she says. Buddies give you moral support and help you identify bad eating habits and patterns because they have been there, too, she says. “You may want to have more than one buddy,” she says. “You can have one onrepparttar 114654 phone and one who exercises with you and goes to parties with you. You can make deals with your buddy where you both go torepparttar 114655 party but only one of you goes throughrepparttar 114656 buffet line or where you agree to split one meal.” Buddies also are like therapists and coaches, who listen to you and keep you onrepparttar 114657 right path. “Your buddy should be a person you can share your feelings with and rely on in a pinch without fear that your feelings will be used as ammunition against you,” Gettis says. Holmberg says that is particularly helpful to people who may be reluctant to change because those who sign on can choose a either real-life buddy, someone in their geographical area they can meet and exercise with, or select someone to work with solely online or viarepparttar 114658 phone. “Sometimes anonymity is good,” she says. “You are much more likely to try it if you don’t have to meetrepparttar 114659 person.” Gettis points out that with www.WeightLossBuddy, “you can find someone with similar goals, and both of you can support each other.” Buddies also take on active roles, getting you to stop a bad habit and replace it with a healthy one. Gettis likensrepparttar 114660 process to a marathon, whererepparttar 114661 runners are tempted to give up beforerepparttar 114662 26th mile because it is so difficult to stayrepparttar 114663 course. “The 18- to 19-mile mark isrepparttar 114664 crucial one,” he says. “During a marathon I was once in, I came upon two guys running – one was hurting, andrepparttar 114665 other was encouraging him to keep running. I followed them for two to three miles, andrepparttar 114666 one kept saying, ‘Leave me.’ The other kept saying, ‘I’m not going to.’ And I thought, ‘What great friends!’ Then I heardrepparttar 114667 one hurting say, ‘What’s your name?’”

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