The Chinese Year of the Dog

Written by Tony Luck

Chinese Year Of The Dog..

If you or your child was born underrepparttar Chinese year sign forrepparttar 110423 Dog your friends will be glad you were! Meeting people forrepparttar 110424 first time can be difficult for Dogs who tend to be cautious about trusting people. They take care to sum up other people but their instincts are usually correct. Once a Dog has befriended you he will be a friend for ever. Dogs do not expect others to be perfect and will forgive a great deal rather than break a friendship.

Honest, sincere and loyal, Dogs have a tendency to underestimate themselves and are notorious worriers. People born under this sign have strong humanitarian instincts and will work tirelessly to champion a cause they believe in. They have a strong instinct to help others and will rush to help any victim.

There are twelve Chinese year signs inrepparttar 110425 Chinese Zodiac. Unlike in our western astrology, in Chinese astrology each sign lasts for a year. Legend has it that as Buddha was about to departrepparttar 110426 earth he summoned allrepparttar 110427 animals to say goodbye. Only twelve turned up so, to show his appreciation of their loyalty, he vowed that from then on each year would bearrepparttar 110428 name of one ofrepparttar 110429 animals. Chinese astrology is based onrepparttar 110430 Lunar Calendar. This meansrepparttar 110431 Chinese New Year does not fall onrepparttar 110432 same day each year and can vary by as much as 3 weeks. So for babies born in late January/early February it is necessary to consultrepparttar 110433 charts to determinerepparttar 110434 correct sign.

Chinese Years: February 9, 2005 - January 28, 2006: Rooster

January 22, 2004 - February 8, 2005: Monkey

February 1, 2003 - January 21, 2004: Goat

February 12, 2002 - January 31, 2003: Horse

January 24, 2001 - February 11, 2002: Snake

February 5, 2000 - January 23, 2001: Dragon

The Origins of Mother's Day

Written by Tony Luck

The Origins Of Mother's Day.. Today Mother’s Day or Mothering Sunday is celebrated all overrepparttar world. For florists and card shopsrepparttar 110422 event is one ofrepparttar 110423 highlights ofrepparttar 110424 year, butrepparttar 110425 roots of Mother’s Day are not commercial. Motherhood has been celebrated since ancient times. The ancient Greeks paid homage to Rhea,repparttar 110426 Mother of Gods; and there are records ofrepparttar 110427 ancient Romans worshiping a mother Goddess known as Cybele as early as 260 BC. Festivals took place inrepparttar 110428 spring which wasrepparttar 110429 most fertile time ofrepparttar 110430 year. The more modern way of honouring mothers began in England inrepparttar 110431 1600s where Mothering Sunday was observed onrepparttar 110432 fourth Sunday of Lent. This day is also known as ‘Refreshment Sunday’,repparttar 110433 only day when you are allowed to eat or do whatever you have given up for Lent. Not surprisingly, families came together and tookrepparttar 110434 opportunity to party with a big meal at which mother was treated asrepparttar 110435 guest of honour. Traditionally, mothers were given posies of flowers and a cake. The term ‘Mothering Sunday’ is now falling into disuse and has mostly been replaced by ‘Mother’s Day’, which is usedrepparttar 110436 world over. Inrepparttar 110437 USA there were several attempts to introduce a Mother’s Day as a way to celebrate peace and healrepparttar 110438 scars of war. Julia Ward, who wroterepparttar 110439 words torepparttar 110440 Battle Hymn ofrepparttar 110441 Republic, suggestedrepparttar 110442 idea in 1872. Butrepparttar 110443 idea didn’t really take off until Anna Jarvis campaigned forrepparttar 110444 establishment of a Mother’s Day to commemorate her own mother who died in 1905. Ward’s mother herself had tried to establish a similar holiday, Mother’s Friendship Day, to healrepparttar 110445 pain ofrepparttar 110446 Civil War.

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