The Fall and Fall of the P-Zine

Written by Sam Vaknin

The circulation of print magazines has declined precipitously inrepparttar last 24 months. This dissolution of subscriber bases has accelerated dramatically as economic recession set in. But a diminishing wealth effect is only partly to blame. The managements of printed periodicals - from dailies to quarterlies - failed miserably to grasprepparttar 108515 Internet's potential and potential threat. They were fooled byrepparttar 108516 lack of convenient and cheap e-reading devices into believing that old habits die hard. They do - but magazine reading is not habit forming. Readers' loyalties are fickle and shift according to content and price. The Web offers cornucopial and niche-targeted content - free of charge or very cheaply. This is hard to beat and is getting harder byrepparttar 108517 day as natural selection among dot.bombs spares only quality content providers.

Consider Ploughshares,repparttar 108518 Literary Journal.

It is a venerable, not for profit, print journal published by Emerson College, now marking its 30th anniversary. It recently inaugurated its web sibling. The project consumed three years and $125,000 (grant fromrepparttar 108519 Wallace-Reader's Digest Funds). Every title Ploughshares has ever published was indexed (over 18,000 journal pages digitized). In all,repparttar 108520 "website will offer free access to over 2,750 poems and short stories from past and current issues."

The more than 2000 (!) authors ever published in Ploughshares will each maintain a personal web page comprising biographical notes, press releases, new books and events announcements and links to other web sites. This isrepparttar 108521 Yahoo! formula. Content generated byrepparttar 108522 authors will thus transform Ploughshares into a leading literary portal.

But Ploughshares did not stop at this standard features. A "bookshelf" will link to book reviews contributed online (and augmented byrepparttar 108523 magazine's own prestigious offerings). An annotated bookstore is just a step away (though Ploughshares' web site does not include one hitherto). The next best thing is a rights-management application used byrepparttar 108524 journal's authors to grant online publishing permissions for their work to third parties.

Audio and E-book Opportunties

Written by Ruth Marlene Friesen

I joined a Christian Writers' Group a few weeks ago, andrepparttar email exchanges of those members is quite exhilarating. Browsing and skimming them last night I came to one where a writer who has vision trouble and can't read regular print books challengedrepparttar 108514 others to produce more e-books.

E-books are read onrepparttar 108515 computer, andrepparttar 108516 greatest thing about them, as I've discovered myself, is that one can enlargerepparttar 108517 text so it is easier to read. For those who find even that too difficult, it is possible to get software in your computer which will readrepparttar 108518 text to you. I'm not sure how digital it sounds, but I believe in many places that software is free to any who are legally defined as blind.

What shocked me aboutrepparttar 108519 exchange was that a number of writers had admitted a bias against e-books when this other member first asked who all offered their books in this form. The mindset still seems to be, a book is not really published until it comes out in paperback or hardcover.

I confess I've learned too, that fiction doesn't sell as an ebook yet, though all kinds of marketing manuals and self-help books do.

Fortunately, when this writer explained herself,repparttar 108520 others rallied around with offers to help out. One said she'd gladly offer her books to be read on tape if anyone could be found to do it. Another urged that we all consider producing our books in digital atrepparttar 108521 same time as in print.

Thinking about all this today, I suddenly see wide open doors of opportunity for ministry and perhaps a business.

Here in Canada, I believerepparttar 108522 Canadian National Institute forrepparttar 108523 Blind (CNIB) is onrepparttar 108524 lookout for volunteers to read books on tape. They have a lending library by mail. The US has similar organizations.

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