It is been over four years that General Musharaf is been in power. Three years with a naked military regime and
last one year with a so-called democratic government and he as a president. General Musharaf is a lucky military dictator who realised
changed world situation after 11th September 2001 so he changed his policies overnight to become a partner of American imperialism in
"fight against terrorism". He, at least in words, changed his life time support to religious fundamentalist and to some extent abandoned them without any shame or apology.World imperialism in return awarded him by accepting his dictatorial rule without a question or doubt. Imperialist forces rewarded him by rescheduling his loans and granting him some new loans as well. He became darling of
western rulers and a family friend of President Bush. He became
award-winning president of Pakistan who was invited by President Bush in June 2003 at Camp David, as was boasted by
Pakistani government control media.
General Musharaf wins this position by his hard work to please
international imperialist institutions like IMF,World Bank and WTO. He acted blindly on
precious advises of these institutions to implement
restructuring plan of public sector, privatization, lowering of
trade tariffs and deregulation’s. "This is
painful recipe that we must adopt if to overcome
economic recession and to start
recovery of
sick economy" he boasted as he took power in October 1999 in a bloodless coup. He had overthrown an unpopular rich Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. Nawaz Sharif was not able to complete his full five-year term although he had a two third majority in
parliament elected in
year 1997. Nawaz Sharfi tried his best to implement
policies IMF, World Bank and WTO. But was unable due to massive resistance by
workers and small traders. General Musharaf took power precisely to implement
unfinished agenda of Nawaz Sharif.
The result of
implementation of
imperialist guided polices is a disaster for
working class of Pakistan. The recent Sate Bank Pakistan report indicate an increase of at least 15% more poverty within
last three years despite all
media hype of a great recovery of
Pakistan economy under Musharaf. The government claim that there are record 11 billion US Dollars foreign reserves due to
polices of
Political Front
The masses have lost all confidence on
main capitalist political parties. You can not find any difference of policies among
two main stream parties, Pakistan Peoples Party of Benazir Bhotto and Pakistan Muslim League of ex Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. The two were at one time representing quite different policies; PPP was a populist radical party, which at one time was able to attract many working classes to its fold.But Under Benazir Bhotto,
PPP has become a right wing conservative party closely linked at different times with
army generals and
American imperialism. Benazir Bhotto were elected twice as Prime Minister (1988 and 1994) but was unable to deliver any reform agenda. She is at present in exile and since 1998, living in Dubai and running its party via emails. A court in Pakistan on corruption charges sentenced her. Her husband is in a Pakistani jail for
last seven years for allegedly corruption, nepotism, murder and attempt of murder charges. The PPP emerged
largest parliamentary party during
October 2002 general elections begging around 22 percent of
votes. The PPP is at present part of an alliance called Alliance for Restoration of Democracy (ARD) along with some other main bourgeoisie parties. The ARD has been unable to launch any mass agitation against
present regime despite all its claims of launching one.
Religious Fundamentalism
The distrust of
masses on
main political parties has led many to take political refuge under
religious parties. The religious parties have formed a united alliance called Mutihida Majlis Ammal (United organization for Action). The MMA have won over 15 percent of
votes during
October general elections. They have formed a provincial government in NorthWest Frontier Province, and part of
provincial government at Baluchistan. NWFP province is next to Afghanistan. The formation of
government by
religious fundamentalists in this province has given a major boast to
Talban Mujahidin in Afghanistan. It is here where Americans want Musharaf to go for a crack down on
provincial government. The central government have led many raids on
so called Alqaida hideouts in this province to please
American imperialism that
Musharaf regime is serious to have a go on religious fanatics.
The ongoing growth of religious fundamentalism in Pakistan is a serious threat to
progressive forces of Pakistan. The religious fundamentalists have several trends within its ranks. But overall they are all united in their extreme right wing, semi fascist approaches in politics. They promote conservative’s family values that mean women as half of men. Their anti imperialist sloganeering does not deserve them to earn as a real anti imperialist force. It is semi fascist forces against
imperialists at this juncture of history. Religious fundamentalism has grown tremendously particularly after
collapse of Stalinism. It has provided to some extent a feeling of security for many ordinary Muslims. Some of
religious parties have build their infrastructures on a mass basis in
shape of religious educational institutions, Mosques and charity organizations with
assistance of
American imperialism during
eighties. They also had tremendous help from
reactionary rulers of Saudi Arabia. They were waiting for their turn to become mass base. That turn has come and they enjoy massive support among
masses more than what they had got
votes in
general elections of October 2002.
The religious parties grew with
help of
army and
state. You can say that religious fundamentalist forces in Pakistan are mainly due to
heavy economic and social help by different groups within
state. But that is only a part of
whole story. They have also grown because of
tremendous disappointments by
main political parties to offer any social help to
masses during their power periods from 1988 to 1999. The religious parties have now offered an alternative to these capitalist feudal political parties.