The Bush "There Or Here" Fallacy and the War in Iraq

Written by Christopher Brown

Today we wish to examine a fallacy, or error in reasoning, which we have found springing up now and again in today's popular discourse aboutrepparttar so-called War On Terror. This one comes straight fromrepparttar 147609 top -- well, notrepparttar 147610 VERY top -- but from Washington D.C. You have heardrepparttar 147611 President say it on national teevee, and so have we: "We either have to fight them [the terrorists] over there [i.e. Iraq], or we have to fight them over here [i.e. insiderepparttar 147612 U.S. border]."

Now we have chosen to examine this particular Bushism because, here, Mr. Bush has offered quiterepparttar 147613 textbook example of what informal logic-addicts call, a "false disjunction," or simplyrepparttar 147614 "either-or" fallacy. To commit this error in reasoning, you only need to oversimplify a range of many options, reducing it to a pretended range that limits them to two logically-possible options only.

For instance, isn't possible that, ifrepparttar 147615 U.S. pulled its troops from Iraq, using many of them to assist with border patrol duties, that we could avoid fighting "them" here by not letting them in, and yet not fight them "there" either? Now, to be sure, many will hasten to point out that they see this as impractical, ill-advised (for whatever reason), etc. My only point remains this:repparttar 147616 option I have mentioned is logically possible. And I could imagine quite a few others.

For instance,repparttar 147617 U.S. could spend a handsome little sum on policing our domestic internal affairs, and arrest all terrorists before they can do any harm. We have already arrested quite a few of them here without any fight whatever. One might argue that bloodless arrests seem much better, not to mention a good deal cheaper, than national invasions whererepparttar 147618 whole countryside gets shot up.

Your Time of Blazing Noon

Written by Joe Vitale


Economic concerns.

Poor business.


It sure looks bad, doesn't it?

But I also want to remind you that we have lived, survived and prospered though far worse times.

For example:

In 1780 George Washington said, "We are without money; and have been so for a great length of time..."

He went on to create an estate worth three-quarters of a million dollars when he died.

In 1840 a traveler wrote, "So great isrepparttar panic, and so dreadfulrepparttar 147295 distress, that there are a great many farms prepared to receive crops, and some of them actually planted, and yet deserted, not a human being to be found upon them."

But we got over that problem, too.

In 1857 an editorial stated, "It is a gloomy moment in history. Not for many years---not inrepparttar 147296 lifetime of most men who read this newspaper---has there been so much grave and deep apprehension."

That passed, as well.

In 1873 this country had a panic that shookrepparttar 147297 nation. A newspaper wrote:

"All overrepparttar 147298 country manufacturers are closing their works and discharging their operatives, simply because they can neither sellrepparttar 147299 goods they make nor borrow money to carry them untilrepparttar 147300 demand for them revives."

Yet we survived that panic, too.

In 1893 one man wrote ofrepparttar 147301 troubling times he saw:

"I have been through allrepparttar 147302 panics ofrepparttar 147303 last thirty years, but I have never seen one in whichrepparttar 147304 distress was so widespread and reached so many people who had previously not been affected as this panic of 1893."

And we got through that one, too.

We also got throughrepparttar 147305 Great Depression of 1929, two World Wars, and evenrepparttar 147306 Y2K panic.

What appears to be gloom and doom is often justrepparttar 147307 focus ofrepparttar 147308 media. Consider what Gandhi once said:

"When I despair, I remember that all through historyrepparttar 147309 ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but inrepparttar 147310 end they always fall. Think of it... always."

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