The Essence of Worship (part 2)

Written by Terry Dashner

Faith Fellowship Church…PO Box 1586…Broken Arrow, OK 74013…Pastor Terry Dashner

“Essence of Worship” (continued)

The essence of worship is where it’s at. I think you will agree with this statement if you readrepparttar first part of this document. So let’s move on. We’ve been talking aboutrepparttar 126614 localized and institutionalized worship ofrepparttar 126615 Old Testament having been delocalized and deinstitutionalized inrepparttar 126616 New Testament becauserepparttar 126617 saints worship God in spirit and truth. We see further evidence of this in Paul’s ministry. Paul calls his own ministry a “priestly service (of worship),” and he callsrepparttar 126618 converts themselves an “acceptable offering (in worship)” to God (Romans 15:16; cf. Philippians 2:17). He even callsrepparttar 126619 money thatrepparttar 126620 churches send him “a fragrant aroma and acceptable sacrifice to God (in worship)” (Philippians 4:18 JP). And his own death for Christ he calls a “drink offering” to God (II Timothy 4:6).

This is what it means when we read things like, “Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all torepparttar 126621 glory of God” (I Corinthians 10:31). And “whatever you do in word or deed, do all inrepparttar 126622 name ofrepparttar 126623 Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to Godrepparttar 126624 Father” (Colossians 3:17 NASB). This isrepparttar 126625 central New Testament action of worship: to act in a way that reflectsrepparttar 126626 glory of God—to do a thing inrepparttar 126627 name of Jesus with thanks to God. Butrepparttar 126628 New Testament uses those greatest of all worship sentences without any reference to Sunday worship services. They describe life. Again,repparttar 126629 essence of worship is not external, localized acts, but an inner, God ward experience that shows itself externally not primarily in church services. The fundamental reason for this is probably thatrepparttar 126630 Old Testament was mainly a “come see” religion andrepparttar 126631 New Testament fulfillment is a “go tell” religion.

Now let me addressrepparttar 126632 question: What isrepparttar 126633 essence of that inner experience which we call worship? Worship, whether an inner experience ofrepparttar 126634 heart or an outward act ofrepparttar 126635 body, or ofrepparttar 126636 congregation collectively—is a magnifying of God. That is, it is an act that shows how magnificent He is. It is an act that reveals or expresses how great and glorious He is. Worship is all about consciously reflectingrepparttar 126637 worth or value of God. Paul’s passion is that what he does with his body, whether in life or death, will always be worship. In life and death his mission is to magnify Christ—to show that Christ is magnificent, to exalt Christ, and demonstrate that He is great. That’s plain from verse 20, that Christ shall be “exalted in my body, whether by life or death.” Paul knew in his heart that God willed his life to continue after his Roman imprisonment, he would be more determined than ever to minister torepparttar 126638 saints. That would be good for allrepparttar 126639 churches that Paul ministered to. But, onrepparttar 126640 other hand, if God called him home that would be gain also. Death would take him into a deeper intimacy withrepparttar 126641 Lord. And that is especially good.

The Essence of Worship

Written by Terry Dashner

Faith Fellowship Church…PO Box 1586…Broken Arrow, OK 74013…Pastor Terry Dashner

“Essence of Worship”

Is there a difference inrepparttar form of worship andrepparttar 126613 essence? Yes, as a matter of fact, many churches today are struggling withrepparttar 126614 proper form of worship. So widespread is this problem that many churches have divided into two services on Sunday mornings. In one servicerepparttar 126615 form of worship is traditional music. Only hymns, piano, and organ are used while inrepparttar 126616 other service only contemporary music is used. One service is youthful, dressed down, loud, and “rock-and-rollish” music bursts. Inrepparttar 126617 other, well you guessed it. The music is softer, older, and church hymnals are used to reflect onrepparttar 126618 words while they are being sung.

I want to speak to you today aboutrepparttar 126619 essence of worship. The essence of worship is imperative for “true” worship inrepparttar 126620 church, or any place you worship God. Jesus predictedrepparttar 126621 demise of worship form when He spoke torepparttar 126622 Samaritan woman atrepparttar 126623 well in John chapter four. You may rememberrepparttar 126624 scripture, “Jesus said to her, ‘Woman, believe Me, an hour is coming when neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worshiprepparttar 126625 Father…an hour is coming, and now is, whenrepparttar 126626 true worshipers will worshiprepparttar 126627 Father in spirit and truth; for such peoplerepparttar 126628 Father seeks to be His worshipers. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:21; and 23-24 NASB).

The New Testament reveals a stunning silence aboutrepparttar 126629 outward forms of corporate worship and a radical intensification of worship as an inner, Godward experience ofrepparttar 126630 heart. The silence about outward forms is obvious inrepparttar 126631 fact thatrepparttar 126632 gathered life ofrepparttar 126633 church is never called “worship” inrepparttar 126634 New Testament. Moreover,repparttar 126635 main Old Testament word for worship is virtually absent fromrepparttar 126636 New Testament letters. Its usage clusters inrepparttar 126637 Gospels (26 times) and inrepparttar 126638 Book of Revelation (21 times). But inrepparttar 126639 Epistles of Paul it occurs only once, namely, in I Corinthians 14:25 whererepparttar 126640 unbeliever falls down atrepparttar 126641 power of prophecy and confesses God is inrepparttar 126642 assembly. It doesn’t occur at all inrepparttar 126643 letters of Peter, James, or John.

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