The Final Authority

Written by Joyce C. Lock

We will all answer to someone, be it foe or be it friend.

But, I'm very happy to say, "We answer to God, inrepparttar end."

While others are, much too busy, judging our own very life ...

God, in His mighty great wisdom, has a plan beyond sight.

Though words do not always explain what He has called us to do.

To Him we should ever obey and to always be true.

If we'll only follow Him, we will be blessed with His grace.

If we choose to follow mere man, we'll fall flat on our face.

He'srepparttar 123299 final Authority, as His Word does plainly say.

If we'll only look to Him; He'll reward on Judgment Day.


The authority God gave man over man, inrepparttar 123300 Spiritual Kingdom, was done away with inrepparttar 123301 coming ofrepparttar 123302 Son of Man (Mt. 20:25-28). Christian leaders have no dominion over another (II Co. 1:24a), but are to be helpers of our joy; examples, no longer above us but among us (equal in submission), as a servant instead of a lord (I Pe. 5:2-3).

Being made Bishops of our own souls (I Pe. 2:25), we have both freedom and our own accountability. We can only obey/follow man torepparttar 123303 extent man is obeying/ following God. Though leadership is always to be respected and consideration should be given to their words of wisdom (I Pe.5:5); direct access, to God, was provided, through Jesus, and is available to ALL Christians.

The Best Advise Possible

Written by Joyce C. Lock

Many have served God for years without having known His voice. The excuse given is 'God now speaks through His Word'. Indeed, He does.

None-the-less, God still speaks through visions, revelations, dreams, face to face, in a still small voice, etc. God does not speak to everyone inrepparttar exact same way. Though, however many ways we do not believe God speaks - is at least as many ways He would not speak to us. (God does not change. Neither is He a respecter of persons. According to your faith be it unto you.)

Some did not ask (Is.58:2, I Jn.5:14-15). Others failed seeking (Pr.8:17). Some feared following a wrong voice, so they avoided knocking (Re.3:20).

Try starting with something small. If you walk into a room of people and ask God to show you a need, you know it was not just your idea when He answers (because you asked God first). Satan would not ask you to do something good (Ps.37:3, Ja.4:17). So, go for it. And,repparttar 123298 next time you get an opportunity, try it again.

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