The Carver--A Life Lesson Story

Written by Alice Steinbart

In a provincial city, there lived a woman who carved small wooden statues for a living. Her carvings were from softwood, because it was easy to work with. Most ofrepparttar other carvers also worked in softwood. A few worked in stone, making large magnificent monuments, butrepparttar 123773 woman could never do that. Stone was expensive and if she made a bad blow she would ruinrepparttar 123774 whole statue. She didn’t know how to fix a bad strike like some carvers. No one had ever taught her.

Some of her carvings were appreciated, but other times she got complaints. The wood swelled in damp weather and split in dry. The complaints dampened her enthusiasm for her work and ate away at her self-confidence. She decided she was no good at carving, was never meant to be a carver. She looked around at what she could do and at what she liked.

Weaving. The colours were beautiful. The designs intricate. The fabric appealing. Having little money, she bought cheap thread and set up her stall off on one side ofrepparttar 123775 bazaar. No one came. She knew she was too far fromrepparttar 123776 center and her cloth not attractive enough.

One day as she was walking inrepparttar 123777 woods trying to decide what she should do, she came across some translucent stones lying in a stream bed. Smooth, deep, and beautiful. She gathered up handfuls, filling her pockets.

Returning torepparttar 123778 market, she went right torepparttar 123779 center, and holding two ofrepparttar 123780 stones to catchrepparttar 123781 light, showed them torepparttar 123782 passer-bys. But they pushed past her, paying her no mind. She was bumped into a post, stopping her in bewilderment. “Why can’t they see how beautiful these stones are?” she thought.

She looked acrossrepparttar 123783 way, to Safia’s stall; Safia,repparttar 123784 most successful seller inrepparttar 123785 market. Safia was buying carrots from one ofrepparttar 123786 farmers. Inrepparttar 123787 farmer’s hands they looked ordinary, becauserepparttar 123788 farmer looked ordinary. But Safia displayed them as small, succulent, and rich orange. Safia was full of life, sparkle, and confidence. Buyers felt self-assured, smart, safe buying such good quality foods from her.

How to Create a Good Self Image (Part Two)

Written by Craig Lock

"Life is about finding, then followingrepparttar dream... and one's dream/vision comes to reality through believing in yourself, makingrepparttar 123772 commitment and then creating it."

- Craig Lock

This article follows on from Part One...

Central to genuine success is a positive and realistic self image. However, throughoutrepparttar 123773 course of a given day we are exposed to negative feedback - inrepparttar 123774 form ofrepparttar 123775 media and comments from others. Throughoutrepparttar 123776 course of our lives, we frequently harbour damaged self images - this stops us discovering our full potential. Don't try to imitate others, but see yourself as a unique person, who can make a mark, some difference inrepparttar 123777 world.

Inrepparttar 123778 past many people have not taken seriously what I have been trying to do in my writing. (No, I just think they can't uderstand my "funny occupation"). Or perhaps they are right that I'll never be successful! Cut that negativity out, Craig. You'll do it in time!

* Hindrances to a positive self image:

1. Continual habit of self deprecation*. (example: see last sentence in previous paragraph).

* (What a big word - must try and use it more often to impress you readers!)

I believe many people put themselves down, pointing to their inabilities, inadequacies and weaknesses. People generally underestimate their capabilities and stress weaknesses, rather than their strengths - particularly women and in CV's. I believe this isrepparttar 123779 reason why many people live lives of mediocrity, never becoming what they might have been by realising their full potential.

2. A false sense of security.

Most people plod on in steady secure jobs (which they don't like), rather than stepping out intorepparttar 123780 unknown. Change is not nearly as dangerous as what people think. Says "adventurous he!"

3. Most people remember past failures with guilt, rather than celebrating what they did well. Takerepparttar 123781 credit yourself, no matter how small your achievements.

4. SNIOP = We are all very easily susceptible torepparttar 123782 negative influences of other people . Even "well-meaning" friends. Don't listen, when others say you can't do it. It just makes them feel better in their "mediocre little lives".

5. Dare to be different and to what your heart says. FOLLOW YOUR DREAM... whatever it may be.


How to overcome a poor self- image

"Imagination rulesrepparttar 123783 world." - Napoleon

"Imagination isrepparttar 123784 world." - Einstein

(Repeated by a slightly inebriated friend of mine, standing on a table at a nurses dance "many many moons" ago). Thanks Peter "Allie".

Utiliserepparttar 123785 unlimited Power of your IMAGINATION.

Don't think negatively in terms of failure. Change your attitude by visualising achieving your goals. If you want to change your self image, change your imagination by letting your mind dwell on what you want to be inrepparttar 123786 future. A race-car driver, pilot, professional writer, ballet dancer...or even an accountant!

If you want to change your behaviour,repparttar 123787 quickest and easiest way is to change your own attitude, your mind-set. You don't necessarily need to change jobs or location. That's a big mistake I've made inrepparttar 123788 past! "Bloom where you are planted."

Establish a New Identity. That's why I've done as a writer for repparttar 123789 past "lucky seven" years, as for so many years I was a "straight insurance man, a square peg in a round hole inrepparttar 123790 conservative corporate world"!

Use your mind. If you identify with a low self image, you will continue to view yourself poorly. Free yourself of your bad memories and fears of failure. If you are not happy with yourself, you may need to userepparttar 123791 erase button, and record a new image to play back to yourself... onrepparttar 123792 videotape of your mind, but withoutrepparttar 123793 old negative bits.

Your self image is your most precious asset. Make it a daily task to build it, to nourish it and to feed it.

Be Open to Growth & New Opportunities.

Serendipity (Nice word for a daughter!) - Most of my successes have come purely by chance by being inrepparttar 123794 right place atrepparttar 123795 right time, as well as staying positive even when things look bad. No, not bad, but really perilous sometimes stuck in a big black hole full of that "smelly brown stuff".

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