The Chinese Year of the Pig

Written by Tony Luck

The Chinese Year Of The Pig..

If you were born duringrepparttar Chinese sign ofrepparttar 110429 Pig, you will make a great pal. Pigs are everything you would want in a friend: kind hearted and easy going, they forgive easily and don't bear grudges. They prefer to be generous and have sunny natures, preferring to be calm and cheerful. People born under this sign work hard to secure their own comfort. Although not very ambitious, they can be successful because they prefer to do a job well. They accept advice so tasks are usually accomplished without difficulty.

Pigs enjoy their food and have healthy appetites. This is a lucky sign and good things often happen torepparttar 110430 happy pig.

There are twelve Chinese year signs inrepparttar 110431 Chinese Zodiac. Unlike in our western astrology, in Chinese astrology each sign lasts for a year. Legend has it that as Buddha was about to departrepparttar 110432 earth he summoned allrepparttar 110433 animals to say goodbye. Only twelve turned up so, to show his appreciation of their loyalty, he vowed that from then on each year would bearrepparttar 110434 name of one ofrepparttar 110435 animals. Chinese astrology is based onrepparttar 110436 Lunar Calendar. This meansrepparttar 110437 Chinese New Year does not fall onrepparttar 110438 same day each year and can vary by as much as 3 weeks. So for babies born in late January/early February it is necessary to consultrepparttar 110439 charts to determinerepparttar 110440 correct sign.

Chinese Years: February 9, 2005 - January 28, 2006: Rooster

January 22, 2004 - February 8, 2005: Monkey

February 1, 2003 - January 21, 2004: Goat

February 12, 2002 - January 31, 2003: Horse

January 24, 2001 - February 11, 2002: Snake

February 5, 2000 - January 23, 2001: Dragon

February 6, 1999 - February 4, 2000: Rabbit

Choosing the perfect area rug for your child’s playroom

Written by Mark Lambie

Are you thinking about putting an area rug in your children’s play area? These rugs can be great fun for kids. Many have fantastic colors and designs on them. Some have games or puzzles thatrepparttar kids can play. Our favorite are area rugs arerepparttar 110428 ones with race tracks on them,repparttar 110429 kids can race their play cars aroundrepparttar 110430 city. When choosingrepparttar 110431 perfect area rugs for your kids play area keeprepparttar 110432 following tips in mind.

Kids are more prone to gettingrepparttar 110433 carpet dirty. Of course you already know that! The best way to combat this is to select a carpet with a lower pile. This will help makerepparttar 110434 carpet easier to clean should it get dirty becauserepparttar 110435 vacuum can get right down there a get allrepparttar 110436 dirt out. As a general guideline aim for a pile to longer than 1/3 of an inch. An added bonus if a low pile isrepparttar 110437 increased durability it brings.

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