The Effective Executive Summary

Written by William Cate

The Effective Executive Summary By William Cate []

Sending an unsolicited business plan to almost anyone is a waste of time and postage. Your risk capital search goal should be to get prospective investors to read your Executive Summary. This means that your Executive Summary must be readable, focused, answer three questions and be credible.

Your Executive Summary isrepparttar hook to getrepparttar 112214 investor to takerepparttar 112215 time to read your business plan. If you can't set your hook, you'll never catch your fish. Most venture capitalists, angel investors, brokers, fund managers, merchant bankers and others with risk capital will read a short unsolicited Executive Summary. The Effective Executive Summary getsrepparttar 112216 prospect to request your business plan.

READABLE Your Executive Summary should be no more than two pages in length. If you are faxing it to prospective investors, use 14-point type. You should avoid industry jargon. The reading level of your copy should not be beyond high school level. It's not that investors are high school dropouts. It's thatrepparttar 112217 lowerrepparttar 112218 reading levelrepparttar 112219 easierrepparttar 112220 document is to read and understand.

FOCUSED Not everyone with money will invest in your company. Refine your potential investors to a list of individuals and firms that are interested in your type of venture. If you are seeking a loan, don't send your Executive Summary to a Venture Capitalist. If you are inrepparttar 112221 food business in Ohio, don't send your Executive Summary to an Angel Investor interested in high tech startups in California. In fact, don't bother to send your Executive Summary to Angel Investors living more than fifty miles from you. If you are a private company, don't send your Executive Summary to a Merchant Banker only willing to fund public companies. Don't seek funding for your non-U.S. company from a source unwilling to invest outsiderepparttar 112222 United States.

You can userepparttar 112223 Net and a good business reference library to build your list of prospective investors. The Reference Librarian can be very helpful in suggesting reference books related to your industry and to funding sources. Use every possible combination of words related to your industry and needs in an exact phrase advanced search. Your goal should be to develop a contact list of one hundred potential investors. If you haverepparttar 112224 right list andrepparttar 112225 right Executive Summary, you'll get some requests for your business plan.

For example: Beowulf Investments [ ] is a merchant banker that takes public and funds non-US companies that have a M&A growth strategy. I've written an e-book (Venture Capital Profits-VCP) outliningrepparttar 112226 reasons behind our investment strategy andrepparttar 112227 benefits of following that strategy. We regularly get 200-page commercial loan packages that I promptly send torepparttar 112228 trash can. I assume thatrepparttar 112229 fund seeker hasn't read VCP. I'm sure that some American commercial lenders get investment packages from Non-US Companies seeking funding for non-US business acquisitions. Both business plans were sent torepparttar 112230 wrong investors.


Written by Al Thomas

THE ALCHEMIST by ALTHOMAS PORTFOLIO INSURANCE Forrepparttar past few weeksrepparttar 112213 market has had a very nice advance breaking out of an eight month sideways pattern. Thenrepparttar 112214 brick wall. Several days of slamming down taking back some ofrepparttar 112215 nice profits that have been accumulating. Now what? We know which way is up, but we don’t know how high is up? Don’t think you are confused. So am I and I am considered a professional trader. The market is giving mixed signals. Some technicians claim their signals are bullish and others say their signals are bearish. The fundamentalists (those folks including many economists) are also on both sides ofrepparttar 112216 fence. Is there anything folks can do to protect their investments? Wall Street says buy and hold. We have seen what happened with that scenario in 2000. Many investors lost their shirt, pants and underwear. Less than 1% of brokers called their clients to tell them to sell. They did not know either because they have not been taught how to protect portfolio profits. Many investors said I can’t sell here because I will have to pay huge taxes. Well, they didn’t have to pay any taxes because they gave back all their profits and in some cases much of their original investment. Can that happen again? You betcha sweet bibby it can. Has your broker learned anything since 2000? More importantly have YOU learned anything fromrepparttar 112217 2000 debacle?

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