The Forces of Nature in Your Stories

Written by Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ

Nature plays a big role in stories. Nature can make a character more authentic because it can influence his/her action or behavior.

If you ever find yourself stuck on to how to describe one of your characters, add a force of nature in your character description. Describe how your character behaves or reacts during a bad (or good) weather.

Take for example a few movies where forces of nature were vital. Imagine howrepparttar characters andrepparttar 128939 plots would change ifrepparttar 128940 following forces of nature were taken away:

~repparttar 128941 tornado inrepparttar 128942 Wizard of Oz ~repparttar 128943 lightning in Phenomenon (John Travolta) ~repparttar 128944 volcanic eruption in Dante's Peak (Pierce Brosnan) ~repparttar 128945 icebergs inrepparttar 128946 Atlantic in Titanic (Leonardo diCaprio) ~repparttar 128947 avalanche in Vertical Limit (Chris O'Donnell)

Try to substitute another force of nature inrepparttar 128948 examples above and see how it affectsrepparttar 128949 story andrepparttar 128950 characters.

Kick-Start your Juices

Written by Mary Attard

Listen, consider this scenario.

You have a deadline to honour. Time is pressing, tighter and tighter. You are hoping to come up with some topic for your project.....

However, ideas on what to write about keep eluding you.

What are you going to do in situations like these?

Today there are various software and information to start you off when finding yourself in such a rut. They all can come handy, but one sure technique to provide quick results is Keyword Brainstorming.

Let's see what this is all about and how it works in practice.

•find a quiet place and set a time limit

•take a sheet of paper and writerepparttar subject keyword atrepparttar 128938 top

•now, any idea that this word brings to your mind, jot it down

•don't be judgmental, and keep focusing onrepparttar 128939 start keyword

•just write key words - enough to trigger your thoughts in future

•keep going as fast as you can

•jot down in a list form, without analysing for spelling, validity, etc

•derive as many ideas on paper while keepingrepparttar 128940 fast pace

Here is an example of how a KEYWORD brainstorming page would be:

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