The Declaration of RE-IndependenceWritten by James Sorrell
The Declaration of RE-Independence [Prospectus: The Individual vs. The Corporate Conscience] While term "individual", as regards each of us, has "gone to seed" in human race, ethics of corporate has gone to hell. We humans have lost sight of our own horizon. While a nation of participants ("We People" turned into a loose collection of spectators, business of America morphed into a monster of business. Instead of "In God We Trust", on our money, money is now god we trust [the love of $money$ having replaced real love]. While stock market crash of 1929 was catalyzed by over-extended margins, morality crash of our recent business climate is result of under-extended ethics. It is now left to us citizens, "We The People", to prevent our Titanic ending and reverse this trend, where Fates have become Furies, Muses became Harpies, and Sages have become fools! .....Let us change our form of government overnight to better, to something that works, as outlined in our primary legal document, The Declaration of Independence**; and except for vital and emergency services, put current forms of government "on hold" until our ship of state is repaired and functioning for everyone's best interest, with equal opportunity for ALL, in most powerful yet anemic country on earth; no longer FantasyLandUSA, but land of brave and free again! [The mechanism by which we change our form of government is about only unused portion of our original, founding documents, and it's time to see it put to good use] .....We will go back to future we were detoured from years ago when people sought after $money$ instead of love, and business/sports/entertainment instead of family. We must not again mistake our tools and their methods for life in our lives! "Without a sign his sword brave man draws, And asks no omen but his country's cause". Homer [Homer could have been just as easily speaking of someone like Cincinnatus, a 5th Century B.C. Roman {the Ohio city, Cincinnati, was named for him} who George Washington was likened to. ---> even our own founding fathers would be in open revolt and rebellion against our current national government !!] **[[Dec. of Indep., 2nd paragraph: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness.---That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from consent of governed. --->>> That whenever ANY Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is Right of People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."]]
| | Goethe ConfessesWritten by Robert Bruce Baird
Goethe and Carlyle are Illuminized:Carlyle was actually an activist for good government on issues like education and library system which he started, as well as Corn Law legislation. I agree with Carlyle about a Hero being a better form of government to cronyism we have and yet I know Council of Six approach (with no authority or pay - reporting to voters, and helping develop model programs through panels and advisors) would work much better. THOMAS CARLYLE: - A most secretive yet very public intellectual who authored much about history yet begrudged having to do this. His biographers have yet to figure out what secret he kept from them was; even though some of them were close friends. I think secret has to do with likes of Goethe, they developed a great sense of admiration for each other. But it might be that Goethe of Illuminati, actually was less connected to true ruling body of our culture than Carlyle. His Swiftean influences seen in his book Sartor Restartus as well as fact that his father was trained by a Mason, and they lived not far from Templar involved Rosslyn Castle of St. Clair or Sinclair family led me to believe he was a Hibernian like Nostradamus. Swift, Rabelais and others like Nostradamus would use Green Languages as part of layered meaning or codes in their work. He married above his head when he became betrothed to a descendant of John Knox who founded Presbyterian Churches which might well have more than a Calvinist element of controlling people or managing society. He was a good person and did great work to educate masses with his support of creating a Public Library. Those who suggest he was a forerunner of Nazism because of his desire to see a strong leader are missing boat as I see it. There is nothing wrong with his concept of a beneficent leader who has near-to-total dictatorial power when it is compared with lobbying cronyism of our so-called democratic systems. But he never saw a man who could be as good a leader (Peel for a while) as he would want to see in this role. I believe he genuinely wished for improvement and compassion between all life on earth. I do not accept theory that he beat his wife as what he said was a secret which would render all biographies about him rather useless.