The Executive Resume - Moving Beyond Accomplishments

Written by Linda Matias

There is a major difference between conventional resumes and executive resumes. Accomplishments are usuallyrepparttar center point of a conventional resume (i.e., indicating how much money was saved, how sales increased, what processes were proposed, planned, initiated, implemented, or streamlined). The executive resume, onrepparttar 105012 other hand, has more than one focus. It alludes torepparttar 105013 executive's ability to drive profits (accomplishments) andrepparttar 105014 capacity to lead (that is, to blend various "soft" skills) an organization.

Successes are easier to hone in on. The result is clear, often quantifiable. After all, either you penetrated a market or you didn't, or either you were a top-performer or you weren't. It is harder to capture emotional competencies on paper, to indicate who you are, what you stand for, how you relate to others, how you affect change within an organization.

On an executive resume, a list of Accomplishments does not suffice. Employers expect more, and since your resume is an introduction to your full qualifications, you must incorporate what you have done as well as provide a notion of how you influence others. This information must be presented in a concise and compelling manner given that your resume is your most important marketing tool.

Moving beyond accomplishments

Coupled with a track record of financial success, good leadership isrepparttar 105015 single most important factor inrepparttar 105016 survival of an organization. Because of this, executives who point outrepparttar 105017 following "soft" needed skills on their resume are usuallyrepparttar 105018 ones invited to an interview. They show that they haverepparttar 105019 intangible qualities that promoterepparttar 105020 growth ofrepparttar 105021 organization. These arerepparttar 105022 elements in question:

The 10 Cash Flow Rules You Can't Afford to Ignore

Written by Philip Campbell, CPA

============================================ The 10 Cash Flow Rules You Can't Afford to Ignore

- by Philip Campbell, CPA

© Philip Campbell - All Rights Reserved


The statistics on small business failure are alarming.

Michael Gerber, author of "The E-Myth: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What To Do About It", says that 40% of businesses fail in their first year. 80% fail within their first five years.


Don't let this happen to you.

Here are 10 Rules to help you take control of your cash flow so you can createrepparttar business you have always dreamed of.

1. Never Run Out of Cash.

Running out of cash isrepparttar 105011 definition of failure in business. Makerepparttar 105012 commitment to do what it takes so it does not happen to you.

2. Cash Is King

It's important to recognize that cash is what keeps your business alive. Manage it withrepparttar 105013 care and attention it deserves. It's very unforgiving if you don't.

Remember, Cash Is King, because No Cash = No Business.

3. Knowrepparttar 105014 Cash Balance Right Now.

What is your cash balance right now? It's absolutely critical that you know exactly what your cash balance is.

Evenrepparttar 105015 most intelligent and experienced person will fail if they are making business decisions using inaccurate or incomplete cash balances. That'srepparttar 105016 reason why business failures are not limited to amateurs or people new torepparttar 105017 business world.

4. Do Today's Work Today.

The key to keeping an accurate cash balance in your accounting system is to do today's work today. When you do this, you will haverepparttar 105018 numbers you need - when you need them.

5. Either You Dorepparttar 105019 Work or Have Someone Else Do It.

Here is a simple rule to follow to make sure you have an accurate cash balance on your books. You dorepparttar 105020 work or have someone else do it.

Those arerepparttar 105021 only two choices you have. The work must be done. It's like mowingrepparttar 105022 lawn. You can't just ignore it. Someone has to do it. That means either you do it or you have someone else do it.

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