The Fastest Way to Ruin Yourself

Written by Dr. Freddy Davis

I don’t know many people who would admit to wanting to ruin themselves, but there are a lot of people who are doing everything they can to accomplish that very goal. They certainly don’t see it that way, but if you look atrepparttar way they live, you can see it happening. I knew a man who was very strict on his daughter. This strictness was more than simple discipline. He felt he had to control every part of her life. And, of course, he never liked any of her boyfriends. While his daughter was young he could get away with being an “all controlling” parent. The sad part of this was that he thought he was being a good parent. It is certainly every parent’s responsibility to protect and discipline their children. But it must always be forrepparttar 104493 purpose of helping them grow up to make good decisions on their own - not simply to dominate. As will happen in every case, there came a time whenrepparttar 104494 girl grew old enough to get out from underrepparttar 104495 dominance of her dad and make her own way. When she did, she ended up marryingrepparttar 104496 very kind of guy her dad despised. Not only that, butrepparttar 104497 resentment that had built up in her life caused her to move away from him and not even speak to him for years atrepparttar 104498 time. Now, I don’t know whether or not she consciously did all of this for spite, butrepparttar 104499 result was that her dad was devastated. In spite of his wrong actions and attitudes, he still loved his daughter very much, andrepparttar 104500 years of alienation were a torture that ruined his health and other areas of his life as he let it “get to him.” This father did a destructive thing, in his parenting. But parenting is notrepparttar 104501 only place that this happens. Many people do it in other areas of life andrepparttar 104502 result isrepparttar 104503 same - personal ruin. It happens when individuals try to live another person’s life for them. Whether it is as a parent, an employer, a spouse, or any other relationship you operate in, you cannot live another person’s life for them. This is probablyrepparttar 104504 fastest ways to self-ruin that exists onrepparttar 104505 planet today.

Your Organization Is Only as Good as Your People

Written by Dr. Freddy Davis

Let’s begin by singingrepparttar jingle from an old US Army commercial. Ready? Sing! “Be all that you can be, inrepparttar 104492 Aaaaarmy.” Now, don’t you feel better? “Be all that you can be.” Why do you supposerepparttar 104493 army selected this slogan? They selected it because there was a certain kind of volunteer that they wanted to attract, and that message would appeal to that group of people. They wanted to attract risk takers and adventurers. The purpose was to try and tap intorepparttar 104494 need that many people feel for adventure and growth. In more recent timesrepparttar 104495 slogan has been changed to, “An army of one.” A slightly different slant in order to appeal to a generation with slightly different values, but still an appeal torepparttar 104496 same basic group of people -repparttar 104497 adventurer and risk taker. Just why do they want to attract this kind of person? Simple! In a military organization, that isrepparttar 104498 kind of person they need in order to be successful in carrying outrepparttar 104499 mission. They can’t recruit a bunch of lazy folks who are not self-starters and expect to getrepparttar 104500 job done. Every organization has a type of person it needs to attract in order to become more successful. If they can recruit those people, they will accomplish what they intend to do. If not, they will fail.

Is That All There Is? Wouldn’t it be great if that was all there was to it? Butrepparttar 104501 reality is different. Sure we have to start with people who haverepparttar 104502 right qualifications and personality characteristics. But beyond that, every single person who comes intorepparttar 104503 organization has a whole set of other needs that must be fulfilled. They have personal growth needs, physical needs, emotional needs, relationship needs and on and on. And so what? Organizations don’t function forrepparttar 104504 purpose of providing those kinds of things to its associates or employees, do they? Well, no and yes. Certainlyrepparttar 104505 primary purpose of any company or organization is to provide forrepparttar 104506 needs ofrepparttar 104507 customer or client first. And even though it is notrepparttar 104508 primary purpose of an organization to provide forrepparttar 104509 human needs of its workers,repparttar 104510 people inrepparttar 104511 organization still haverepparttar 104512 needs. And if you ignore those needs beyond a certain point, productivity will begin to suffer, regardless ofrepparttar 104513 overall competence ofrepparttar 104514 workforce. The trick is to, somehow, accomplishrepparttar 104515 primary mission while creating an environment which allowsrepparttar 104516 organization’s human individuals to experience fulfillment. It may be possible get away with being totally task focused for a while, but soon you will begin to see declines in morale and productivity.

Four Keys to High Organizational Morale So, what are some things that can be done to insurerepparttar 104517 good ofrepparttar 104518 organization and its personnel? Number one is to be absolutely clear about task expectations. People respond more enthusiastically when they know exactly what is expected of them. This is a principle of human nature that can be clearly seen at every age of development. What happens when you don’t give children clear parameters within which to live? They, literally, go wild. They needrepparttar 104519 boundaries, and so do your workers. People are able to focus more fully onrepparttar 104520 task, and will have a strong feeling of accomplishment when a job is completed, when they don’t have to worry about issues that are beyondrepparttar 104521 scope ofrepparttar 104522 job.

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