The Core: Unleash Your Inner Caveman

Written by Aaron Potts

An alternative name for this article could have been, 'How to undo Generations worth of Damage Caused by sitting on our Backsides and Letting Machines Teach us Not to Stand up Straight'.

That doesn't exactly roll offrepparttar tongue though, does it?

The point isrepparttar 112844 same, however. Before we were even able to stand fully erect we could literally fight for our right to live on a daily basis. Now, we are again barely standing up straight due to bad posture and bad habits, but we can hardly walk across town without pulling a muscle or throwing our back out!

Why? We are weak - fromrepparttar 112845 inside out! In today's image conscious society, we are so concerned withrepparttar 112846 way we look that we ignorerepparttar 112847 fact that we are falling apart fromrepparttar 112848 inside. For lack of a better term, we are "rotten torepparttar 112849 core"!

What IS "the core"? Why does everyone keep talking about training 'the core"? What does any of this have to do with cavemen?

Basically,repparttar 112850 idea here is that there was a time in human evolution when we literally had to fight to survive. Although actual battle was certainly part of life back inrepparttar 112851 Stone Age, we are also talking aboutrepparttar 112852 day to day struggle that was involved in just making it to see another sunset!

Walking, running, climbing, throwing, pushing, pulling, balancing, lifting, pressing -repparttar 112853 list goes on and on. These activities were all a daily part of life way back whenrepparttar 112854 human body was being "programmed".

Compare that torepparttar 112855 present day activity level of an average person in a civilized culture, and what do you get? A MAJOR difference betweenrepparttar 112856 way we were built andrepparttar 112857 way we are actually called upon to perform! If you took your average office worker in 2005 and threw them back in time to a point when fur was "in", they probably wouldn't last for very long.

Is it wrong that modern technology has made our lives so easy? Probably not - depending on who you ask. However, is it wrong that we don't keep our bodies as strong and vital as we used to HAVE to keep them? YES!

Just because you CAN sit down all day, and just because you CAN eat 1,000 calories in less than 20 minutes, and just because you CAN pay someone else to mow your lawn doesn't mean that you SHOULD do those things.

Allowing our easy lives to make us weak is OUR fault. It's not your boss at work who tells you that you can't exercise when you aren't pulling desk time. It's not your mother or father who is making you eat at fast food restaurants every day. It's not your car that is making you drive it ¼ mile torepparttar 112858 store instead of just walking.

It's YOUR fault. It's all YOUR fault. Does that sound harsh? That's too bad, because it'srepparttar 112859 truth and you know it. Even people who are paralyzed fromrepparttar 112860 waist down can get plenty of exercise if they train hard enough. Even people who don't know a barbell squat from a bench press can learn if they really try to. Even "corporate Americans" who work 12-hour days can get some exercise and eat right if they truly make an effort.

Personal Training: 5 Easy Steps to Sanity on the Road

Written by Aaron M. Potts, ISSA CFT

If you have been a personal trainer for any length of time - or any fitness professional, for that matter - then you know what it's like to spend a lot of time onrepparttar road. For trainers who work with their clients in homes or a geographic mix of local fitness facilities, you especially have some serious time behindrepparttar 112843 wheel on a regular basis.

Regardless of where you train your clients, most trainers spend a good deal of time driving to and from training sessions, seminars, and other work-related activities. For most people, that time ends up being "dead time", during which you really can't be very productive. Listed below are some great ideas for makingrepparttar 112844 most of that time, and making it time that you even look forward to!

Audio Learning

Audio learning is listed first in our list of great ideas because it is VERY powerful on many levels, and there are numerous resources available for this productive practice. The basic idea here is that you listen to any number of audio learning resources while you are driving. You don't have anything else to do, and you can't effectively or safely do anything with your hands, but your EARS are just fine, so put them to work!

Here are some ofrepparttar 112845 educational and motivational items that you might consider listening to, and many of them have resources geared specifically for fitness professionals: Self-help programs, Audio interviews, Recorded conference calls, Recorded radio programs, Career enhancement tools, and Motivational recordings.

As you can see, there are enough ideas for things to listen to while driving to fill up endless hours of time, and if you know where to look, there are literally more things to listen to than you will even have time for. We won't get into too many details, since it would take a large amount of text, but here are some great resources to get you started. Self-help, motivational audio, and recorded conference calls are items very specific to your individual tastes and situation. As forrepparttar 112846 rest, here are some fitness industry specific resources:

Audio Interviews:

Recorded Radio Programs:

Career Enhancement Tools:

Planning Workouts

Driving time is a perfect time to work onrepparttar 112847 training protocols for your clients. If you are doingrepparttar 112848 same workouts week after week and month after month, both you and your clients are going to get bored doingrepparttar 112849 same thing allrepparttar 112850 time. A great way to keep your own motivation up while also keeping your clients from hitting plateaus in their training programs is to change uprepparttar 112851 training routines on a regular basis. Think about all ofrepparttar 112852 muscular and cardiovascular training principles that you are familiar with, and come up with new and inventive ways to put those resources together in effective training routines. Also, for specific clients, you can spend that driving time thinking about their individual workouts, and ways that you can make them more intense, or fill them with more variety. This is a valuable practice, especially if you have long-term clients who need things to be changed up on a regular basis.

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