The Climbs In Our Lives

Written by Cheryl Perlitz

I grew up climbing mountains. Mountains are beautiful and challenging, majestic and all powerful. They also have lessons to teach us: lessons about life and how to live it.

Every mountain has a surprise aroundrepparttar corner, an obstacle inrepparttar 122950 path, or a storm brewing minutes away. During every climb you’ll find yourself teetering on a ledge, knowing you could fall, and then roundingrepparttar 122951 bend and seeing a pristine light blue mountain lake nestled inrepparttar 122952 cradling arms of a snow capped peak. You may struggle to take one step at a time, and then be inspired by a mountain goat teetering onrepparttar 122953 ledge above you. Mountain climbing taught me how to deal withrepparttar 122954 unexpected.

But, LIFE taught me this:repparttar 122955 hardest mountains we climb arerepparttar 122956 ones we can’t see. Just when we think we have life figured out and we know where we are going, and how to get there…. something changes: we lose a job, a loved one, our health, a dream, a goal. There is a mountain in our way.

“Life is full of mountains to climb. The climbs are challenging and often painful. If we chose to climb, and follow our route with purpose, preparation, persistence, patience and in partnership, those mountains can become vehicles for wonderful new beginnings.”

SURVIVING At first we must try to survive … only to survive.

Initially change is shocking. Sometimes we react with anger and sometimes denial. We feel sad, terrified, overwhelmed and out of control. We are lost inrepparttar 122957 foothills, and until we are able to become emotionally stable, this is where we need to stay as we attempt to find ourselves again. We must first find our footing so that we can move on and prepare to climbrepparttar 122958 mountain of transition.

Take Action and Make a Better World

Written by Nisandeh Neta

Albert Einstein is quoted as having said, "the world is a dangerous place to live, not because ofrepparttar people who are evil, but because ofrepparttar 122949 people who don't do anything about it".

These days, everybody is aware ofrepparttar 122950 social, environmental, emotional and spiritual destruction that penetrates every aspect of our life.

Although we all 'know' this reality, we have funny ways of dealing with this knowledge.

Some lookrepparttar 122951 other direction, "If I don't see this homeless person laying inrepparttar 122952 gutter, then he isn't really there."

Some pretend it doesn't exist, "It's not possible that they kill women and children, so it cannot be so."

Others convince themselves it's not really their problem, "Letrepparttar 122953 people inrepparttar 122954 Middle-East kill each other, it doesn't affect me."

Some say, it's not their responsibility; "I pay my taxes, sorepparttar 122955 government should take care of that."

Still others like to complain aboutrepparttar 122956 situation, "Inrepparttar 122957 old days it was better, today everyone is corrupted, they should have..."

The common thread in all these reactions is - inactivity.

The result is a terminal disease called apathy.

The only cure is taking action.

Someone has to start and leadrepparttar 122958 way, creating a better world. What about you?


You know what is wrong. Take a moment and make a list of allrepparttar 122959 things that are presently wrong inrepparttar 122960 world. From extinction of rainforests, warfare, poverty, violence in schools to favoring your work over your family. Make this list as complete as possible. Then take a look at it and get horrified for a moment. OK, STOP!

You know what can be done differently. Take another moment and change your energy. Think of allrepparttar 122961 possible solutions to any ofrepparttar 122962 problems you have just raised. Don't censor yourself. Just write down anything that comes to mind. Immediately your energy increases once more. OK, STOP!

Now askrepparttar 122963 vital question, "What is it that I can do?" What can be your first step? Any action will do. Write it down. Commit yourself to do it. Starting now. How does it feel inside? If it looks like fear, name it excitement. How does it feel now?

OK, stop analyzing, brainstorming, planning. Go out there and do it! NOW!

I can hear you think, "I can't change this world alone?" Do you really believe it?

Take action and people will follow. Most people are afraid to take initiative. Even when they realize that there is a problem, and even when they have a possible solution.

People are afraid to takerepparttar 122964 risk and be visible. People are afraid to make a mistake or look foolish. Most people prefer to sit inrepparttar 122965 familiar shit, than to riskrepparttar 122966 unknown...

But something different is happening as soon as you are willing to become visible. Suggest a possible course of action, and start doing it. Immediatelyrepparttar 122967 people around you will become confronted with their indifference. Some will support you, some will object. Butrepparttar 122968 apathy dissipates.

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