The Fine Art of Relationship Marketing

Written by Heidi Richards, MS

“Quality and service are important, if you want to make a sale. If you want to keep a customer for life, keep your promises.” – Heidi Richards

The buzzword these days is “relationship” marketing. Just what is it? And why is it important? Relationship marketing is so much more than “networking. It’s gathering support of your friends, peers, and business contacts. It’s developing strong, lasting, unique relationships with your most valuable asset, your customer. It’s what keeps people “coming back for more.” It’s an excellent way to shortenrepparttar traditional routes of building trust, create opportunities, increase valuable contacts, to achieve success and excel in business.

Every opportunity you have to meet new people is an opportunity to grow your business! If you are willing to invest your time, networking is a process, andrepparttar 120292 payoffs are almost immeasurable. It’s not realistic to expect instant success. It takes time. You can plan your networking opportunities to shortenrepparttar 120293 time it takes to build those relationships.

What do you want and need to accomplish? Do you want to develop lifelong individual customers, land large accounts, or make an impact in your community? You will accomplish all three by getting involved in your local civic organizations, Chambers of Commerce, Business Associations, Non-Profit organizations, etc. One ofrepparttar 120294 best ways to get to know people “up close and personal” is to volunteer to serve on a committee; give your time and talent to a cause. People want to do business with people who have similar interests and values.

Has the response to your e-mail promotions taken a nose-dive?

Written by Corey Rudl

Hasrepparttar response to your e-mail promotions taken a nose-dive?

... Then you will want to pay close attention to this article!

Ifrepparttar 120291 response to your e-mail marketing promotions has taken a nose-dive recently, hear me out on this:

Every time someone announces that they've just discoveredrepparttar 120292 "next big thing" in online marketing, I'm naturally a little bit skeptical.

So when I heard that world-renowned Internet marketing expert Corey Rudl has a "revolutionary" new product, I wasn't sure what to expect!

But then I read his article --repparttar 120293 one that's included here. And let me just say that I know my marketing techniques will be drastically different from now on!

I strongly suggest that you read this!

From: Corey Rudl Internet Marketing Center

Overrepparttar 120294 past few months, a number of my subscribers have been asking me aboutrepparttar 120295 latest marketing technology to hitrepparttar 120296 Internet.

It's called "direct-to-desktop" publishing, and right now, it'srepparttar 120297 exclusive property of Fortune 500 companies who are paying tens of thousands (even hundreds of thousands!) of dollars to have hotshot developers create custom software that lets them cash in onrepparttar 120298 new technology.

Direct-to-desktop publishing gives these elite companiesrepparttar 120299 kind of advantages that most Internet marketers can only dream about...

100% guaranteed message delivery

Instant messages that appear in full color and sound, right on a customer's computer desktop

An exclusive, private communication channel with loyal customers and subscribers ... All in a customized, branded window with their company logo atrepparttar 120300 top.

When you visit one of these companies' web sites (think online music stores, sports fan sites, entertainment sites, and so on), you'll see an offer that says something like "Click this button to receive instant updates direct to your desktop."

Clickrepparttar 120301 button and you'll download a small, customized "reader" application that lets your computer receive messages fromrepparttar 120302 company.

The advantages of 'Direct-to-desktop'

Direct-to-desktop publishing lets you send HTML messages directly to your customers' desktops -- instantly, reliably, and electronically -- without having to wrestle with e-mail filters, bounce backs, or competition.

Once customers sign up, they don't have to check their e-mail or visit your web site to get your latest news or updates. A flashing desktop icon alerts them as soon as they receive a message from you -- and all they have to do is click to read it.

It's brilliant. The system doesn't use e-mail, yet it is 100% opt-in -- subscribers simply turn offrepparttar 120303 program if they wish to stop receiving messages.

... It's a win-win situation for everyone involved: Subscribers receive messages only from companies they trust. No spam, no pop-ups, no third-party ads... just legitimate messages from a sender they want to hear from. And companies get to deliver their messages without ISPs or e-mail filters getting inrepparttar 120304 way.

The right technology atrepparttar 120305 right time

Here'srepparttar 120306 bottom line: E-mail marketing is getting more and more complicated. While e-mail is still a powerful marketing tool (Proof: I used it to make more than $2.4 million last year, and I'm on track to dorepparttar 120307 same again this year), these days you need to work harder than ever to keep in touch with your list of customers and subscribers. Here's why:

Subscribers change their e-mail addresses, leaving you without a way to contact them.

Your legitimate messages get wrongfully trashed by overactive junk mail filters.

People's free e-mail accounts fill up quickly, causing your messages to bounce back.

And even when your e-mail makes it into a subscriber's inbox, it can get lost in a sea of newsletters, personal messages, promotions, and spam if you don't know what you're doing. For these reasons, many marketers are looking for opportunities to use this new direct-to-desktop technology as a "partner" tool that works hand-in-hand with their e-mail and advertising campaigns.

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