The Boss

Written by Tim Mack

A very funny journalist that has a blog called Breaksat At Tiffany's, wroterepparttar other day in her famous blog that she was a starving artist living in a closet. Starving I suppose because her very small apartment doesn't even have a stove. But yet her rent is very high. Yet she's happy. Happy, because she's living close torepparttar 109808 Stars that she writes about.

I could relate to her plight. I to once lived in a very high rent neighborhood. After a hitch inrepparttar 109809 Navy, I just couldn't imagine myself living in Brooklyn anymore. It was where I grew up and there will always be a place in my heart for Brooklyn, but I just can't deal with living there any longer.

After spending so many years out onrepparttar 109810 West Coast and learning to speak proper English, it scaredrepparttar 109811 hell out of me to think that I might settle back down in Brooklyn and revert to speaking a Brooklyn dilect again. I had no idea that I was speaking a very foreign language until I left Brooklyn. All I had to say were eitherrepparttar 109812 words coffee or water and everyone realized I was from Brooklyn.

When I first leftrepparttar 109813 Navy I had a golden tan from all those years inrepparttar 109814 Pacific and when I talked to someone that didn't know me, they always asked me where I was from. At first I just thought they wondered why I had such a deep tan inrepparttar 109815 middle ofrepparttar 109816 winter. But, they all said you don't sound Brooklyn. And they were right. I was speaking a foreign language in my native Brooklyn.

So, there was only one thing to do. It was time to move to Manhattan. I found an apartment that I could afford in one ofrepparttar 109817 plushest places in Manhattan. But I had to sacrifice. I could only swingrepparttar 109818 rent for a studio apartment. But my new neighbors weren't likerepparttar 109819 ones I were acustomed to in Brooklyn.

Walter Cronkite lived acrossrepparttar 109820 street from me. Gloria Vanderbilt was aroundrepparttar 109821 corner and Maureen Ohara was downrepparttar 109822 street. Everywhere I went people smiled and called me The Boss. I just thought it was some kind of Manhattan thing or something. But one day when I took a date to a very exclusive place and asked if I could get a table without a reservation, I was told, Yes, we always have a table for The Boss.

Tips On How To Gamble

Written by Tony Karabetsos

How would you like to have your name on a check worth thousands of dollars? Actually, it's not as difficult as you may think. It requires some time and effort on your part; however,repparttar rewards far outweighrepparttar 109807 effort that may you put in.

The first thing you should do is research, in order to answerrepparttar 109808 following questions. Can you make money playing online poker games? Nowadays, it is very common to see online poker games offering interactivity between gamblers such as tournaments. Sorepparttar 109809 answer is yes it is possible to make money.

Can you make a living from online casinos? Yes, you can, but you have to do whatrepparttar 109810 pros do, bet relatively small. Consistency isrepparttar 109811 key andrepparttar 109812 most important thing is self-discipline, to avoid impulse betting.

Making money on casinos is not just based on luck. Therefore, it is wise to find out whatrepparttar 109813 fundamentals are before one starts. You really must know how to playrepparttar 109814 game before you begin.

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