One of
most frequent questions I get asked is in
choice of keywords for a new site, specifically secondary keywords.. These are
words or phrases that you use when writing your content to help theme
page so that
search engines know what your page is about. These secondary keywords also help to bring in more traffic, because they add more depth to your page, meaning that your page is found for a lot more phrases than just
primary phrase you page is built around. Let's look at an example.
Suppose you were building a niche site on hemorrhoids.
One of your main pages is likely to be about treating hemorrhoids. Let's use "hemorrhoid treatment" as our primary keyword phrase for this page (it has high searches, but also high competition, so secondaries are going to be working hard to get this page ranking high for related phrases).
So how do you find secondary keywords for use on this page? Surely there cant be many possible secondaries?
Well, you have a few options for finding secondaries. There is a paid service called Thememaster which a lot of marketers use for this purpose (search Google for this one if you are interested - I have not used it, so cannot recommend it). However, my own favourite method is using Keyword Results Analyzer. If you own it, you have all you need to find those secondaries.
I carried out research at Wordtracker for this niche, and imported them into KRA. One of
strengths of KRA is
filtering and reporting features. To find secondary keywords, I simply filter
phrases that contain
word "treat". This will pull out all phrases containing treat, treatment etc. Since all phrases in my database are related to hemorrhoids, all phrases returned will be related to treating this condition.
KRA gives me 61 phrases that are searched for at
search engines related to hemorrhoid treatment. Now
difficulty is not how to find secondaries, it is how to choose from 61 related phrases (which is obviously too many for a single page).
Here are
61 phrases:
Alternative Treatments Hemorrhoids Best Hemorrhoid Treatment Chiropractic Hemorrhoid Treatment Cure Hemorrhoid Treatment Hemmoroids External Hemorrhoid Treatment Haemmaroid Treatment Haemorrhoids Treatment Haemorroid Treatment Hemarroid Treatment Hemorhoid Home Treatment Hemorrhoid Cures And Treatments Hemorrhoid Home Treatment Hemorrhoid Home Treatments Hemorrhoid Internal Treatment Hemorrhoid Treat Holistic Herbal Hemorrhoid Treatment Hemorrhoid Treatment By Infrared Coagulation Hemorrhoid Treatment By Micro Current Hemorrhoid Treatment Cure Hemorrhoid Treatment Drugs Hemorrhoid Treatment Hemoids Hemorrhoid Treatment Hemorrhoids Hemorrhoid Treatment Hemorrhoids Common Cure For Piles Hemorrhoid Treatment In Pregnancy Hemorrhoid Treatment Phoenix Az Hemorrhoid Treatments Hemorrhoid Treatments Hemorroids Hemorrhoidal Polyps Treatment Hemorrhoidal Treatments Hemorrhoidectomy Treatment Hemorrhoids Banding Surgical Treatment Hemorrhoids External Treatment Hemorrhoids Symptoms Causes And Treatments Hemorrhoids Treatment Hemorrhoids Treatment Care Hemorrhoids Treatment Cure Hemorr Hemorrhoids Treatment Of Hemorrhoids Treatment Review Hemorrihoid Treatment Home Hemorrhoidal Treatments How To Treat Hemorrhoids Internal Bleeding Hemorrhoids Hemorrhoid Treatment Internal Hemorrhoid Herbs Treatment Internal Hemorrhoid Treatment Irc Hemorrhoid Treatment Kansas City Hemorrhoid Treatment Laser Treatment For Hemorrhoids Med Treatment Hemorrhoid Natural Hemorrhoid Treatment Natural Treatment Hemorrhoids Natural Treatment Of Hemorrhoids Natural Treatment Of Hemorrhoids During Preganancy Pph Hemorrhoid Treatment Treat Hemorrhoids What To Eat Treating Haemmeroids Treating Hemorrhoids Treatment For Hemorrhoids Treatment Hemorrhoids Treatment Of Hemorrhoids Treatment Of Hemorrhoids During Preganancy Type Of Doctor To Treat Hemorrhoids