The Fastest Delete Finger in the Midwest!

Written by Terri Seymour

The Fastest Delete Finger inrepparttar Midwest! © Terri Seymour

There are hundreds of thousands of people who are trying to make an honest living onrepparttar 108949 Internet these days. The Internet is a great opportunity for starting your own business. There is not a lot of start-up cost, you can reachrepparttar 108950 whole world from a small corner of your own house, andrepparttar 108951 income can be exceptional.

However, a lot of us publishers and Internet marketers are running into a serious problem.

Before I start talking about it, I want to ask you all a question - How many of you get junk snail mail? Everyone, right? Now, how many of you callrepparttar 108952 cops when you get it? None, right? Of course not because that would be ridiculous!

We simply throw it inrepparttar 108953 trash and forget about it. Very easy, right?

What I don't understand is why it is not as simple as that with your email. We have all received junk email, also known as sp~m. Just junk mail ofrepparttar 108954 Internet, right? So why do so many people make such a big deal about it??? I know that reputable publishers and marketers have been reported to "sp~m cops" and were caused serious problems because of it. And why? Not because they have done anything wrong, but because a subscriber forgot they subscribed torepparttar 108955 ezine or they forgot they requested information or some other foolish reason.

Now we have to deal with a thing called "sp~m filters"! Not only do these "filters" keep legitimate ezines, emails, reports, etc. from going through, butrepparttar 108956 amount of sp~m has only increased! These "filters" are also causing many problems for publishers and subscribers alike!

I have also had an experience of being reported for sp~m. Someone requested one of my articles by autoresponder. Well, they receivedrepparttar 108957 article and then a couple of days later a follow-up thank you note. Apparently this thank you note pi**ed them off because they reported me to my ISP. I then received a phone call from my ISP telling me my email account was going to be cancelled immediately! Well, it took me awhile, but I finally was able to explain thatrepparttar 108958 person who received that email had to have requested my article by autoresponder. There was no other way he could have gotten that message.

Look Before You Leap!

Written by John M. Grover

You would never take a football team into a game without a “game plan”, and it’s only a game. So why would you embark your company on something as important to its future existence as an e-business initiative without a clear cut “game plan” or strategy? Yet recent studies show that almost 60 percent of businesses that were doing e-business were doing so without having a clearly articulated and well-documented e-business strategy. It doesn’t have to be elaborate, just well thought out.

To paraphrase whatrepparttar Cheshire cat told Alice in Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland, “If you don’t know where you are going, it doesn’t matter which way you go.” Your e-business strategy is your road map to a successful e-business implementation project. Just throwing up a site is not enough, you must give it a strategic place in your company’s long range business plan in order to make your investment pay off. If you don’t do it right, someone else will and it will be even more difficult to catch up.

There is a lot more to e-business than a web site

Unfortunately, all too often, companies think of their corporate web site and applications that communicate with customers and trading partners online as their e-business strategy. Forrepparttar 108947 most part these sites are just extensions of their current business model. The companies have given little or no thought to leveragingrepparttar 108948 Internet to offer entirely new products and services, transfer processes online, or exploit new markets. The web site andrepparttar 108949 Internet should be thought of as an enabling technology and not a strategy in and of itself.

How often have you visitedrepparttar 108950 web site of a company that you have always respected, only to find that your experience there left a lot to be desired? A poorly thought-out web site can quickly turn off customers that have taken years to attract and nurture. Your competition is only a click away, so why do so many companies pay so little attention to getting it right? A lot of very good business men and women are just too busy with day-to-day operations and allow themselves to be drawn in to a “quick fix” or an “economy approach”, without realizing just how important this world-wide exposure is for their business. Local reputations can be lost in an instant on a world stage because someone just didn’t think it through.

Part ofrepparttar 108951 reason for this lack of an e-business strategy is that many well intended business owners and managers don’t seem to realize, that now, more than ever, they need a strategy to ensure that their e-business efforts and overall business goals and objectives are aligned and met.

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