The Emmaus Journal - "Strangers In A Strange Land"

Written by C.L. Mareydt

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The Emmaus Journal - "Strangers In A Strange Land"

Do you often feel like an Alien? In fact, have you recently inquired if you were really still on Planet Earth? Dorepparttar 126724 things of this World just seem more and more foreign to you?

Well, Dear Friend, you are in good company! Our Apostolic Brother Paul feltrepparttar 126725 same way and saidrepparttar 126726 same things. Perhaps in a different language, but it is still relative for today. In fact, Paul went one step further. He said you were suppose to feel and speakrepparttar 126727 same way. In fact, if you didn't, Paul again took it one step further! Paul questioned your so called "born again" experience.

It is quite apparent within our global society today that ANYTHING GOES. We are living inrepparttar 126728 day and age of pure lasciviousness. Modesty, integrity, morals, discipline, and accountability are rejected values. Our so called human rights and personal ethics have degenerated on an over all scale leaving common sense to flyrepparttar 126729 coop. Both, rarely to be seen anymore like an extinct species. Allrepparttar 126730 while our acute intelligence in academia is at its highest peak within our quantum race toward prideful superiority. Leaving dysfunctional disorders to coagulate into heart attacks and obesity. If it takes a "village to raise a child" nowadays, that village has seemingly been swept away by a deluge of universal disrespect and idolatrous arrogance.

The pitiful end to this scenario is - most Christians blend so well into all of that! The major congregations of Christianity has unfortunately become just another organization, and a vast one at that. Especially inrepparttar 126731 promoted church world of today, which has become homogenized torepparttar 126732 point of dilution, polluted torepparttar 126733 point of stagnation, assimilated torepparttar 126734 point of derision. All multiplying into a not so innocent ignorance full of mindless delusion.

Thankfully, even thru all of this, Jesus, known as Yahshua (Jah's Salvation) has keptrepparttar 126735 few who will not bow to this worldly profusion of erosion. These few thrurepparttar 126736 ages have been called, and right up into our 21st century,repparttar 126737 'Remnant'. Only to findrepparttar 126738 'Remnant' is almost impossible. To locate one who might be separated out of this conformed multi commercialized staging of todays Christian hierarchy is a challenge. To find one who might be separated fromrepparttar 126739 party spirit withinrepparttar 126740 highly organized and socialized Christian order is another challenge altogether. The Remnant surely remains just that, a small trace that is still remaining fromrepparttar 126741 original. Only Yahshua (Jesus) isrepparttar 126742 true discerner of His own Remnant that have been willingly and purposely separated. Separated from and then separated to.

When Anxiety Comes

Written by Jeff Doles

If I say, “My foot slips,” Your mercy, O Lord, will hold me up. Inrepparttar multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul. (Psalm 94.18-19)

ANXIETY IS A TOXIN. It is a poison that comes to paralyze you by saturating your thoughts and emotions. It does not lead you intorepparttar 126721 purpose of God, but keeps you from fulfillingrepparttar 126722 wonderful destiny He has for you.

Anxiety is a toxin--but God has an antidote. The writer of Psalm 94 called on this when he found himself in a difficult and oppressive situation. When he felt his foot slipping beneath him, he cried out torepparttar 126723 Lord and pressed into His mercy.

HESED isrepparttar 126724 Hebrew word for “mercy” here. Some translations render it as “love.” It isrepparttar 126725 counterpart torepparttar 126726 Greek word AGAPE,repparttar 126727 God-kind of love we find inrepparttar 126728 New Testament. Hesed is a covenant word that speaks ofrepparttar 126729 love and mercy by which God has committed Himself to us. It isrepparttar 126730 assurance of God’s faithfulness toward us, for God keeps His promises. Whenrepparttar 126731 circumstances of our life start to slip and slide,repparttar 126732 covenant love and mercy of God comes to stabilize us, to strengthen us and keep us from falling.

Anxiety tries to overwhelm us with a multitude of worrisome thoughts and fill us with doubts. Someone has defined worry, very accurately, I think, as meditating onrepparttar 126733 lies ofrepparttar 126734 devil. The enemy comes and whispers things into our ears to consume our thoughts and get us into fear. If we let ourselves meditate on them, we give life to them.

My wife calls these whispersrepparttar 126735 “what if” voices: What if our car breaks down? What if we can’t pay for it? What if we get sick? What if something happens to our children? We used to pay quite a bit of attention to these what if voices-—and it held us back from trusting God more and knowing Him better.

The devil has a lot of what ifs, but why should we even listen to them? “For God has not given usrepparttar 126736 spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1.7). The devil brings us a multitude of anxious thoughts, but God brings us His comforts: power, love and a sound mind.

“Power” isrepparttar 126737 miracle-working DUNAMIS of God. “Love” isrepparttar 126738 faithful AGAPE of God. A “sound mind” is stable and disciplined, giving no place to worry and doubt. In short,repparttar 126739 spirit of power, love and sound mind isrepparttar 126740 Holy Spirit.

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