The Economies of the Middle East

Written by Sam Vaknin

Last year, inrepparttar Islamic Financial Forum in Dubai, Brad Bourland, chief economist forrepparttar 103547 Saudi American Bank (SAMBA), breachedrepparttar 103548 embarrassed silence that invariably enshrouds speakers in Middle Eastern get-togethers. He remindedrepparttar 103549 assembled that despiterepparttar 103550 decades-long fortuity of opulent oil revenues,repparttar 103551 nations ofrepparttar 103552 region - excluding Turkey and Israel - failed to reform their economies, let alone prosper.

Structural weaknesses, imperceptible growth, crippling unemployment and deteriorating government financing confined Arab states torepparttar 103553 role of oil-addicted minions. At $540 billion, said Bourland, quoted by Middle East Online,repparttar 103554 combined gross domestic product of allrepparttar 103555 Arab countries is smaller than Mexico's (or Spain's, adds The Economist).

According torepparttar 103556 Arab League,repparttar 103557 gross national product of all its members amounted to $712 billion or 2 percent ofrepparttar 103558 world's GNP in 2001 - merely double sub-Saharan Africa's.

Evenrepparttar 103559 recent tripling ofrepparttar 103560 price of oil - their main export commodity - did not generate sustained growth equal torepparttar 103561 burgeoning population and labor force. Algeria's official unemployment rate is 26.4 percent, Oman's 17.2 percent, Tunisia's 15.6 percent, Jordan's 14.4 percent, Saudi Arabia's 13 percent and Kuwait sports an unhealthy 7.1 percent. Even with 8 percent out of work, Egypt needs to grow by 6 percent annually just to stay put, estimatesrepparttar 103562 World Bank.

Butrepparttar 103563 real figures are way higher. At least one fifth ofrepparttar 103564 Saudi and Egyptian labor forces go unemployed. Only one tenth of Saudi women have ever worked. The region's population has almost doubled inrepparttar 103565 last quarter century, to 300 million people. Close to two fifths ofrepparttar 103566 denizens ofrepparttar 103567 Arab world are minors.

According torepparttar 103568 Iranian news agency, IRNA,repparttar 103569 European Commission onrepparttar 103570 Mediterranean Region estimates thatrepparttar 103571 purchasing power parity income per head inrepparttar 103572 area is a mere 39 percent ofrepparttar 103573 EU's 2001 average, comparable to many post-communist countries in transition. In nominal termsrepparttar 103574 figure is 28 percent. These statistics include Israel whose income per capita equals 84 percent ofrepparttar 103575 EU's andrepparttar 103576 Palestinian Authority where GDP fell by 10 percent in 2000 and by another 15 percentrepparttar 103577 year after.

Faced with ominously surging social unrest,repparttar 103578 Arab regimes - all of them lacking in democratic legitimacy - resort to ever more desperate measures. "Saudisation", for instance, amounts torepparttar 103579 expulsion of 3 million foreign laborers to make room for indigenous idlers reluctant to take on these vacated - mostly menial - jobs. About one million, typically Western, expat experts remain untouched.

The national accounts of Arab polities are in tatters. Saudi Arabia managed to produce a budget surplus only once since 1982. Per capita income inrepparttar 103580 kingdom plunged from $26,000 in 1981 to $7000 today. Higher oil prices may well continue throughout 2003, further maskingrepparttar 103581 calamitous state ofrepparttar 103582 region's economies. But this would amount to merely postponingrepparttar 103583 inevitable.

Arab countries are not integrated intorepparttar 103584 world economy. It is possiblyrepparttar 103585 only part ofrepparttar 103586 globe, bar Africa, to have entirely missedrepparttar 103587 trains of globalization and technological progress. Charlene Barshefsky was United States Trade Representative from 1997 to 2001. In a recent column published byrepparttar 103588 New York Times, she noted that:

"Muslim countries inrepparttar 103589 region trade less with one another than do African countries, and much less than do Asian, Latin American or European countries. This reflects both high trade barriers ... andrepparttar 103590 deep isolation Iran, Iraq and Libya have brought on themselves through violence and support for terrorist groups ... The Middle East still depends on oil. Today,repparttar 103591 United States imports slightly more than $5 billion worth of manufactured goods and farm products fromrepparttar 103592 22 members ofrepparttar 103593 Arab League, Afghanistan and Iran combined - or about half our value-added imports from Hong Kong alone."

Indeed, Jewish Israel and secular Turkey aside, 8 ofrepparttar 103594 11 largest economies ofrepparttar 103595 Middle East have yet to joinrepparttar 103596 World Trade Organization. Only two decades ago, one of every seven dollars in global export revenues and one twentieth ofrepparttar 103597 world's foreign direct investment flowed to Arab pockets.

Today,repparttar 103598 Middle East's share of international trade and FDI is less than 1.5 percent - half of it withrepparttar 103599 European Union. Medium size economies such as Sweden's attract more capital thanrepparttar 103600 entire Middle Eastern Moslem world put together.

Some Arab countries periodically go through spastic reforms only to submerge once more in backwardness and venality. Oil-producers attempted some structural economic adjustments inrepparttar 103601 1990s. Jordan and Syria privatized a few marginal state-owned enterprises. Iran and Iraq cut subsidies. Almost everyone - especially Lebanon, Egypt, Iran and Jordan - increased their unhealthy reliance on multilateral loans and foreign aid.

Young King Abdullah II of Jordan, for instance, dabbles in deregulation, liberalization, tax reform, cutting red tape and tariff reductions. Aided by a free trade agreement with America passed by Congress in 2001, Jordan's exports torepparttar 103602 United States last year soared from $16 million in 1998 to $400 million.

A similar nostrum is being administered to Morocco, partly to spiterepparttar 103603 European Union and its glacial "Barcelona Process" Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. But, as everyone realizes,repparttar 103604 region's problems run deeper than any tweaking ofrepparttar 103605 customs code.

The "Arab Human Development Report 2002", published in June last year byrepparttar 103606 United Nations Development Program (UNDP), was composed entirely by Arab scholars. It chartsrepparttar 103607 predictably dismal landscape: one in five inhabitants survives on less than $2 a day; annual growth in income per capita overrepparttar 103608 last 20 years, at 0.5 percent, exceeded only sub-Saharan Africa's; one in six is unemployed.

The region's three "deficits", lamentsrepparttar 103609 report, are freedom, knowledge and manpower. Arab polities and societies are autocratic and intolerant. Illiteracy is still rampant and education poor. Women - halfrepparttar 103610 workforce - are ill-treated and excluded. Pervasive Islamization replaced earlier militant ideologies in stifling creativity and growth.

In an article titled "Middle East Economies: A Survey of Current Problems and Issues", published inrepparttar 103611 September 1999 issue ofrepparttar 103612 Middle East Review of International Affairs, Ali Abootalebi, assistant professor of political science atrepparttar 103613 University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, concluded:

"The Middle East is second only to Africa asrepparttar 103614 least developed region inrepparttar 103615 world. It has already lost much of its strategic importance sincerepparttar 103616 Soviet Union's demise ... Most Middle Eastern states ... probably do, possessrepparttar 103617 necessary technocratic and professional personnel to run state affairs in an efficient and modern manner .... (but not)repparttar 103618 willingness or ability ofrepparttar 103619 elites in charge to disengagerepparttar 103620 old coalitional interests that dominate governments in these countries."

Famous Business Strategies

Written by Laura Ciocan

Either simply a looker-on or a player inrepparttar world of business, you see millions piling intorepparttar 103546 accounts of world's most famous businessmen and naturallyrepparttar 103547 question pops "How?", wondering what isrepparttar 103548 alchemy they've discovered? Yet, there is no magic here - it's mostly pure strategy. And what it takes to spot it and make it real.


Identifying the best strategy for your business isrepparttar 103549 key to all success.
It should give yourepparttar 103550 lift that makes a difference. The art for your strategy success is planning.

  • settling a vision for your business
  • defining a mission
  • setting out objectives
  • establishing values, goals and programs.


It is all there, it is all important, but first there isrepparttar 103551 vision.
So, is vision a spark, is it a moment? How much is inspiration and how much hard work? Is it 99% perspiration and only 1% inspiration? Can we all be geniuses?
According to Edison's theory I would say yes, if we are committed to hard working, as it is primarilyrepparttar 103552 hard work that makes a genius. Inspiration comes onrepparttar 103553 way, when involved in as much action as you can handle. Contrary torepparttar 103554 conceptual meaning, inspiration seems to be driven by propitious conditions - in this case, by work.

Hard work

So, what really happens behindrepparttar 103555 fairy-tale success stories is usually not what some would expect - a brilliant, extraordinary, never heard of discovery that changedrepparttar 103556 world, but, disappointingly enough, plain hard work. What these people have is what I would call "industry intelligence". How is it acquired? Working of course. That is, sharply aware of their industry environment, learning allrepparttar 103557 rules and deeply involved in their own businesses, success people have at some point of activity a vision for their business that proves to be a winner -repparttar 103558 revelation naturally produced as a result of their work commitment.

Let's takerepparttar 103559 example of three American legends: Sam Walton, Warren Buffet and Bill Gates. What do they have in common? The winning vision,repparttar 103560 winning strategy.

Sam Walton

Inrepparttar 103561 case of Sam Walton, no new, innovative business models were launched. He followedrepparttar 103562 existing low-price retailing pattern butrepparttar 103563 competitive successful strategic approach was that instead of focusing on large cities he took his business to small towns becomingrepparttar 103564 low-price leader in rural towns.

Warren Buffet

Warren Buffett's success resides in his different approach to value investing. While usually investors look for stocks they believe undervalued byrepparttar 103565 market, Buffett does not take into considerationrepparttar 103566 stock market aspects, such as for instancerepparttar 103567 supply and demand ratio. He analyzesrepparttar 103568 stocks onrepparttar 103569 basis of their potential as companies. He is interested in long-term results, such as ownership in companies with capacity of generating money, namely, companies with a strong name, great historical results, strong management and industry expertise.

Bill Gates

Neither isrepparttar 103570 case of Bill Gates to have made extraordinary innovations. Rather than innovation, he hadrepparttar 103571 ability to put together other people's ideas, thus producing big hits and making a profit. He did that first when adjusting BASIC programming language forrepparttar 103572 Altair 8800 (first PC) - neither of which was his original creation. Then,repparttar 103573 same happened with DOS, which Microsoft bought (the original version was QDOS) and adjusted.

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