The Different Ways YOU Can Make Money Just By Running Your Own Website From Home…Even With CFS/FM!

Written by Claire Williams

Copyright, Claire Williams, 2004. All Rights Reserved.

Before I start, I thought this might interest you:

"The average home based business household earns $50,250 a year. This is almost doublerepparttar $26,000 annual salary ofrepparttar 116551 average U.S. employee. About 20 percent of all home business households earn in excess of $75,000 a year."

-- fromrepparttar 116552 ‘Entrepreneur Magazine’--

I’ll bet that caught your attention didn’t it?

For those of you who have given up, thinking that your Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia has prevented you from ever having great financial success, think again.

Okay, so you can’t hold down a job. That’s fine! Because what you CAN do... work from home!

Inrepparttar 116553 past issues, I’ve talked about how you can work from home by running your own money-making website. It’s a great way to earn money. But how exactly DO you make money from running your own website???

Lots of ways!


Some ways are more energy-demanding than others! So here are some ofrepparttar 116554 most ‘convenient’ ways to make a long-term income when you have CFS/FM:

1) Have advertisers (such as Google’s ‘Adsense’ program) pay YOU to put adverts on your website.

This is by farrepparttar 116555 best AND easiest way to earn money from home.

This is because all YOU have to do is write aboutrepparttar 116556 topic of your choice throughout your website, to attract enough visitors to your website! Unlike other monetization options, you don’t even have to do any ‘selling’!


Well, in basic terms, Google gives you a code, which automatically generates small adverts on your website.

If a visitor just CLICKS on an advert, YOU GET SOME MONEY!


So think how much you could make if you plaster that Google Adsense code on each web page you have in your website?

Thousands of webmasters are using Google Adsense on their websites and earning a very good living from it!

Definitely worth checking out! Especially because it’s free to join!

So what arerepparttar 116557 other ways that can make you money if you had your own website?...

A Few Very Simple Keys To Success

Written by Dawn Roberts

When working from home, as there is in life, there are a few simple keys that will help assure your success.
  1. Know why you are doing what you're doing. This may sound quite simple at first. In actual fact, it can be as simple or complex as you like. Why is a very powerful enforcer. Why is never as simple as "because it was there" or "to get torepparttar other side". You must drill down torepparttar 116550 core of your Why. Ask yourself, "Why do I want to work from home?". If your answer is; to make money, to be happy, because I don't like working at ABC Co., you need to ask yourself Why again. Keep drilling down until you get torepparttar 116551 very basis of your reasoning. Don't accept generalized answers. Doing so will only ensure generalized success. To help get you started, I'll tell you a little about my Why. I want a riverside, rustic log cabin inrepparttar 116552 mountains with a front porch where I can sit and watch my family playing inrepparttar 116553 water. Now that is onlyrepparttar 116554 beginning of my reasons. If I were to list them all inrepparttar 116555 detail that I have pictured and written down, this entry would go on forever. I hope you're gettingrepparttar 116556 idea though. Be very detailed and specific. Picture it in your head. Imagine how it will make you feel. Now, you must write it out in detail, find pictures in magazines if possible and post it where you work. It will serve as a daily reminder and motivator on those not so great days that we all encounter.
  2. Have one major goal (the finish line), with lesser, more easily achievable goals (mile markers) alongrepparttar 116557 way. Again, write out your goals! Goals are different than your Why. A goal isrepparttar 116558 the finish line, while your Why isrepparttar 116559 reason you startrepparttar 116560 race. Goals must have specified time periods attached to them. They must be realistic and achievable, yet they mustn't be too easy. You must get a sense of satisfaction from achieving your goals and they must lead you to your next goal.
  3. Make a plan for your success. I know, I know - you hate making plans. Sorry, but in reality you make plans every day without ever realizing it. Is your success worthrepparttar 116561 time it will take you to write out a specific plan? Schedule time to draw up your plan. It's really that important! Not having a plan in place isrepparttar 116562 single largest reason why people fail at a home business. And this is one time where you really must start atrepparttar 116563 end result and work backwards to figure out your plan for achieving your goals. If your goal is to get 8 new customers within 4 weeks, break that down into weeks. Now, you're looking at 2 customers per week. Let's say that averages have proven that it requires you showing your product or service to 5 people in order to get 1 new customer, that's 10 people per week you must show your product or service to. Let's go back even further. Let's also assume thatrepparttar 116564 averages have proven that halfrepparttar 116565 people you speak to will not even allow you to get past "Hello, my name is ..." before they say No. That means you must really speak to 20 people each week to get 2 new customers. That's 4 people a day you must speak to. That's how you make a plan. It's not difficult but it is a little time consuming. In my humble opinion, it's well worth spendingrepparttar 116566 time to plan ahead rather than spending that same amount of time frustrated and confused about why your business isn't going as well as you thought it would be.

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