The First Rule of Wine Drinking

Written by Fraser Neilson

Don’t listen to what allrepparttar self appointed wine buffs and wine snobs say – it’s what you like that counts.

It’s not what Mr X, Mrs Y or Sommelier Z says but what you personally enjoy that matters when it comes to wine. Taste is individual to you and must always be treated as such.

If you like really “unsophisticated” sweet German wines such as those 70s standards Liebfraumilsch or Hock (which incidentally almost put a whole generation off drinking wine) then that’s great.

Feel free to carry on drinking them but make sure that you takerepparttar 145431 time to carry on experimenting with other wines of a similar nature or perhaps a different style of your preferred grape.

If you like a white Burgundy, such asrepparttar 145432 steely Chablis, then you may also like other wines matured in metal casks such as a Sancerre.

If you enjoy a nice Sauvignon Blanc then take a look at a South African Chenin Blanc. But don’t put yourself off by scaring your palate through trying completely new and perhaps a bit ‘left field’ choices immediately.

Work up to these experiments. Tryrepparttar 145433 more obvious ones first. If you go from a nice oaky Australian Chardonnay to a Gewurtztraminer right away you might never appreciaterepparttar 145434 subtle pleasures ofrepparttar 145435 German speciality, which is a bit of an acquired taste for most people though it can be dynamite paired withrepparttar 145436 right foods.

And when it comes to teaming wine with food thenrepparttar 145437 same rules apply. If you like your oysters with a full-bodied claret rather than a dry white or a champagne, then that is great too.

White wine with fish dishes isrepparttar 145438 accepted combination worldwide but now many people are realisingrepparttar 145439 delights of eating a ‘meaty fish’ such as tuna with a light red wine.

However do bear one thing in mind :repparttar 145440 ‘rules’ have evolved over time and reflectrepparttar 145441 preferences of millions of palates over many generations of fine dining. Likerepparttar 145442 classics of fiction,repparttar 145443 classic combinations of food and drink are exactly that for a reason – they have proven to be superior over time.

Nicaragua Coffee History

Written by Randy Wilson

In Nicaragua coffee cultivation began early but it did not dominaterepparttar economy as in Guatemala and El Salvador. Coffee cultivation began inrepparttar 145311 lands inrepparttar 145312 southern uplands in earnest inrepparttar 145313 1860’s whererepparttar 145314 transition from other commercial agricultural endeavors was smooth. Butrepparttar 145315 prime coffee growing lands in Nicaragua turned out to be inrepparttar 145316 north central highlands, where Indians owned most ofrepparttar 145317 land, and a familiar course of action that was taking place in other growing areas ofrepparttar 145318 world was about to ensue.

That wasrepparttar 145319 systematic elimination of native populations that stood betweenrepparttar 145320 coffee barons and huge profits from coffee experts. These coffee wars were often very bloody and lasted for years. Those that weren’t killed were enslaved to workrepparttar 145321 plantations on what was once their own land. In 1881 several thousand Indians revolted and attackedrepparttar 145322 government headquarters in Matagalpa and demanded an end torepparttar 145323 forced labor.

The Nicaragua Army suppressedrepparttar 145324 revolt killing over a thousand natives. Nevertheless,repparttar 145325 resistance remained strong for many years and coffee growing in Nicaragua was dangerous business. Many top growers and government officials were assassinated by resistance fighters.

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