The Evolution of Technology - The History of Computers

Written by Rebecca Blain

By Rebecca Blain of

While computers are now an important part ofrepparttar lives of human beings, there was a time where computers did not exist. Knowingrepparttar 107667 history of computers and how much progression has been made can help you understand just how complicated and innovativerepparttar 107668 creation of computers really is.

Unlike most devices,repparttar 107669 computer is one ofrepparttar 107670 few inventions that does not have one specific inventor. Throughoutrepparttar 107671 development ofrepparttar 107672 computer, many people have added their creations torepparttar 107673 list required to make a computer work. Some ofrepparttar 107674 inventions have been different types of computers, and some of them were parts required to allow computers to be developed further.

The Beginning

Perhapsrepparttar 107675 most significant date inrepparttar 107676 history of computers isrepparttar 107677 year 1936. It was in this year thatrepparttar 107678 first "computer" was developed. It was created by Konrad Zuse and dubbedrepparttar 107679 Z1 Computer. This computer stands asrepparttar 107680 first as it wasrepparttar 107681 first system to be fully programmable. There were devices prior to this, but none hadrepparttar 107682 computing power that sets it apart from other electronics.

It wasn't until 1942 that any business saw profit and opportunity in computers. This first company was called ABC computers, owned and operated by John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry. Two years later,repparttar 107683 Harvard Mark I computer was developed, furtheringrepparttar 107684 science of computing.

Overrepparttar 107685 course ofrepparttar 107686 next few years, inventors all overrepparttar 107687 world began to search more intorepparttar 107688 study of computers, and how to improve upon them. Those next ten years sayrepparttar 107689 introduction ofrepparttar 107690 transistor, which would become a vital part ofrepparttar 107691 inner workings ofrepparttar 107692 computer,repparttar 107693 ENIAC 1 computer, as well as many other types of systems. The ENIAC 1 is perhaps one ofrepparttar 107694 most interesting, as it required 20,000 vacuum tubes to operate. It was a massive machine, and startedrepparttar 107695 revolution to build smaller and faster computers.

The age of computers was forever altered byrepparttar 107696 introduction of International Business Machines, or IBM, intorepparttar 107697 computing industry in 1953. This company, overrepparttar 107698 course of computer history, has been a major player inrepparttar 107699 development of new systems and servers for public and private use. This introduction brought aboutrepparttar 107700 first real signs of competition within computing history, which helped to spur faster and better development of computers. Their first contribution wasrepparttar 107701 IBM 701 EDPM Computer.

A Programming Language Evolves

A year later,repparttar 107702 first successful high level programming language was created. This was a programming language not written in 'assembly' or binary, which are considered very low level languages. FORTRAN was written so that more people could begin to program computers easily.

The year 1955,repparttar 107703 Bank of America, coupled with Stanford Research Institute and General Electric, sawrepparttar 107704 creation ofrepparttar 107705 first computers for use in banks. The MICR, or Magnetic Ink Character Recognition, coupled withrepparttar 107706 actual computer,repparttar 107707 ERMA, was a breakthrough forrepparttar 107708 banking industry. It wasn't until 1959 thatrepparttar 107709 pair of systems were put into use in actual banks.

During 1958, one ofrepparttar 107710 most important breakthroughs in computer history occurred,repparttar 107711 creation ofrepparttar 107712 integrated circuit. This device, also known asrepparttar 107713 chip, is one ofrepparttar 107714 base requirements for modern computer systems. On every motherboard and card within a computer system, are many chips that contain information on whatrepparttar 107715 boards and cards do. Without these chips,repparttar 107716 systems as we know them today cannot function.

Tech Heads Should Build Software for the Average Person

Written by Jesse S. Somer

Beingrepparttar total opposite to a technical person, it is hard to imagine future Internet software advances. The techno-humans have come up with incredible ideas and subsequently their ideas have come to fruition. It seems like anything a human puts their mind to can be done. Our species has come such a long way, but I feelrepparttar 107666 key torepparttar 107667 next part in our evolution of technology and consciousness is to integraterepparttar 107668 ideas ofrepparttar 107669 average person. Who do we build all this technology for anyway? I think it’s made for humans to have a better life. It’s time to start makingrepparttar 107670 technological advances in computing withrepparttar 107671 non-computer-based people ofrepparttar 107672 world in mind. A famous American journalist Sidney J. Harris once said,

“The real danger is not that computers will begin to think like men, but that men will begin to think like computers.”

Computer and Internet specialists have to realize that they have gone so deep into their fields that they now can no longer see whatrepparttar 107673 computer world looks like to a novice like myself. All this techno-jargon and hundreds of different types of software can be quite overwhelming to a normal person who just wants to take part in this new way of interacting with reality and society.

We’ve got to simplify if we want this awesome force to be integrated into our lives in its highest form. I knowrepparttar 107674 Internet is growing at an incredible rate already. One only has to look atrepparttar 107675 example of India to seerepparttar 107676 incredible mark Information Technology has made. You can go into a tiny village that looks relativelyrepparttar 107677 same as it has been for fifty years;repparttar 107678 general infrastructure is shocking: broken traffic lights, decrepit buildings, power lines splaying out in chaotic patterns. But, something big has changed; each town now has a satellite dish, and an ISP connection (Internet Service Provider)! This is truly amazing. However I believe it is onlyrepparttar 107679 beginning of a new revolution that will arrive when we simplifyrepparttar 107680 information and communication processes.

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