The Egyptian Sphinx

Written by Dr.Sherin ElKhawaga

The Egyptian Sphinx

A great symbol of Ancient Egypt isrepparttar Sphinx. A magnificent monument carved out of living rock, sits outstandingly inrepparttar 109417 Giza Plateau.

It is a carving ofrepparttar 109418 body of a lion with a head of a king or god, symbolizing strength and wisdom. It is 200 feet long and 65 feet high with paws being 50 feet long. The body ofrepparttar 109419 sphinx was buried inrepparttar 109420 desert sand for thousands of years and only in 1905, about a century ago,repparttar 109421 sands has been cleared away from it. Thus,repparttar 109422 sphinx has several layers of erosions, those that are horizontal are due to sand and stone, while some are vertical due to water (probably rain) erosions.

It is believed thatrepparttar 109423 sphinx was built by king Khafre (Chephren 2558-2532B.C.) who was one of he 4th Dynasty kings and whomrepparttar 109424 2nd pyramid of Giza was built for him.

The sphinx faces due torepparttar 109425 east, torepparttar 109426 horizon and this has an astronomical belief torepparttar 109427 ancient Egyptians. It is also thought that it is a guardian ofrepparttar 109428 horizon forrepparttar 109429 later journey ofrepparttar 109430 kings inrepparttar 109431 life-after.

5 Ways To Boost Your Memory

Written by Murdo Macleod


5 Ways To Boost Your Memory

- by Murdo Macleod


Have you ever imaginedrepparttar benefits a good memory can bring you?

Being able to remember important pieces of information - like names, facts and figures, directions, procedures, quotations - can give you a powerful advantage in life.

In fact,repparttar 109416 ability to retain and retrieve information is essential to your personal and professional success.

Here are five ways to boost your memory and keep it razor sharp:

1. Use Your Imagination

An easy way to remember something is to "take a picture".

For example, to remember where you've left your car keys, pretend to hold a camera to your eyes, focus onrepparttar 109417 scene, and clickrepparttar 109418 image into your memory when you are leaving.

Then, when you want to find your keys again, try to developrepparttar 109419 negative into positive and you'll be able to draw out a clear picture.

This technique works with almost everything you want to remember, asrepparttar 109420 film reel in your mind is endless.

Another trick you can use is to "think like a poet". Make up rhymes to recall ideas and construct simple-to-remember acronyms to record key phrases.

Remembering is EASY (Every Acronym Saves You) when you DIY (Do It Yourself).

Let's say you want to memorizerepparttar 109421 planets in their order fromrepparttar 109422 Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Then just say "My Very Excellent Mom Just Served Us Nice Pickles".

2. Practice!

You can boost your memory with just a little regular practice. There are lots of ways of doing this:

Try to remember which day ofrepparttar 109423 week your last birthday was. Then extend this torepparttar 109424 birthdays of all your family members.

Try to remember allrepparttar 109425 Grand Slam Finalists and who wasrepparttar 109426 winner. If you can try to rememberrepparttar 109427 scores as well, it would be an even better exercise.

Try to remember names of allrepparttar 109428 50 States and see if you can do it in alphabetic order too.

It won't be long before your daily practice pays off - making your mind sharper and more adaptable.

3. Eat Healthy

The best way to protect your memory is to eat plenty of antioxidants and nutrients commonly found in fruits and vegetables.

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